Other urls found in this thread:
>gay black dancer
>gay mexican soccer player
>gay cosmopolitan ginger
>racially ambiguous tranny
>all of a sudden fat middle aged black woman intimate with guy young enough to be her son
I don't understand
>instead of letting the natural consequences of fucking random strangers in the asshole over and over take their course let's spend trillions on advanced medical technology that could be used to build useful shit like bridges
We gave up Mars for trannies and dem programz
Time to settle this. Truvada or Biktarvy?
No, we gave up Mars because there is no money in going there. There is money in making pills to sell to people so they can freely have sex without condoms and then make money selling them antibiotics to curse the STI's they get from doing that.
Go to Mars. Then what? Same shit with mining asteroids; we can do it, but some asteroids have $23 TRILLION worth in metal in them, but that's if prices on Earth remained constant, which they wouldn't if some company grabs a $23 trillion asteroid and mines it for the gold, platnium, copper, silver and iron. Therefore, they won't bother. Same with mining Jupiter for hydrocarbons to use as fuel, there is no point when we have oil, gas, coal and nuclear to do and new deposits are found regularly (Bahrain found a load recently, Falklands as well, UK which was due to run out in 30 years found a fuck load more) and that's ignoring Fracking and other energy shit.
If there was a monetary reason to go to Mars, people would do it. That's why Elon Musk is trying. But he wants to nuke Mars to make it more habitable.
>faggots have to take a pill that costs 1.1k a month
>for life
>Big Pharma thinks this is fine
>California thinks this acceptable
Reminder, if universal health care became a thing, you'd be paying for trannies and faggots to get on PrEP
>fat middle aged black woman intimate with guy young enough to be her son
mammy fetish
>he wants to nuke Mars to make it more habitable
You're paying for it anyway through insurance premiums. You cannot escape.
>in order to protect yourself from HIV, you have to take a pill that gives you the side effects of AIDS
look at this dude oh no no no
except it doesnt cost even a tenth of what they charge to make it and the whole point of government monopoly on meds is to drive the prices down and fuck big pharma in the ass like it deserves
these fucks were responsible for many AIDS deaths before by making cheap drugs expensive and they havent changed
this is cynical opportunism
>muh shekels dictate everything
yes that is basically what the user you replied to was getting at
You are a retard. AIDS literally means acquire immunodeficiency syndrome. It is a blanket term for shit you get due to having no immune system. It could be feline aids or a dog cold. It could be fucking anything. There is no disease called 'AIDS'. It is a term for the shit you get due to no immune system. Treating your HIV prevents your immune system from dying completely and making you catch DISEASES FROM PETS THAT YOU DO NOT GET WITH A NORMAL IMMUNE SYSTEM YOU RETARD.
Fuck I hate being a medfag, I have to deal with retards like you.
she got some nice dick sucking lips
>match with girl on Tinder
>profile says something like how she's looking to find a bf/something real etc
>invite her over to my place
>start making out
>move to the bedroom
>as we get naked she reveals that she in the past at one point was basically a prostitute to make ends meet
>also reveals she takes Truvada
>Gave me the best bj of my life
>She then wanted me to raw dog her
Thank god she was an extreme baby with her sleep especially because she had work the next day so she left at 10pm which was during my "recharge" period, as I was trying to think of a good excuse to get her to leave.
>Responsible for many AIDS deaths
Uhhh no one forced fags to fuck each other up the literal intestine bareback my dude....
I would desu
Mate, it's a business. Firstly, if a product costs $500 to make. They will not sell it for $500. Because that makes them nothing. They won't sell it for $600 because that $600 is eaten up by other things like tax and so on. $1100 gets turned to like $300 profit and a large chunk of that is put into R&D to make new stuff. Which costs money. I really resent people thinking they're smart for going
Shit doesn't work like that. They're a business and they need funding to produce new products to sell. Don't like it? Then get into business and change it, become a 'non-profit drug manufacturer' and see how long you last.
>Truvada does not protect against prolapsed assholes
>$23 TRILLION worth in metal in them, but that's if prices on Earth remained constant, which they wouldn't if some company grabs a $23 trillion asteroid and mines it for the gold, platnium, copper, silver and iron. Therefore, they won't bother. Same with mining Jupiter for hydrocarbons to use as fuel, there is no point when we have oil, gas, coal and nuclear to do and new deposits are found regularly
You might be clinically braindead.
Why would a corporation want to be the first to go into space and claim the resources there, effectively having a monopoly on all rare metals AND the rare alloys needed to cheapy produce spacecraft?
No fucking clue, no idea at all why a corporation would want to take that offer, they wouldn't ok? there's oil you know, oil exists so space isn't worth mining, obviously.
Seriously, mods?!
Could you just try to make an effort, at least?
Fags use this drug so much that their are now strains of HIV resistant to it fyi
>responsible for many AIDS deaths
Not enough really. Maybe if your kind actually practiced sex like normal people and not fucking 1000 different partners, you wouldn't get HIV and every goddamn STD under the sun. How the fuck is HIV real, like nigga wear a condom lmao. Like nigga, don't fuck another dude lmao
>People diagnosed with HIV who have a recent history of Truvada (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use are much more likely than HIV-diagnosed people who have never used PrEP to have viral mutations conferring resistance to the emtricitabine component of the two-drug combination antiretroviral (ARV) tablet.
Its a commercial on Yea Forums faggot
Hitler was literally trans tho
>an HIV/AIDS/GRIDS awareness advocacy group is named poz
Here's a study about it if the faggot is all "well that's not a source"
this shit was hilarious the first time I saw it, now it's on like every 10 minutes on every cable station for the past several months
Perhaps the reason HIV exists is to eradicate aberrations like homosexuality?
In her scene, shes seen dating a chad and meeting his mother. Liberals want us to think this is all normal.
Just because you're autistic about the terminology doesn't make your point valid
>AIDS = fag disease
He cute
>dude they're not mining the asteroids because they'd tank prices lmao
No, user, it's because it would take countless billions and several decades to develop technology capable of asteroid mining, and then actually operating it in space would cost more than they would ever make from the resources mined, long before you even consider market flooding.
She knew dummy, she was trying to make it less awkward. Even the chads on this site are autists, I swear.
then why didn't it work? :^)
>virus with a long long history of constantly mutating to deal with solutions and vaccines is suddenly becoming immune to the pill
That's one of the reasons why GRIDS is so hard to treat, outside of telling gays to just not fuck. It mutates very very well.
That guy you're responding to is a well known discord tranny that is absolutely SEETHING at this thread
>anything i don't like is "abnormal'
nah kys transphobe
Because man keeps playing god.
Trust us. We know.
would let her top me
It only applies to people who were abusing the drug by using it incorrectly:
>If someone starting PrEP was not tested for HIV prior to receiving a prescription for Truvada or if he or she is so recently infected that an HIV test yields a false negative result, the individual may wind up taking Truvada in the face of a chronic infection with the virus.
If you confirm you're HIV negative before starting PrEP (like you're supposed to) it won't happen
>god can't win
oof. nice "god" you have there breh.
imagine watching queers and trannies have sex while you're still literally a virgin
>mad over nazi tranny jokes
meaning he would gas himself
Too obvious, the reddit spacing gives you away
seething tranny is going to die with his prolapsed anus
One of the major problems is also people taking the pill every other day rather than every day, because they're trying to be cheap about preventing HIV.
Any dick that hasn't been in a vagina is technically a virgins
How does this change the fact you take pozzed loads in your ass while pretending you're a woman?
Exactly. So like so many great things, it got ruined by retards abusing it/using it incorrectly.
But at its core when used properly it's an amazing innovation.
Why does pointing out nazi trannies make me a tranny?
>muh spacing
i can
however i want
keep seething
>literal underage 4channel virgin thinks he gets to define what "sex" is
lol nice try
>thinking the pharmaceutical industry isn’t going to simply pump out the pill with the highest profit instead of “building bridges”
Do you go to an engineer for your ED medication?
no shit, people link news articles
why are you so upset over historical truths?
At least be proud of what you are faggot
Yeah you are that asian incel from singapore so you might as well be one
>random numbers on his filename to fit in
Nice filename
I'm just saying I wish society was different and so much attention wasnt spent catering to absolute dipshits
doesn't make much sense why someone mocking trannies would be one. And don't give me that "anyone who bullies fags is one themselves" BS
>jeeze guys, I'm just mentally ill and obsessed, whats wrong with babysitting Yea Forums daily and spamming links?
No one mentioned nazis
there are enough people with aids out there for them to make an unreal amount of money
>filename being numbers is triggering now
yikes! someone got sand in the dilator!
>literally one minute apart
>getting mad over shitposting in an off topic shitpost thread
tranny internet defense force is here to talk about why nazi trannies are problematic and should be banned
I’ve memes aside seen this person in person. Lives in LA. Fucking hot, I’d smash. I’d give and take anal from her
>tranny gets butthurt
>lashes out thinking anyone who hates the LGBT is some nazi
>spams links against said nazis
I don't have to be a nazi to hate you trannies
>n-no you are the real trannies
kek gb2 /tg/ faggot
>these fucks were responsible for many AIDS deaths
Maybe big pharma isn't so bad
The dilation meme works, it works hardcore, look how fucking seething they are, even they're using it now
This. Nazi tranny post and watch them chimpout. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
It's great for (you)'s
He assumes that nazis being faggots makes people stop hating faggots lmao
Thanks to truvada I can bareback ladyboys in Thailand without a care. Thanks truvada!
nazi tranny posting = b&rp
>acting like we haven’t got the technology to actually do this shit
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is HIV Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Gay Shit Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
i don't get who's trolling who anymore
I'm and i said nothing of the sort
Guys, cool it with the nazi tranny memes okay? It's very triggering for certain people on the internet and might make them kill themselves.
The butthurt trannies reeeing about how Truvada is going to eventually fail them.
This thread is basically
1.) /pol/ spammers venting on faggots/trannys/etc. and getting buttmad over #3
2.) some guy arguing about the cost-benefits of the space program
3.) nazi tranny posters getting a rise out of /pol/
What's her name
>actual faggots ITT are seething and need to brigade a thread that was full of funposting before
Literally just don't be gay or do heroin and you're not catching GRIDS
kill yourself
>This thread is basically [list that mocks people i don't like in the thread]
Never seen one of these before
>missing 4. butthurt trannies spamming nazi memes
its like you don't want want anyone to know
>Don't like it? Then get into business and change it, become a 'non-profit drug manufacturer' and see how long you last.
>%1000 markup in a monopoly
>running a non profit
>no middle ground
What. A. Fucking. Retard...
>if you don’t like Amazon just find a billion dollars to startup your own company and compete hurr
see what I mean, how upset they are over a little memes
Imagine having to take a powerful and expensive drug to have sex. Being a faggot is honestly awful and you have to wear a diaper later in your life too.
statisticslly you will first :^)
>you have to wear a diaper later in your life too
source? i see claim a lot here
Worst part of this commercial is how they tout the drugs ability to get your HIV down to undetectable in lab tests. In other words, lets hide the fact I'm infested and can spread this shit to other people without them knowing.
Going to be hilarious when it becomes resistant and super HIV goes wild.
57% of black homosexuals have HIV
Soldiers in drag isn't a Nazi thing, it's a soldier thing.
>being this literal
You uh, you are on the spectrum aren’t you?
Why are fags and trannies so fucked up?
lol what army of drag queens did you serve in?
>you said X
>no i didn't
wtf I love trannies now
Its actually much higher because those are the ones that are tested.
I hope it's cyanide
so? no one forced people to profit off the meds that kept them from dying either and they still maintained it was necessary and despite the prices being quite arbitrary in production charging a "necessary" price which is
in itself, a kind of buggering too
im not your mate nigger faggot
your braindead white nigger economics lesson leaves out one part which is that profit is unnecessary and goes mostly to some fatuous moron like yourself buying a yacht. nobody needs a personal yacht but dying people do need treatment to live
businesses dont need profit, but humans do need to live unless your argument is that fags should die
in which case, you, a faggot, should also die
maybe if you went outside and had sex and stopped being a closeted shit stirring anal play obsessed nigger youd realize the world is bigger than your pathetic feelings of fag fear
lick boots in hell you wannabe nazi conformist
Never forget the 41%
>dat logic
>”I’ve saved myself for you user! I’ve been railed in the shitter by twenty chads but I’m still a Virgin.”
people are having sex at an early age, my dude
you DID lose your virginity in grade school, right?
i have seen this exact same post before.
anyone who engages in unprotected assfucking is a shitdick degenerate who deserves aids.
t. bifag
> liberals
In less than 10 years tranny porn went from a niche to one of the most profitable genres despite the relatively small pool of talent, amateur tranny porn went from non existent to gargantuan amounts of it (someone is fucking those trans in their bedrooms and guess what it ain't gay men because they have less than zero interest in trannies ) and dating trans went from something you'd only ever hear about in Thailand to now minor celebrity trans in USA openly publishing their lives with men.
Liberals have got nothing to do with it. Porn on the other hand, does.
The Marines
Answer is in the question
I'm okay with gays and trannies existing. I'm not okay with them getting headpats and gold stars for existing. People are making their special snowflake syndrome worse.
Sounds like you lack self awareness. If you think the majority of us here wouldn’t be culled in a “perfect society” you’re fucked up.
>some fag trying to talk up his bathroom blowjob adventures in highschool
Just spam more nazi memes, they're more successful
I fucking hate this commercial because it’s filled with revolting degenerates who would gladly have unprotected sex with aids infested faggots
i know you're lonely since your leftypol tranny board got nuked along with the site but come on man
Sasha Banks?
>claim hitler was a tranny
>he killed himself
lol maybe he was
I’ve seen countless photos of American GIs in WWII doing the same thing. Soldiers dressed in drag because the inherent ridiculousness of a man in womens’ clothing is funny. The concept of trannies would’ve been as non-sensicalto them as quantum physics.
>heh ill take their memes and use it against them!!! seize the memes of reproduction comrade!
I’m just a libertarian trolling cringe on both extremes
fuckin a
>anyone who thinks innocent people die of AIDS is a tranny
K faggot
How the gay community works is simple.
1. You get molested as a kid. This is how the gay reproduces.
2. As a result, you spend a lot of high school in the closet. If you find girls that will want to be your friend, go ahead.
3. You graduate and go to college.
4. You find other gay dudes. (the internet has made 2-4 easier)
5. You're initiated into the community by an older member of the community. Many gays speak of this with almost religious candor.
6. Initiates and bottoms tend to be at the bottom of the totem pole. Many gays do not graduate from bottomhood and become power bottoms. This is where diaper dudes come in. For example, there's quite a few bodybuilders that workout in diapers, because their sphincter control doesn't exist.
7. Eventually, some bottoms do graduate, either by straight domination or just simply being old enough. This where parts of the gay mafia start springing up, because it already has the power structure in place to be one. Like being old and dominant enough, and you become a "Made Man" so to speak. Underbosses, dons (gays in position of power) Because of the sheer promiscuity (gays having 1000s of lovers), and the secretive nature involved, it's very easy to establish organized crime.
When you can establish a mafia in a place where most of the media is made, you can very easily influence the media to be positive for you.
>memes can be “owned”
you know an awful lot about the gay community
>gays reproduce by molestation
False. Sopped reading there
>*badly acted female expression*
Billy Herrington died under very weird circumstances, and oh boy what a rabbithole it ended up being.
False. Stopped reading there
Who is this fine young caucasian lady?
>taking an obviously sarcastic comment about mining asteroids accompanied by a picture of “Armageddon” seriously
>not autistic
They truly are evil people. They hide it well today and people believe it thanks to the media, but if people followed around a homosexual for 1 year they would be disgusted and horrified beyond belief. Gays live in world completely that is alien to a normal healthy person.
Back off, this is her boyfriend, and he loves a good implode
I'm pretty sure it's the reason I ended up gay. Not that I've ever acted on my homosexuality. I won't stop fighting it until the day I die.
>he was being sarcastic
>he doesn't believe in space mining
>he doesn't think it's easier to train miners to be astronaut than the other way around
Ben afflic you cannot fool me
whats it like having schizophrenia user? annoyed Yea Forums isnt 100% gay pedos? sorry man lemme cunny post and feet post and basically just be an extension of dan schneider instead of idk deleteriously declining into unrestrained shitposting because /pol/ is so intensely fucking whiny and politically correct and obsessed with conformity and spreading that lame bland aesthete to every fucking place it can spread its Gay Related Immune Deficiency or as I Like To Call It, GRIDs, to every eager faggot bug chaser they can find
i am not 16 and have the mentality of emokid so hitler really ranks very low in topics i care about
>This is how the gay reproduces.
Kek. Definitely stopped reading there. Are you Hank Hill?
Meaning he is claiming to have encyclopedic knowledge of homosexuality because “muh research purposes only”.
>mfw americans have to watch a trillion commercials for a pill to let gay tranny niggers bearback without getting AIDS per nanosecond to watch a tv show
How have you not killed yourself yet exactly?
Aniki was murdered, because his book was going to name names. Namely David Geffen.
Thanks adult swim for playing this during every fucking commercial break
I love how this specific ad has the "Actors portraying a role" disclaimer really large and multiple times
Do you have some religious prohibition against punctuation?
Kek does it really?
Can someone link the commercial here
unprotected sex of any kind of fi e assuming you aren't banging everyone in existence
Just stop fucking everyone you see ffs
Welp that's the first time I've seen Lemonparty in nearly a decade
Why would I do that? There's way more to life than sex and sexuality. I have my wife and children for example.
its the shitposters code, the da vinci code of being absolutely blasted out on space stones and never giving a fuck what yall slopes and chinks ossify with the textual ligament sentence vibration
in your dance is the meat of fools quivering with the syphilis of cheap southern democrats. you are the antichrist and im kojak shedding light on your cereal rape-suicides
contemplate the rectal neurons in your rearview lateral sphincter
youre welcome jim
youre fucking welcome
What the fuck kind of movie names are these?
american pharma adverts are hilarious because half the adverts are talking about how the drug can fucking kill you and make your life hell
Those are euthanization appointment hours
>it's okay to be a tranny because others are supposedly trannys
Kek’d hard
Bro, they are required to list any side effects that anyone on the prescription has reported, even if they aren't likely to be caused by the drug. This is the same for nearly every medication, especially niche ones.
When a person who has aids is taking aids meds, chances are they are going to report many of the symptoms they are treating as "side effects"
no he's saying in past decades people would dress up like that for a joke because the idea of taking a mentally ill person in drag seriously hadn't been tried yet.
Arisce she doesn’t have an Instagram tho. She’s got lots of vids on YouTube
Also it can wreck your liver over time.
It means you don't know what epoch time is.
why are underages so afraid of writing fuck for fucks sake
why don’t they just crop dust africa with a liquid version of this stuff
why do you know so much about tranny porn
every dick has technically been in a vagina unless you were born by cesarean section
I hope Aids never gets a cure. Just imagine the explosion in sexual deviancy that will occur once a cure is discovered. Everybody will fuck everybody, even more than now. Sex will become an even mote exploitable thing.
Fags will not die out but instead keep growing and having more and more elaborate and depraved sex parties and will, eventually, force their gay agenda down our throats even more.
If you think African birthrates are already alarming, think again, once half of these monkeys are not being culled by aids as they are now they will eventually become a superpower, but not through technological advances, instead they will simply outnumber anybody else and overrun them with spears and sticks. A cure for Aids would literally set the world back. Just stop fucking around, and if you must because you identify so much with F-R-I-E-N-D-S, Hoe I met your mother, Two and a half man and all those other (((Hollywood))) propaganda pieces that dehumanize sex even more and encourage polygamy, wear a fucking rubber.
t. NEET with Dr. House and Rick & Morty box sets
bros im 10 days deep into a nofap session and trap/femboy porn is getting more tempting by the hour
id creampie anyone and everyone thats on the pill
this. Why can't they leave normal people alone? To me trannies and fags are as disgusting as scat fetishist. Their medial over-representation, suggesting 'Fags are better people', undermines their cause as people get annoyed.
Even me?
me too pls
What causes gayness? Serious question.
A love of cock.
are day-to-day activities hard when you only have an IQ of 75?
What the heck is up with this nasty ass commercial spamming on late night tv
>Why can't they leave normal people alone?
because the Yea Forums types who constantly complain and whinge about trannies are acutely self conscious about their own marginal status and need ridiculous outlandish "trans people" to make themselves feel more normal. they're not going to stop because it's all they have
fuck off tranny
Nah, suppressing/denying a virus usually means invoking some or most of its symptoms in a reduced form, i can't think of a single viral cure/suppressant that doesn't incur some of its viral symptoms because the way you block a virus is to essentially change specific cells that the virus uses to reproduce. A virus finds a cell by following proteins and then begins reproduction.
Most viruses have 5 stages of reproduction called Lytic infection: attachment, entry (Effectively insemination), replication (using the matter of the host cell to reproduce proteins), assembly (constructing new viruses until the host cell dies) and the final stage is called lyse in which the cell has died and bursts with new slightly mutated viruses.
In order to block most viruses you have to effectively change the makeup of the cells that are being targeted in order to fool a virus into thinking that it cannot find a suitable target so eventually the virus will die or at least not be able to reproduce at rates that would allow growth. Doing this usually means complicating the multi billions of individual interactions that your cells do on a second by second basis in your whole body, it will make you sick, it will eventually kill you.
If you hear someone tell you that a virus technically isn't "life" because it doesn't reproduce by standard means, just mention how mushrooms don't either yet they are considered life, it's an entirely sophistic argument perpetuated by "scientists" who are desperate to engage in anything that smells like their own farts.
Also vaccines aren't real, fun fact. A virus is by definition not curable (complete elimination with no chance of resurgence) with current understanding because it practices macro evolution on a scale that humans are not capable of iterating upon. A virus does not produce an exact copy of itself, and sometimes they can even form entirely new structures .
TL:DR only AI will cure aids.
This, aids is god cleansing the world of sodomites
yeah that's what I'm talking about
So Yea Forums pro and anti trannies are two sides of the same coin? Hard to believe.
Also, I am more referring to the presence of transfag propaganda in daily media which became so omnipresent that it's nauseating. Like in North Korea where at every corner you have a portrait of the Supreme leader. At some point it's too much even for transfag neutral folk.
Holy fuck. The pharma industry is next level with their shit. They’re like, “wait, men with psychotic problems will buy our medication and we’ll be praised for marketing to them??? *does 3 rails and fucks his assistant* I love my job!”
AIDS is already more or less curable in the West. cry more incel.
>there's already truvada-resistant HIV
No it's not you dumb tranny shill. You still get infected by a deadly disease and will have to take a pretty damaging chemical cocktail for the rest of your life in order to supress the symptoms and not wither away like the snowflake you are. All that for the price if getting to bareback that manly anus or that cheap skank you picked up at Denny's
Look at this fucking faggot.
And he had a runt ball. And he was addicted to meth. And he had syphilis (or was it chlamydia?). We've all heard their lies before.
Its for AIDS
What the fuck is that thing?
It is a homosexual man pretending to be a woman
>whole point of government monopoly on meds is to drive the prices down and fuck big pharma in the ass like it deserves
Lol you are retarded if you believe the government paying for something drives the price down at all do yourself a favor and look up the price for inhalers the day before Obamacare was passed and the day after that will be a fun redpill to swallow
I remember when this rare photo was the subject of shits and giggles
>mfw it's now normal to see shit like this
I remember the fun I had directing people to that site. Good times.
I clicked on this thread thinking it was Banks, too, user
i was exposed to this by some guy on counterstrike with it in his name. i went to the site thinking it was his clan
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Outstanding and on-topic thread, OP!