Now what did this godzilla character do before humans invented nukes ?

now what did this godzilla character do before humans invented nukes ?
just sleeping in the ocean like a lazy bum ?

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watch godzilla vs king ghidorah

depends which movie you are talking about

According to those movies, the Titans used to be more active in the past because the Earth was more radioactive overall (which it was). They moved underground/under the ocean and became more and more dormant as the radiation decreased with time, then the nuclear tests and such brought some of them back up.

Well op? Satisfied?

Rodan be like nyooom

yea, noticed the reply when this was on page 10 so i was going to let the thread die but i guess not

So is ghidorah just gonna get revived like every movie because he can regenerate

mecha ghidorah hopefully

Yes. Imagine current day Jack Nicholson as a 350 foot apathetic bastard: Godzilla from Legendary Pictures.

jack nicholson doesnt sleep in the ocea, dumbass
he'd get crushed at that pressure

I'm so happy all of my friends enjoyed KoTM :)

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You missed the part where he's 350 feet tall in the scenario.

what if it's baby sized feet

She cute. I'm glad your friends enjoyed it too.

What type of baby are we talking about here?

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Why isnt godzilla mad at humans for blowing up his house

he was looking to remodel anyways

He's going to move to Skull Island to room with Kong. Until he doesn't do the dishes like once and Kong tries to kick him out like a buzzkill and they get into a huge fight.

You can tell Kong is one of those cunts who will give you a list of rules when you move in and complain whenever you bring your girlfriend over

>Oh lord it hurts so much! Stupid giant bee!
>Wha... how did a flee get down here?
>He's leaving his droppings all over the place
>Oh man, he's going to touch me. EW EW EW EW EW!
>I'm gonna needs some lava to wash that off
>Huh, why's the poop beeping?
After explosion

>Holy shit, I haven't felt this good since the Monster Island bash 400 years ago!
>Those fleas are alright.


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are they going to reference this in the next movie? I feel like they already did in Kong Skull Island, and the giant Octopus from the same movie

they solve their differences with a rap battle

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