Turn on cooking show

>turn on cooking show
>host is white
>turn off cooking show

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>turn on cooking show
>Host is wearing yoga pants and slaps her own ass

Bottom left is literally a picture of KFC and the top right is just Panda Express.

at least we can create functioning societies

kim's a guy name though

>haha white people cooking so bad. It's just a lighthearted joke xD
Why are bugpeople so hypocritical

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It's true though

Your point?

Emeril >>>>>>>>>> black, asian and spanish chefs

Juan, the Panda Express employee is as good a chef as any then right?

Italian food is considered the best on the planet while nigger food is disgusting fried shit and cheese. White people are superior once again.

God, I'm so glad I'm European

*spams blacked.com gifs)

>functioning societies

American whites forgot how to cook from generations of being able to afford servants. Euro whites don't have the same problem obviously.

Kim is a last name, Koreans say it first.

Lmao it's true. One white girl I was dating only knew how to make mac and cheese. She was a sweetheart though.

Which society did YOU create? I’ll wait.

>strudel, waffles, risotto, cheese, gyros, croissants, pizza, quiche, crepes, bratwurst, pretzels, schnitzel, lasagna, spaghetti, goulash, bread pudding, beef wellington, bacon, every type of beer or wine worth consuming, frites, croque monsieur, paella, chorizo, and on and on and on

Yeah. Whypipo dun no howta cook LOL. Dem based African kangzz is eatin mosquito pâté

Whatever Kim. I don't give a fuck. Y'all have like 5 names anyways.

The post is about white women's shit cooking. White men are very good cooks.

Italians ARE niggers


Dream on giuseppe

Maria is obvious answer here.

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women are bad at cooking period

my moms food is the best though

But Ina Garten is the best chef on food network and my cookfu

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theyre actually great at cooking period

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So brave POCs are trying to prove how much better they are than white people by showing evidence they are good at being culinary servants to white people? Seems silly to me

I eat like Hannah every day

Koreans have two names, the given name just tends to be monosyllabic and translated with a hyphen.

Every Italian mother I know makes great food though so thats an awful argument.

Meds are the best whites on the planet though, we have the best food, history, and we made the world what it is today. Anglos or Nords are just lesser whites.

Hannah is a jewish name

It’s called being based

They only have like 5 different names that they combine in different ways.

The three non whites are just variations of fried chicken


I'm going with Hannah because she probably spends more money on booze, so she's fun and would be an easy fuck, and I'm fine with a sandwich, it's better than Panda Express. Suck it democraps.

What race are you?

Imagine being this mad lol

>we made the world what it is today
you didn't but even if you did that's nothing to be proud of

>be non white
> pour metric fucktonne of spices on top of meat to kill all parasites ecause your species never learned how to use heating or freezing
>gets intestine sepsis
>dies unfullfilled because all your food tastes the same

A jew made your 'ethnic cuisine'.

The world was fine when Meds were in control but the Anglo retards came along and had to elevate the jews to ruin it all.


Laquishas food is also traditional white southern food, blapipo cook it because they learned from their slave owners

this board really isn’t for colored people

>minorities know how to cook

I don't fucking think so. Every time they cook they always grab some gross shit out of the fridge like ketchup followed by "trust me it's good" and then they squirt that shit on as the ketchup bottle makes that gross farting noise. Niggers DEFINITELY can't cook. Name one good nigger restaurant. I'll wait. Asains are pretty good and mexicans are okay. Latino food is pretty basic and I barely see them make their own tortillas anymore either. Indian food is the easiet shit ever to make because it is essentially fifteen spices in tomato paste with ghee or coconut milk. Wverything else is white food. Italian, Greek, French, Germanic. FUCK even southern american food which Blacks like to take credit for even though whites invented it. I really don't need to here about anyone talking about cooking when you all probably don't even pat your meat dry when it comes out of the package.

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Korea may have four common last names, but Vietnam only has one.

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never claimed to have created them, but i keep em tickin and I speak english, if some brown faggot wants to come to our paradise and they can do those two things, they can hang, suck nut

Not my fault you've never kissed a girl

The girls I’ve dated in the past have all been absolute shit cooks and I’ve since taken the fag pill and my longtime bf is a (white) pro chef who can cook anything from any part of the world at the drop of a hat and it’s based as fuck

Imagine the bluegh

Considering that I’m a lifelong cuck fetishist, it literally is your fault

>butthurt whitey detected

No one person creates a fucking society.

Show me a basic European meal that doesn't have some type of disgusting sausage, basic ass beans and bread/toast in it.


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>white people exclusively eat sandwiches
Do they actually believe this?

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Did the EU finally outlaw nationalism? Is that why you're Identifying with a continent instead of your country, or is your country just too shit to mention?

>Mexican friend's mom made "lasanga" one time
>It was literally ketchup, kraft cheese singles, and taco beef
Was quite foul.

Get a better fetish. I hear findom is pretty popular these days.

im gonna be real for second, every single carribean place ive eaten at was shit

the rice and beans were dry
how the fuck do you even do that

the chicken was dry and overseasoned as fuck too, jerk chicken is a fucking meme

You're basically describing an English breakfast. The country universally derided for having shit cuisine. Nice try.

is hannah single

God did

obviously, i was just taking a more measured approach to the typical "BUT U DIDNT MAKE WHITE PLACES" drivel. The important thing is just acknowledging it, recognizing why certain groups have such success, and trying to emulate their ways

you mean nigger

Where can I find black metal themed BDSM bathhouses in my area?


I love bologna sandwiches so much

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Full English breakfast is great though. Eat a frog, Pierre.

I don't think so tim.

>thinking that current women actually cook.
All of them are lazy as fuck now. That applies to juana, lakesha, kimberly and stacy.

Get rid of the bottom rung of the totem pole and you become the nigger

ba dum tssss

Spaghetti and Meatballs

I'll never stop.

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How do Viets make sure they're not getting married within the family?

You do know that tomatoes originally came from the Americas right?
No Italian Dish that contains tomatos is authentic to Italy.

My mom is italian american and can cook better than any of these brown uncultured swines.

Hahahahaha I make every meal from scratch and grow shit in my backyard too. I won't even say I'm that good but being an actual novice at cooking puts me wayyyy ahead of everybody else so I'm essentially a god at cooking to the layman. Oh, I forgot. I am white. With my rich history and my superior intellect, I have mastered techniques unknown to the common nigger like heating a pan. Also I have my pick of any race of woman I want including my own while you have to settle for porn or a chunky white girl(if you are lucky, you can find a decently attractive dumb whore).

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>muh dick
Enjoy your kari chicken.

Spaghetti and Meatballs without tomatoes

Maria > Kim Dahyun > Laquisha > Taco Bell > Hannah

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this local soul food place near the gulf is pretty good

If we can only lay claim to things that came wholesale from our continent, then black people should probably shut up about... Everything.

Hannah is objectively the hottest tho

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I am as white as a white american can be user. I go back to the mayflower

Maybe, but we are talking about food, isnt?

Yea and did you know Columbus who discovered america and therefore discovered tomatoes was Italian?

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Is racism how wagies cope with their dull lives?

Sigh, I wish we were all born faggot. Consider this - you'd have partner that pulls his own weight, almost no bullshit shittests, more upfront, more willing to cooperate, less likely to fuck off at the first sign of discomfort and male body is actually more aesthetic than female body.

Honestly very few youngish people (in America at least) know how to cook regardless of race which is a big reason why everyone is a fat fuck here.

>fancy names for carbs, carbs, carbs, more carbs, protein, and alcohol
spare me your shallow pretense, fool

Yeah but you're still a faggot though

Any person that calls fries "chips" should be shot in the face at point blank range.

Don't brag about cooking like it's some sort of niche skill when it's literally following directions most of the time.
The only people who really know how to cook are people who can reuse leftovers and turn them into something delicious and different.

I do. I just don't have enough power projection to annex neighboring countries. Not yet.

Pork isn't kosher.