This reached kino levels that shouldnt be possible

this reached kino levels that shouldnt be possible

Attached: 7343737568758.jpg (704x396, 28K)

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cool, man.

Interesting pic. What is that?



Thank you.

>He pushed the steamboat over the mountains! Via the exploitation and labour of native Peruvians! But that's okay BECAUSE HE WAS A GENIUS


thought that was Mark Hamill at first. He could play him.

fuck off

What? No one ever said that Fitzcarraldo is ever a genius. In fact, it's pretty much accepted that he's mad with love for the opera. Take your stupid muh exploitation shit to Twitter/Reddit and stay there.

>having just watched Aguirre, expect a downer ending
>pleasantly surprised
I just wanted Fitz to be happy


You sound like people love you and that you matter a lot to the world.

>You will never have a partner like Molly who's got your back 100%.
>You will never have a bro like Huerequeque
Why even live

It's not even gatekeeping when the movie is this iconic and well known. Also there's nothing wrong with gatekeeping casuals need to get off this board or lurk until their knowledge is up to par.
I ain't even him but
>You used a bad word no one likes you downvote

how about you start watching more movies that aren’t capeshit and star wars then suck my cock. this isn’t an obscure fucking movie. reverse image search so that you don’t embarrass yourselves next time

which e-celeb faggots mentioned this film recently because suddenly i'm seeing it on Yea Forums a lot

>this isn’t an obscure fucking movie
Yes it is, choadmode.

>muh noble savages

It's not like they were going to do anything useful with their lives anyway you soft faggot

>nearly 30k ratings on imdb
every movie that isn’t a hollywood superproduction from the last 30 years is obscure to you, fucking normalfag. stop trying to cope.

He's talking about the director, people died in real life while making that film

You don't know what I've seen or not seen. The last movie I watched was...from 1971 so that's 48 years ago. Now what, totally happenin' dude?

why didnt he just swim his boat down teh river, and back up the other river?

He didn't do that because the other river wasn't calm and smooth. It also had some vertical heights and rocks that the boat won't be able to get over.

What movie?
There's multiple songs about this movie

You sound like an insufferable faggot redditor

Why did they not just build a man-bridge over the other river and get the rubber?

The Omega Man

Fitzcarraldo is not obscure in the slightest and has been showered with praise since it was released and anyone in this thread who thinks it is obscure is retarded