What does BB stand for?

what does BB stand for?
Bo Burnham? Bill Burr?

Attached: brightburn-drawings.jpg (1334x554, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Big boss
It's the mgs universe

Big booty

bugs bunny

Balter Bhite?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1128x640, 42K)

big boobs

walt whitman

he just forgot the 8

Base on balls

Big Benis :D:D:D


bloodborne which this is clearly ripping off

gee I dunno

Attached: BzQGX6v[1].png (726x71, 34K)

Bloodborne got that symbol from Berserk you fucking plebian. Its the brand of sacrifice

Bguts Berzerk

>can't even spell plebeian

Bneed's Beed and Beed

i know, i just couldn't think of a way to make bb stand for berserk

black baby

Billy Butcher

Attached: 1566671959857.jpg (1200x800, 79K)

Brandon Breck

Bigguy Bane

Who the fuck cares

what did they mean by this?

Attached: 44c45b9403c6e5ba1abdfcc0c241923d.jpg (660x660, 40K)

baby bumping

Attached: Woody_Allen_Cannes_2016.jpg (565x800, 54K)

>is wrong
>wiles out and gets mad
do you have a vagina

I guess that user does

Big Black, obviously


English speakers

Don't you see those wickedly nihilistic Berserk doodles? The BB stands for JOKAH BB

>gets mad
Nice assumption nerd

He has a stutter.