Name a hack with less talent

Name a hack with less talent

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Rian Johnson

george lucas

James Franco

mel gibson

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A-HUH-HUH-HUH-HUH-HUHHH *cough cough*

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Lucas does have talent though.
As proof of what soul-less talent-less shite REALLY looks like, watch Disney NuWars.

lmao, imagine being this stupid


>imagine thinking speilberg isnt over rated.
Even his "good" movies are just ok. And shit like war of the worlds with shit cinematography/script/acting just proves he is a hack. Lets not forget about crystal skull


Spielberg made a few kinos, like ET and Jews

I can’t. It’s impossible

jonah hill

Her or Kit

He seems like a perfectly decent bloke.

Same person, right?


Close, but more likely this guy

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He had potential

Hey he was in Superbad, give him a break.

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Wonder if him writing it had anything to do with this appearance?

literally any other jew in Hollywood

If Seth Rogan's face was a band it would be the bare naked ladies. So punchable.