

Fuck Lee and fuck jannies

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barneyfag where are you?

oh no, here he comes


Is it even him or just anons doing his thing.

I'd fuck a marshmallow horse.

Which of the Mane 6 is the best fuck? Rarity is definitely a wild bitch.

many years later and they were right: mlp was furry intro

im convinced it's a psyop at this point

i want to fuck that horse but the anthro version

Rainbow Dash is cool


Calm down dude

its been closer to a decade than not and honestly the time has come to allow mlp onto the rest of the chans
if only to get people fired up

Bend over

Just a reminder that this is how you attempt to make your dead fandom look superior to everyone who hates your guts.


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Did you get my text?


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hang yourself

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Why do i wamt to fuck that horse so bad?

Because you have literal brain damage.

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I missed the barneyfag thing. Let me get this straight: some deranged guy posts this everytime MLP:FiM is even remotely mentioned and calls bronies barneyfags; eventually everyone got sick of him and started calling him barneyfag in return. Am I wrong?


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Everyone can tell youre samefagging just so you know


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I'm new, what the fuck is this


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lurk more

Same but mostly just the cmc


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