Why would they give away a major twist like this in the fucking trailer? There's got to be more to it than they're letting on.
Why would they give away a major twist like this in the fucking trailer...
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's either just a "force vision" or a clone that Sheev possessed. Shit movie. I fucking hate being alive.
It's going to end up being a ruse.
She'll join the dark side to get closer for the kill on Palpatine
Because it's a dumb vision
it will be just a just a vision of what could happen if she turned to the dark-side and Palpatine spirit possess her
Dark Clone?
>people actually believe Ray is going to turn evil and not just be possessed or some shit and then die to take down the bad guy and maybe save Kylo
They're desperate. This movie won't even hit 700m
I wonder where we've heard that one before?
I think it's neither. In the wide shot, her body doesn't look like daisy's, it looks like keri's with daisy's face shooped on it. That why her face looks weird in OP, it looks like it's been cgi'd on to mislead us. It's like Khan all over again, JJ is a fucking retard.
it's not a twist dumb ass, are you fucking retarded? it's obviously some paralel universe plot or force trance/vision episode like the luke vader cavern scene.
Because it's obviously not a twist.
yea it looks very weird and visiony.
who would think raping a corpse would be so soulless...
>they ditched Rose and gave Finn a black chick to make things right
Even in TLJ it was obvious that he had no interest in Rose, he glared at her when she kissed him.
I would agree with you if Boyega were a good actor, but that was his literal disgust for having to do that but he couldn't hide it. That was the best take where he didn't immediately start barfing and wiping his mouth
SWeaty. Disney will spend at least that on tickets.
It's a vision you mongoloids. Do you actually think that Kathleen would let her self insert turn evil?
it's 100% keri russell with daisy's face deepfaked on it.
Jesuschrist stop shilling this vapid shit. Answer to all your manchild questions is 'Just hyperspace ram it'.
but kk is evil
>Why would they give away a major twist like this in the fucking trailer?
Because normally the second film in a trilogy establishes drama that makes you want to see the third film. TLJ didn't do that so they have to create intrigue with trailers.
From my point of view, the fans are evil!
>Gee, Rey? TWO lightsabers?
George should never have caved. He should have trusted his autism.
member this?
A menorah?
So Disney can sell evil rey merch ASAP
I probably will buy that lightsaber for myself.
It's not a vision retards. Palpatine set all this up and she's a clone vessel thing but he didn't realize the power of her mary sue abilities. So there's a big reveal where they show Palpatine is behind everything, including force ghost yoda burning down the Jedi temple. Then she shrugs off his influence/possession but Kylo can't, and there's a big final battle on Endor.
>It's not a tumor retards.
its a dream sequence or some shit
no way can they go from good rey to bad rey to good rey in one movie it would be a fucking mess
they missed their chance at this in TLJ
Why? Anakin went from good Anakin to bad Anakin in one movie.
Who fucking cares I can't believe you faggots watch this shit still. Oh well I guess at least it's not avengers/capeshit movie number 452.
wow user you are so clever, did you think that by yourself?
>that continuation error
Yeah it's almost as if throwing a tantrum and trying to shame people for liking stuff doesn't work, we just discuss what we want because this is Yea Forums and we feel no shame about anything ever.
two movies
And it was a terrible mess of a movie?
So you watch their gay film and get faked out with some other stupid shit
He's an ESL, he means continuity error.
You need to go back
which error?
pfft fag
After looking at it for a while I'm guessing he means the way her head is facing the wrong direction when it zooms back out, but I was so bothered by her expression that I almost didn't notice.
>Rey grabs the lightsaber and looks directly in front of her
>next shot she is looking to the left above her shoulder
it triggers me every time
I would hardly call that a continuity error. There are worse things to be upset about, like the red guy magically losing a dagger that would easily kill her.
Like I said, I'm more upset by the weird Jim Carrey smile she has going on. It is so fake looking and it is mindblowing they allowed that to get into the final film.
time travel alternate timeline
alternate universe
vision of what could be
it's not in the movie
most likely it'll be shit made just for the trailer.
Its literally a trap, a ruse to sucker you fools in again.
Boycott this garbage.
Yeah this has happened, Rogue One's trailer was full of shots that weren't in the final movie.
>caring about Rey at all
>Why would they give away a major twist like this in the fucking trailer?
Because it's not an actual plot twist. It's going to end up being that Dark Rey is some hallucination or dark phantom that she fights as she's struggling with her anger. It's a call-back to Luke in the cave when he was training with Yoda and he has to fight "Vader" who is actually himself.
They're trolling us the same as the new 007 film. They want you to think there will be a "black female James Bond" when it's just going to turn out to be a minor plot point a the start of the film before James comes out of retirement.
He's gay.
Lol bullshit. I hated TLJ and complain about Disney Wars constantly, but I’m still planning to see TROS twice in theaters.
I'm not sure the Bond troll is a good idea, it might push people away who would otherwise have seen the film because they're mad about it and don't know it's a lie. The Rey thing could work though, there are a lot of people who wanted evil Rey and this could trick them into seeing the movie.
>Because it's not an actual plot twist. It's going to end up being that Dark Rey is some hallucination or dark phantom that she fights as she's struggling with her anger.
Why would she need to struggle with her anger?
Yeah this board is basically the Boycott Modern Warfare 2 group, everyone says they're done with Star Wars after TLJ but in the end we're all gonna go watch it.
>it might push people away who would otherwise have seen the film because they're mad about it and don't know it's a lie
The people making the film would gladly push those people away from the franchise.
>Why would she need to struggle with her anger?
Because she's never needed to struggle with anything before?
They're giving the white manbabies and the other Cis-normatives what they "want" which will amount to 3 minutes of hallucinations, yet none of what you've seen thus far will feature largely in the film at all. You will be SUBVERTED™ once again, and feminist bloggers will write countless pieces on how you got hoodwinked in favor of more preachy progressive shit.
>Because she's never needed to struggle with anything before?
My question still stands... especially if you consider her rage screaming in the last one.
Just about anything Disney shits out clears 1b.
>My question still stands... especially if you consider her rage screaming in the last one.
Well, yeah.. it should 'stand' until it's answered. But are you honestly asking because you don't know or are you making a point? In the context of Star Wars, her anger *should* be leaving her vulnerable to the dark side, which may be what is being set up here.
as a nigga, it was cool to see Finn, a non-Jedi/Force user, wielding a light saber. It made me believe he'd have a more important role in the next movie, but goddamn Disney said fuck that shit and pair this nigga with this ugly chink chonk
You guys can even VOTE now. Awesome!
Nu wars has been irredeemable since tfa
Personally I think its gonna be that bounty hunter lady whom was actually working for Maul. They just shoved Rey's face on to trick people. Like how they put Hulk in the IW trailer at the Wakanda battle
>But are you honestly asking because you don't know or are you making a point? In the context of Star Wars, her anger *should* be leaving her vulnerable to the dark side, which may be what is being set up here.
Both. If her anger left her vulnerable, why didn't it matter in the last two movies? Rey is a plot hole with a pussy.
>Youre a dip shit.
>she's female.
>you have not scene the movies
>she used her powers too late in life.
>Has no self control.
Pick one.
You already had your 15min power fantasy, blackman
I saw your thread about this earlier and it is weird how obsessed you are with this matter. Yes, stupid people have a lot of power in this country. It shouldn't have taken you a Star Wars movie to realize this.
That's not even true. He slaughters a whole tribe of sand people in II. There was always a dark edge to Anakin in the prequels. He was maybe swayed a bit easily by Sheev but pretending like it came out of nowhere is retarded. Building up to Anakin's turn, and illustrating how the council's ideology and treatment of Anakin helped turn him into what they feared he would become, is one of the best things about the prequels.
More like there's less to it than they're letting on. Even normies know it's just marketing bait.
>He slaughters a whole tribe of sand people in II.
...and Padme didn't even give a shit, so she's a racist.
I got something for you
Most of the people bitching about the prequels haven't actually watched them. That's why you see dumbass shit like hurr Durr anakin just starts murdering kids out of nowhere
funny how that works ain't it
Fuck off, I didnt even like Black Panther
>Both. If her anger left her vulnerable, why didn't it matter in the last two movies?
No idea. Maybe the always planned for that conflict to emerge in the third film or maybe they didn't think it through at all (more likely).
>They're giving the white manbabies and the other Cis-normatives what they "want" which will amount to 3 minutes of hallucinations
What the multiracial and multisexual lovers of the loser ass star wars marketing juggernaut wanted was a big ass LoTR type 30 years later in the SW universe story starrting the old cast.
Full practical effects and real locations and sets written by actually competent writers and directors who knew how to lovingly show star wars types views.
Does anyone have the giant list of spoilers about this movie? Like the shit with C3PO being possessed or whatever. I couldn't believe it when I read it, but this trailer confirmed all that nonsense and I wanna see what else I missed.
Here's the updated spoilerboard.
To be fair, the sequel trilogy does have full practical effects and real locations and sets. That's one of the few things it gets right.
I highly doubt anyone considers the Tusken Raiders as people or whatever equivalent they use in that universe.
>Maybe the always planned for
The practical effects are all for stuff that no one gives a shit about and places where JJ wants to get paid to visit or just visit.
The stuff that matters is horribly done CG.
I don't know where user pulled that one from.
I mean the space battles were special effects in the original trilogy too so I hope you aren't talking about that.
I hope it's in the movie cause it looks so lame in it's attempts at 'shocking' and 'badass'.
Yeah just like everyone went see Solo right
Solo was not Episode IX of Star Wars, you can stop deluding yourself now.
The way men view women in movies is so funny because Rey with the Force shouldn’t be able to do all that and Carol Danvers with Superpowers shouldn’t be able to do all that but Singular Cop Dude with No Powers Trapped In A Building can take down 20 genius terrorists Alone (Die Hard)
It looks fucking stupid.
I love it.
what if they took it one step further and had her join the dark side to learn how to resurrect Luke...Rise of Skywalker
Practical Effects user.
>Solo: A Star Story
>doesn't make 400 million
>galaxy's edge the first star wars theme park
>completely empty
sauce on pic ?
No, the space battles were special effects.
remember to buy a ticket for a different movie and sneak into star wars if you see it
It's a fucking action movie aimed at a predominently male audience.
No man will sit there and watch that shit.
No WOMAN will sit there and watch that shit.
As a matter of fact, women will be the ones who'll shit on it the hardest and then COMPLAIN about being dragged to the movie by their boyfriend.
I want you to definitively say that you think TROS will flop, so I can screencap it for the cringe compilation I am making. Go ahead.
As a woman, my problem isn't that she has superpowers, it's the fact that she hasn't earned them and has suffered zero consequences for having them.
my girlfriend was a self proclaimed star wars nerd and fell asleep in Force Awakens on opening night
Practical effects means that there is a real world thing there that is shown with camera angles.
Special effects is like shiney glowing bullshit they tack onto it.
Like the laser blasts from the guns and the light from the light saber.
TROS will "make" about 1.1 billion, less than Aquaman. Screencap this
As a woman, I probably know more about SW and care more about it than every incel in this thread and I don't even consider myself a SW fan. It has nothing to do with if you can sit through a movie or not, a brainlet is a brainlet. If sitting through and enjoying a shitty movie means you can call yourself a "true fan" then you can have it.
It's not that she hasn't earned them or hasn't suffered for them. It's that she doesn't have a much of character arc. She could one punch man this and still be a great character if they wrote her better. Drama with powers is usually an easy way to do drama but not even the only way.
I hope Ian gets a fat-ass paycheck for this.
So you refuse to suggest that it will even flop. That's not very confident.
>It's not that, it's that she doesn't have much of a character
It's both. The fact that she doesn't earn or suffer for the powers she has is just a part of the fact that she has zero character and is a shitty Mary Sue.
>She could one punch man this and still be a great character if they wrote her better.
In a movie such as this, you better give explanation for her powers and have there at least be major consequences if she's not going to earn them. Especially when they want you to clap in awe every time she does some Force trick.
As a woman, I put as a woman at the start of my post because it's a guaranteed way to get people to read it and respond to it even though I am not a woman because people on this site are losers who cannot help but give women attention.
It's mainline star wars not some shitty side story like kenobi or solo. Or course it won't flop.
>t. mad ugly brainlet
No, there's LESS to it than they're letting on.
Disney buys their own tickets buddy, look at this >b-but solo
You can't keep the charade for every flop you make, some need to be sacrificed. Episode IX won't be one of them
And it worked again. As a woman, it works every time.
No on here thinks you are a woman, ugly brainlet.
As a woman, you responded again. It keeps working.
This shit makes no sense. People who aren't force users shouldn't be able to wield a lighsaber, wasn't there some shit in A New Hope about the gyroscopic force or some shit?
because there was absolutely no interest in the movie and they had to drop something
Except no one thinks you are a woman and no one is responding to you because they think you are a woman. You are fat and ugly and triggered and it's funny to watch.
t. actual woman who triggered and and keeps doing so all thread long
cope more
>wasn't there some shit in A New Hope about the gyroscopic force or some shit?
no. The movies have never established anything about it. Luke used a light saber before he was a force user. It's not a requirement. There's no reason anyone can't use it, just that if someone who isn't force sensitive goes up against someone who is and is trained, they're fucked.
*triggered you
Disney expected Solo to flop, I saw this article years ago and kept it in mind, then when Solo actually flopped I saw people all over this board claiming that Disney wasn't expecting this at all and that they totally must be panicking. Confirmed to me that nothing Yea Forums says has any basis in truth, it changes constantly so that the people you hate are always losing somehow. Which is why you make up ridiculous exceptions like "a multibillion dollar company fakes ticket sales but somehow cannot fake ticket sales for this one movie, this makes sense somehow because otherwise I'd have to admit I was wrong." You're trying to spin Solo in both ways at the same time and it's just embarrassing.
Rey would totally join the dark side for Kylo dick. She forgot he had killed Han and wanted to risk everything to see him in his master's quarters.
1.1 billion for a mainline Star Wars movie is a flop and I doubt it'll make that much, depends on the competition really. Last year TLJ left 300 million on the table because of fucking Jumanji, that's how weak Star Wars is right now
As a woman, if you really were a woman you'd be able to drop it and stop responding but you keep responding because you're a man and men just can't let it go.
>only twice
Yeah I know.
Women are not shown struggling and fighting to overcome bad things.
I think it might be because it will force the creeper scumbags who want to control womens sexuality thoughts and personhood in media don't want them to see THEM as agressors so they step on egg shells and just throw mary sues at them.
To be honest.
It would have worked better if Rey was Poe.
She was a top tier pilot and double speaking confidence woman. A "skywalker" like anakin. One who can use the force to help her pilot.
Poe is the disciple of the force priest that we first see in TFA. A force user in hiding who knows where Luke went, Rey is sent to Poe so that he can take her to meet him and give him a message. They are met by Darth Ren. A sith apprentice who Poe knows. They fight have a massive duke out.
Rey says he's bad news and gets them out of there.
The trip the entire thing is a test for Rey.
When they get there Max von sidow tells Luke that even if he turns his back on the jedi. That there are still force sensitives out there like Rey who need him.
She's taken aback and Luke looks at her and says. She's too old and walks away.
Rey is kinda shocked and a bit pissed that he says that.
Finn should be recast. I know he's probably the best piece of boy pussy some fag producer has ever had, but he's a bad casting choice.
Some other black guy can be him.
Oh and they go all in on the soldier who refuses to follow orders. BUT instead of a bumbling tween prince for the disney audience, he's basically a tartakovsky clone soldier+kurt russel from the soldier movie.
A human robot.
Poe talks them into looking for Luke
Rey joins because money and whatnot
Finn is just there for the ride.
The new trilogy is not about them, they are just players in the world that the OT characters created.
The trio will meet and talk to each of the three but won't have some crazy as shit import,.
That would be cool if Disney hadn't been caught faking revenue for years. Also Fandango had Solo as one of the most anticipated movies of its year and they were tracking its opening weekend at 150 million or something silly like that. It's a movie with "Star Wars" in the title, they weren't expecting it to be the biggest bomb of the 2010s
I'll be damned if this isn't the most desperate, transparent shilling I've seen in my long life
Grevious was wielding 20 light sabers and raping everytrhing. Well tartakovsky grevious.
Lucas grevioius was a coughing retard and moustache twirlling dummy.
If Disney is supposedly going to fake ticket sales like you people keep pretending they do then they'll just make it do the same numbers as Endgame. If it doesn't do those numbers then that confirms that they cannot fake ticket sales and by proxy it confirms that Captain Marvel made over 1 billion dollars legitimately.
>Video toy analogy
why not? since when does every other trailer not spoil half the movie's plot? It's perfectly common for an action or adventure based movie to literally show the twist at the end, in the trailer.
They'll fake it but they can't fake 2 billions into a flop. Or maybe they can, they made up 6 billion of fake revenue just in 2009
No it's just a laser sword. Han uses Luke's saber to cut open some animal corpse on the snow planet. It's just a weapon that's favored by the jedi and nobody else uses it because you can cause a lot of self-harm with it if you aren't running on force intuition and force reflexes.
The fake revenue thing is an allegation with no proof, and it only pertains to the theme parks. But move the goalposts as much as you want to suit your conspiracy theories, I guess.
RotS was easily one of the top 3 Star Wars films, OT included, but muh hate prequels bandwagon forbids people from admitting it was actually a really great movie.
user, if this fucking movie does endgame numbers then everyone will know that disney is buying their own tickets.
It's utterly impossible to find a single solitary outlet that is positive for this disaster who isn't obviously on disney's payroll.
I'm dead serious.
Disney would be LUCKY if people simply didn't care about the last skywalker
People actively hate it and want to see it fail. It's part of believed in reality and no amount of obvious media manipulation and buying their own tickets is going to change that.
They created a situation where the normies, the populace, would not be willign to believe their media spin and propaganda.
A MASSIVE fuck up for a company who's lifesblood is manipulating the emotions of normals with media pr and advertisement.
No ones ever really gone
the real test is if you played star wars cards
>o-only the theme parks w-we swear
Dude you got caught, stop embarrassing yourself
No it doesn't take any force to use.
The "lore" of Star Wars went full autism in the prequels and the stupid EU shit in attempt compete with star trek and Star Trek was all about world building at the time. It's why it's called an "expanded universe" cuz you needed to stretch it to the size of a universe to feel like it's real and not just cardboard props to hold up a simple hero's journey fairy tale. And shit like light saber lore and such are the "stretch marks" of the stretching. All fucking stupid.
Sith didn't even use light sabers in the original, Vader used one because he was an ex-Jedi and the Emperor outright calls it a "jedi's weapon" and berates Luke for using it. Star Wars "lore" is the epitome of cringe geek autism. They were three perfectly fine movies and they stretched it out and now it's stuck in it and can't escape the shit pit because it became too popular.
Star Wars fans did this to it themselves and before than Lukas did it when he made Empire. Not even the prequels. Empire was already a rip off just a very successful one.
I just think it's dumb to see the goalposts moved from "All the numbers are fake, Disney is buying tickets!" to "Disney is buying tickets, but only to a certain extent." Because this so-called all-powerful company would half-ass faking the numbers with one of their biggest franchises, if they were capable of it. I think you guys have the problem that you want to believe Disney is failing no matter what, but you simultaneously want the numbers to indicate that they're failing, even though if they're faking the numbers that shouldn't be happening. It just proves that in the end you have no idea what you're talking about because you're trying too hard to have your cake and eat it too.
Han uses Luke's in Empire to cut open the Tauntaun
Wew, even the spoilers for this film are uninteresting ass. I got bored like two paragraphs in. Blah blah blah, Kylo, blah blah blah, MacGuffin.
Who even gives a shit anymore? Disney's not getting another nickel from me for these shitty films.
It only took her three movies but she finally got some interesting character development.
No user, if this movie does endgame numbers (which it won't because endgame just surpassed Avatar), then everyone will know that Star Wars fans eat up everything despite all the bitching and moaning. Which is sort of what everyone assumes anyway, including Disney. If they didn't think that, they'd have put more effort into the movies. It's the same as DC.
Don't be fucking stupid.
The best way to keep a cheat going is to lose every once in a while.
Better yet, you lose in a way that helps pushes things that are favorable too you.
You can't be this fucking stupid.
cause reylo
I don't see what is favorable about letting Solo flop and allowing people to claim that Star Wars is dying for two years, if they don't intend for it to die.
I didn't, but I made a Topps account just so I could collect some Kylo Ren cards.
This exactly
whatever, ugly man
Kylo finally defeats Rey with the dick. That's why it shows her going dark after their fight scene in the trailer.
It's not a cheat in the first place. Profit oriented companies care about making profit, this shit that user's doing backwards somersaults in mental gymnastics for doesn't accomplish that, pretended sales numbers related to Yea Forums internet arguments about the demise of hated companies, not profit. They'd actually be expunging profits to accomplish it.
Jesus fucking christ you're a fucking retard.
If this shit does endgame numbers then the people who are outright SCREAMING that disney is buying their own tickets will be out in force looking for those empty theatres.
No I'm not shitting you.
Do you think Disney is going to risk the entire world for a single failed IP that they can slowly rebuild over the years with lower level tv shows media and cartoons?
They are not THAT fucking retarded.
Iger knows that he's fucked.
That they'll put two in the temple if he fucks it up and reveals the man behind the curtain on how Disney is truly running.
This movie is going to shit bomb huge and if it doesn't do really really really poorly then people are going to start wondering why and startt astking questions.
THere is a LOT of money and fame in potentially bringing down disney
Actually looks like the Yoda cave visions down to the framing. I bet that the previous shot was a Kylo masked figure walking towards Rey and revealing to be herself.
>Disney is buying tickets, but only to a certain extent
This was the first goalpost, nobody moved it. They have distributors and theater chains depending on real attendance so they can't make a 300 million movie into a 3 billion, theaters would be pressing to drop the flop. That's what happened to Solo, they just couldn't do it. But they were caught faking revenue already so this is all nonsense, we were right, it's over
user, there is NO MONEY in movies.
THe money comes from the shwag that the movies inspire stupid apes to buy.
Like the retards who're into SW.
The new trilogy is so bad so terrible so offputting and their handling of the fanbase so unbelievably STUPID that they quite honestly ended something that is a fucking zombie money maker that required less then nothing to keep going.
They kiolled fucking Toys R Us dude
This is on record.
This shit killed Toy R Us.
because look OP, you made a thread about it. It's free advertising for this movie, and you're essentially working for Disney right now, FOR FREE advertising their movie for them you cuck. Great job. Disney knows Stah Wahs is in a decline in popular culture, and they're playing you guys like a fiddle. First with the poster, which generated endless discussion and memes about the movie, but what else did it do? Generate a shit ton of discussion and free advertising, spreading it around social media and reminding people that there's a star wars movie coming out in a few months. It worked splendidly.
Seconding this because her face is too small and looks like it was CGd into the cape. Didn't know what it was before it just looked off, but it's probably that.
The retards who are into sw don't need the movie sales numbers to buy merch. It's like a religion, if it flops they'll just find a scapegoat to blame it on and defend it harder.
This is paid shilling buddy, they make an antimouse OP to blend in and then the Pajeets start posting. Pretty obvious really
I haven't seen a single one of the nu-wars movies. All I know about them I know from Yea Forums and that alone has dissuaded me from ever wanting to watch them. The entire premise makes the entire original trilogy pointless either way, because what's the point of defeating the empire when a generic clone of it comes back in a few decades with unlimited resources, but not just unlimited, literally more money and resources than the fucking galactic empire ever had, and larger, more ridiculous ships and super weapons in larger numbers, with unlimited amount of cannon fodder soldiers to go with it. The entire premise of these movies is fucking stupid and is just a soft reboot either way.
>there is gain to shilling sw on Yea Forums
I'd understand reddit but no.
It's not interesting at this point, because they waited too long and Kylo Ren does it better and has been doing it for the past two movies.
As a woman, I am inevitable.
>It's like a religion, if it flops they'll just find a scapegoat to blame it on and defend it harder.
You should have seen the retards defending religion in a thread earlier today.
Remember that stupid fucking force visions thing that JJ brought in?
Yeah, that's what that is.
Nothing worht a shit and only exists to get apes like you to talk about it.
No one gives a fuck if rey gets changed and gets YET ANOTHER RETARDED RED EBUL SITH SWORD!!!.
I only hopped in to see the reactions to the trailer but I'm not surprised.
Imagine being the man responsible for the LAST canonical star wars film. The one that will forever be a disappointment and soil a once great trilogy. This is worse than the prequels, which simply didn't live up to the originals. Then you give fans hope that will all the money and talent they could come up with 3 great films to wrap it up. Sucks
I feel more and more detached from pop culture with every single year. None of this shit interests me anymore, nothing disney produces interests me. Star Wars is boring, sterile and corporate, and lastly uninteresting. The universe of these new movies is uninteresting. The characters are uninteresting and not compelling in the slightest. They have no depth, they have no interesting backstories or character development. It's all just shit and I just hate that I can't enjoy anything anymore. Maybe we're all just too cynical and always looking for flaws but goddamnit everything is so blatantly flawed, everything feels like it was written in a board room filled with Disney execs to get things just as they want to pull as many numbers into the seats as possible, completely devoid of creativity.
I just hate that I can't get excited for this shit anymore, I hate what I've become but is it all my fault?
Yeah, I calmly informed them of the error of their ways and they immediately started spewing catchphrases and dumping fedora pictures. It was sad to see on Yea Forums.
Well there's plenty of movies out there besides Disney so it certainly is your fault for treating Disney as if they're the only people that makes movies and then complaining about the state of cinema while refusing to even acknowledge films that might interest you more.
user, if the movie not only flops, but makes the fanbase actively hate the ip, then there is no shwag sales.
The movies are ADVERTISMENTS.
Worst part?
There is no one there to take up Lucas's role as the holyman of this quasi cult.
Didn't forget the unbelievably agressively stupid treatment of the SW losers.
Oh sweet gods in their respective heavens it was a masterclass in how to fuck things up.
My guess which I am surprised nobody has mentioned is that they're going to change the color of the lightsaber from red to blue in the actual movie and it's just going to be her final lightsaber which she created on her own and the robes are just her Jedi robes.
Yea Forums has a lot of traffic and you don't need accounts to shill convincingly. It's free candy for big budget shill agencies
Yes though.
> It was sad to see on Yea Forums.
Television is an inherently boomer entertainment. Even if the board is also about movies and netflix it also really isn't, and more about politics and the News, and the blood an soil shit that's leaking in from /pol/ is all perfectly understandable. Makes sense god would be in that package too.
Don't get stuck here.
It hardly even has any moderation either. You can get away with basically anything here as long as it's not posting porn.
>Yea Forums has a lot of gtraffick
Sure. Yea Forums, /vg/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums maybe.
What if I feel like the rest are shit too? Just a bunch of filler/pretentious waste of time?
Then you don't like movies at all and I'm not sure why you're on the movies board. Go get a job or something.
Where do you recommend I go then, wise one?
I like the idea of "movies".
She's pale
The suit is 100% black and slim fit
JJ has a thing for unbelievably functionally impractical and utterly fucking stupid evil swords.
>unbelievably functionally impractical
Kylo used his lightsaber to stab Finn, it's more practical than you thought.
You can stab fin with a regular light saber
It's fucking not like it was an impossible feat onlyh made possible by his retarded as fuck light saber user.
Nobody will guess it's actually Palpatine.
Transfer essence, also known as essence transfer or transfer life, was a radical dark side Force power used to transfer a person's consciousness into another body, or in some cases an inanimate object. Ancient Sith Lords and other powerful darksiders used this technique to cheat death again and again, haunting their tombs and possessing those who stumbled across their sarcophagi in order to continue their reign of terror. In more recent eras, masters of this dark side art had used advanced cloning technology to assure their immortality.
WOW her lightsaber is red, I wonder what happened to her???? Oh ahah C3PO has red eyes too, it's like those darth jar jar stuff I was making way overused jokes at but I am still excited because I live to waste my time on these retarded stuff!!!
Because they're desperate. They know they're going to lose so much goddamn money on this film that they're trying to to anything they can to get people to watch. This is going to be such a fucking disaster.
Of course they're desperate. They can smell their deaths, and the sound they'll make rattling their cages will serve as a warning to the rest
because they're gonna have to sell toys of it eventually. it would be impossible to hide it before the release of the movie
i think its becuase its not real , maybe sort of dream sequence in the movie, definitely not real at all
Because it’s not a plot twist. It’s at best a vision into the future, at worst a flash back to her mother.
I can only see this happening if there is a timeskip in the movie.
Otherwise it is either a clone or a vision.
Nice saber though.
Will be on the shelves next to the nigh decade old TFA Rey figures in dollar store bargain bins.
>nigh decade old
We use to be able to report posts for viral marketing but since Hiro took over that option is (((suspiciously))) gone
Yea Forums and /vg/ have even more shills than Yea Forums believe or not. No one as in your face about it as disney but still
Meant for
How cool would it be if by rise of Skywalker they meant the switching of sides that was teased in the last Jedi. Like Rey goes bad, and Kylo ‘rises’ to be the hero.
But nah, this franchise is kill. Probably some vision that means nothing.
What is the twist? That red lightsabers and dark clothes exist in the galaxy?
I would’ve been infinitely more hyped for jar jar
that would have created a media singularity and would have imploded the planet
It would be incredibly suspicious if this even came close to Endgame numbers. China hates Star Wars
it's a dream/vision/whatever. it'll be in the movie for 2 minutes tops. it's the trailer equivilent of clickbait. they wanted to try to put something "cool" in thr trailer to bait shitty youtube channels into reacting to it or making dumb theories. talking abiut it is playig into the marketing.
kill yourself, honestly
theyll just buy empty seats and cook the books like last time
they're not gonna do anything with Kylo. i know bro i want it too, but its just not happening.
the potato peeler lightsaber looks so fucking retarded holy shit
Because it doesn’t matter if the movie is good or surprising. What matters is you getting off your ass and paying cold hard cash to see this stupid movie. That’s why trailers are full of baits like Palpatine laughing, Darth Vader breathing, and shit like this where Disney basically says “See Rey is now cool she is dark side dude pls give us money”
Finally to conclude my rent I would like to quote Mark Hamill,
“Remember kids, this is Hollywood. It doesn’t matter if it is good as long as it makes money.”
>write overpowered character ie. man of steel
>hes overpowered and boring
>make that character a woman
>wtf sexist stop calling it boring
This 100%
Obvious fake, Disney doesn't have enough balls to turn her on the dark side.
>transformers sfx
Kylo is kino and you're a brainlet for not seeing it. You're not an intellectual, you're just mad your boring manchild franchise is being invaded by normies and women.
Why do people not like this trailer? I mean, I hated all the other Star Wars movies, like, a lot, but this time it kind of looks like they're getting it right.
Wouldn't be cool at all because Rey has zero character and making her dark doesn't even make sense at this point.
>they're not gonna do anything with Kylo
Fuck off, Reyshitter. Maybe if you spam her ugly chopsticks more, people will pretend to get hype.
Every reaction I see for this has a lukewarm to just plain confused reaction to the "Dark Rey reveal"
Pretty much everyone already knows it's not going to be "real" or is just a vision anyway. What a flop of a clickbait kek
Isnt the whole thing about these new one that they mirror the old ones in themes and title just really poorly? So didn't Luke kinda give the impression he was a bad guy to get into the throne room? Wont this Return/Revenge/Rise movie just follow suit. She will pretend to join to turn Carlo against Paul Poutine.
This is Disney and JJ Abrams . There's never more to anything, only less. This is a blatant advertising ploy that will have no bearing on the story.
>turn Carlo against Paul Poutine.
>Paul Poutine
Even the guy that Yea Forums spams reaction was just like "uh whatt" when it was revealed. His face almost dropped completely.
That's a good point. But people will get pissed off if they're fooled. This movie is their last chance to salvage Star Wars' good name and actually making Rey's journey one into darkness would go a long way towards justifying a lot of shit in the previous movies.
Carlo is sexy.
It would be sick If Paul Poutine had like a swiss army light sabre and is just like eating serial with the light sabre spoon when Carlo enters the throne room with Fey. He be like "oh didn't see you there!"
People don't seem to care actually or they think it's obviously a pathetic attempt at clickbait.
>making Rey's journey one into darkness would go a long way towards justifying a lot of shit in the previous movies.
No it wouldn't. Go read a book manchild.
Elaborate your point, stupid.
Everyone I see reacting to the "Dark Rey reveal" on normie sites like twitter and reddit and yt don't seem hype over it and immediately theorize it's a vision or something like that. It's not going to piss anyone off and it's not going to suddenly make her character better if she does go Dark because it would go against what they have established with her so far. If they wanted to do it, they should've done it by now. Instead, they beat it over your heads that she is basically immune to the Dark so it's just bad writing at this point to pretend she has some deep inner struggle. It's too late for her character, you'd have to go back and rewrite the last two movies for her.
You're just a mouth breathing fanboy who wanted a "kewl dark sexy waifu" and are trying to bargain because instead you got a Halloween costume auschwitz victim instead.
Well you're wrong about me because I fucking hate Rey so I'll just assume you're wrong about everything else too.
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us." ― Stephen King.
>t. wrong btfo brainlet
>Theaters signed to month-long contracts with priority screen dedication.
>Oscars Best Picture nominee
>95%+ on Rotten Tomatoes, 87+ on Metacritic
>$800 million+ Domestic
>$2 billion Worldwide
This is going to be huge.
It's a trap
She was scared by Anakin. A scared female around an angry male would never contradict him...this will be the equivalent of a suicide attempt.
Why do mutts need to see the same movie two times, they are that brainlet?
>15 fucking pages
Holy damn
Yet it may not be as "successful" as they purport things to be.
Slay me Carlo!
Rey is so lucky.
The books will be cooked. The reviews will be hollow and empty. Foreign markets will carry the movie, again. Audiences will be worse than mix. Stop living in denial.
Die in a fucking fire you mouse shilling fuckstick cuntmonkey
>Why would they give away a major twist like this in the fucking trailer?
How to train your dragon 2 gave away that the main characters mother was alive in the trailer, which is a plot twist that happens half way through.
I unironically think that if episode 5 was released today the line I am your father would be in the Trailer.
The Darth Rey shit will be a single throwaway scene and won't amount to shit. JJ Mystery Boxed the trailer.
>>$800 million+ Domestic
>>$2 billion Worldwide
>>Oscars Best Picture nominee
Hahahhaha oh no no no
Asajj Ventress anyone?
what's the twist supposed to be ?
I doubt it would be a vision with such new stupid toy
>Foreign markets will carry the movie
Chinks don't watch star wars. They're the only foreign market that counts. what else is there? Australia? The Netherlands? lmao
That means they got nothing better to show because (same as 7 and 8) there's no plot to this movie
It's just a vision or hallucination. "Evil" Rey will take up two minutes of screentime at most.
eavle rey will be as relevant to this movie as knights of ren were to Force Awakens
If they shown it, that means its just a shitty ruse
Well maybe they've picked this moment to start being authentic.
Wait, the double lightsaber isn't an edit? That looks like something from spaceballs lmao
thats just it, they want you to expect something else, but then nothing else happens, SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS mYYAAAAW
Bearsed and cutepilled
Because they doing the ultimate ploy on everyone. By bluntly putting it in the trailer everyone is thinking that of course it’s a ruse, but the actual ruse is it’s not a ruse. So the day everyone sees it it’s an actual surprise she turned dark. movie ends with Kylo turning light and completing the sky walker saga. Meanwhile Rey turns dark and escapes with palpatine getting the name Darth Revan starting the new saga.
are you blind?
The side lightsaber beams are not there in the second cut, because they would go through her head.
Mmm ... this both bladed light saber makes whole things GI joe-ish a bit. I was wandering a light saber that possessed by the dark force would serves functioning a bit better, but we never know til we see whole film Y’know ???
weak b8, pity you a bit that no one falled for it
This reminds me of the end of GoT, where they made dany appear suddenly more evil as a means to save a trainwreck of a show
only retards and underage doubt prequels at this point
bad analogy because R1 was actually good flick
Didn't buy MW2 and haven't seen any Disney Wars except for TFA once. Eat shit.
>meesa gon' avenge you, Ani
for the record though, I truly believe that had George stuck to his guns, Darth Jar-Jar would have been exquisitely unironic kino.
>Movie begins with this scene
>Rey wakes up panting
>it was just a dream
>Well there's plenty of movies out there besides Disney
Aren't most suffering from the same shit though? Lack of creative control, endless sequels and rehashes. You have to go out your way to dig out interesting new releases. It is like we have forgot that industry titans got there by making some genuinely amazing things, and now we are just expected to like them cause that is the expectations.
I want to be genuinely happy with a big release again. It isn't just being bitter, I can find random stuff that I never got around to watching and love it. The quality at the top being this low can't be sustainable, yet it somehow is.
wow, thank you for nothing
(to be honest tough, I don't know, if I gonna watch it in cinema too)
I know those are dildos, but for some reason this actually looks better with a bigger blade.
I had to pause the trailer because that's who I thought it was at first. It looks like they used faceapp to put daisy's face over hers.
ikr. I made this as a meme but it's actually better than the original. Even the sound FX fit better
A hope Poe becomes a fag and kylo has even longer pants
I couldn't care less about them fighting, they've done it twice already and Rey won both encounters. If you want to make it interesting make Kylo the good guy and we get to see him win.
in the first drafts, everyone (more or less) used a lightsaber
George later thought, to make it a Jedi/Sith-only weapon, to make them (and the weapon) more special
of course it's a vision or a dream. disney doesn't have the balls to make their mary sue do something interesting because it would upset all those little girls that don't buy her merch or give a shit about her.
Because they fear it will underperform so really need to try hard to goad audiences into seeing it after two bad movies.
it's a bullshit tease. it's like one of those dumb cliffhangers at the end of Lost in Space that would be resolved in the cold open of the subsequent episode.
my crack theorie what happens
Rey turns evil
Ren has to kill her
Ren turns good
Ren starts to train new Jedis after that
but yeah, might be just a force-vision anyway
It’s probably not true.
that would have been amazing
fucking kek, this
worse his her dumb as fuck lightsaber
Remember when pic related was in a trailer with the words "what will you become?"
Remember how everyone went apeshit "OMG I SPIT OUT MY ONIONS CHAI LATTE SHE IS GONNA TURN TO THE EMPIRE/WAS PART OF THE EMPITE AND HER BEING TORN WILL BE A BIG PART OF THE MOVIE OH MY GOOOOOOOD ITS GONNA CHANGE EVERYTHING" and it turned out that it was just a 5 second shot of a completely different situation, aka them infiltrating an imperial compound and was just included in the trailer to get people talking about a movie no one was interested in?
I'm getting kind of a deja vu here, mouse shills please leave
Ass 2 Ass
This would've unironically saved star wars for me
I'm not even kidding, it would've finally shown some balls to do something daring, it would've added depth and drawn from the prequels and most importantly it would've been fun as opposed to the risk free nostalgia bait that is star wars today
I've only seen rogue one of the new star wars. started watching a torrent of tfa but got bored.
did Jar Jar Abrams forget to tell Daisy Ridley that she has to act? It looks like they replaced her with fake CGI in that scene