I just want a fucking kiki gf bros
I just want a fucking kiki gf bros
Grew up with a lot of girls who looked like her, just be middle class and white like 20 something years ago, ezpz.
that's a big burg
>just go back in time and this time don't be a loser in HS bro!
Nah HS don't matter, middle school is where girls like that exist mainly, her face is all kiddie. But yes, be white and middle class 20 years ago. Not that fucking hard dude.
shut up bitch
i'm trying to say that i was, you fucking mongoloid. so no, it's not just that. fuck you
Not my fault you got fucked over mate, git gud next life.
What you grow up with ethnics or something?
for you.
she has a disgusting skull shape though
what the fuck growing up with ethnics has to do with me not geting a gf?
I didn’t give you permission to keep talking.
Hey Kiki do you love me?
Played yourself mate, never grow up around ethnics.
I'm not talking i'm typing. Not very smart are you?
Imagine wanting Ella Holly WITHOUT her penis. Cultureless plebs
Did I say you could keep talking? You’re embarrassing yourself, it’s for your own good.
i never said i grew up around ethnics, can you read? will you answer the question?
Pff you ok?
Nah you musta, why else wouldn't you have gotten with a girl you wanted to get with?
Seriously, just stop. I already told you.
Me? i just want a kiki/mckenna 3some. Why is that so much to ask?