Does anyone else hate how Tarantino unintentionally reverted YEARS of progress toward the notion of Asian masculinity...

Does anyone else hate how Tarantino unintentionally reverted YEARS of progress toward the notion of Asian masculinity? What was the point of this whole scene in the first place?

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pick one and only one

It's a thing, do you even know who Bruce Lee was?

what is this Bruce Lee shit? did none of you faggots watch Bloodsport??
the bad guy in that movie is literally twice the man Bruce was

Shut the fuck up

Asian """"""men""""""

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>What was the point of this whole scene in the first place?
To elevate Cliff Booth to a status greater than or equal to Lee's. To make his actions in the ending semi believable.

I'll never forget the way this Korean girl I dated reacted when I asked her if she ever dated an asian guy. It wasnt aggressive, she didnt laugh, she didn't scoff, she just goes "oh, noooo" in the most dismissive, not even remotely on the table way possible.
And the first thing her mom asked her when we first started dating was if I was white.

Not even shitting on asian guys, I dont give a fuck, but being them most be suffering.

That's a normal size cock when you're not hard

That’s gay

Do you think it's masculine to be upset about a fictional film shitting on a guy who's been dead for almost 50 years?

Hes commenting on their feminine physique

why do you have that photo?

At least give it a couple good pulls downwards to relax and lenghten it a bit before taking a picture sheez

shitty larp. Just stick to BRADDO PITTO

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yup i brought up some /r/asianmasculinity talking points with one (as a white guy) and she acted totally stupefied by them, as in she seemingly couldn't register that i had even said them. it was really weird like some kind of subconscious repression

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Can you explain this a little more? Im curious but i have no idea what those talking points would be

Concern trolling ethnic roasties for their internalized racism is pretty fun.

body language is an incredible thing

The Tocharians must have been the best lovers in world history. The Huns, Mongols, Uyghurs and Turks might have wiped them out but not before they gave the Asian females a fatal case of white cock fever.


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I told her that story of an asian man with an asian fiancee that walked out on her after learning that he was a "safe pick" because he was asian, and because all of her preivous bfs had been white. Not only could she not see his reasoning, she completely refused to engage with what I said, but not in a belligerent way, just as if she hadn't heard anything I said. Also just generic stuff about asian male dating problems.
to you and the other guy: but she did get extremely upset when I said race mixing is bad and that hapas are weird looking, so yes concern trolling can be hilarious

#1 It's an attack on Wing Chun, not asians. Wing Chun's legitimacy as a practicle martial art has always been questionable.

#2 He is playing the heavy to brad pitt, something that was set up earlier in the movie.

#3 Bruce Lee is not a saved cow. There have been tons of other martial arts actor that have had more prolific careers. For example, Gordon Liu, who tarantino paid tribute to multiple times to in kill bill.

Everyone who has been getting mad about this shit is demonstrating they don't know shit about kung fu movies.

theres funny pics and then theres just pics so pathetic you cant help but feel bad at this point. Whats the deal with chinks do they just not have a sense of unity?

They are so easy to subvert against one another. This is why no one fears any slope country.

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Honestly, I wont lie, while I was dating the Korean girl there was a little worry in the back of my head that we'd have a boy and he'd be a fucking weirdo. I never really wanted a son anyway, but a quarter Korean kid who hates himself seems awful.

>to engage with what I said, but not in a belligerent way, just as if she hadn't heard anything I said

Mindless sexbot is what gook women aspire to be. Never had a conversation that was worth a shit from a asian girl.

>she did get extremely upset when I said race mixing is bad and that hapas are weird looking
kek. Do you have autism?

I feel people are deliberately missing the point of this scene just so they have something to be outraged by.

A look at in two ways:
>Bruce Lee was the heavy (which was a direct reference to the conversion between Leo and Pacino at the start of the movie) and was there to sell Brad Pitt as a tough guy
>this was a flashback, and Pitt’s character seems to have an inflated image of himself, and he’s remembering Bruce Lee the way he wants to remember Bruce Lee. He may not have even won the fight.

Asian women will talk about whatever profession their parents forced them into, food, and shopping. They have no interests beyond that. Asian guys too but add video games and your average soi stuff. Boring as fuck people t b h.

He's hapas are weird, not their fault but still weird

*he's right

social anxiety that can sometimes appear as autism maybe, but no not really. my stance against race mixing was a continuous problem in our relationship though

Because I'm gay.

I reversed googled this and found a subreddit.
yeah yeah I know but I was surprised to see them talk very similar to us, and even talk about the same things. it was called r/justbewhite.

Nice quads

Can confirm.

>Matched with a gook chick on Tinder.
>Literally everything I said was just “uh huh” with no further commentary
>I moved in for the kiss, all of the sudden she starts violently wrapping her arms around me like we’re fucking
>This was a time for comfy making out, not pretzeling around me like a fucking robot
>behaving like this on our first/only date

Pretty useless.

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>What was the point of this whole scene in the first place?
To show that the character of Rick Dalton is a force to be reckoned with. Old narrative trick you see, how better to show a character is badass than to have him beat up another established badass?

Keep in mind they’re probably all around 5’5”

Are there seriously butthurt slopes on this board? I thought it was just people pretending to be butthurt azns.


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>not knowing everyone on Yea Forums is behind 3 levels of false-flagging and 2 layers is samefaggery
Lurk more zoomie


Remember that fake plot synopsis on Wikipedia that said Bruce Lee joined them to kick ass at Spahn Ranch? Would’ve been a way better ending.

I understand when it obvious but read the thread people here are not joking but they are probably lying lol.

I just saw two dudes fighting.

I'm pretty sure OP is falseflagging to get people to post more memes. But yeah there probably is other chinks, /pol/ and /int/ have em but the only ones who get triggered are the tourists from reddit since they're from a safespace.

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Yeah asians are the ultimate NPCs

That's what I was waiting for. Or Bruce to be there and pussy out just so Brad could say "I knew it" before beating the hippies to death

