>Racism? Off-topic? That’s a report!
Racism? Off-topic? That’s a report!
Don't be so dramatic, you terrorist.
Since the trannie invasion of 2016 this has been happening a lot
racism is rarely funny, and it's hardly edgy, it's you trying to attack a group of people you hate (sjw) on the basis of shock value
stop it faggots
>racism is rarely funny
already wrong
>greentext with soidude
>NOOOOOOOO racism is rarely funny, and it's hardly edgy
I don't honestly feel this way, but it feels like the appropriate thing to say.
Ever since I got banned for being racist outside of Yea Forums I report racism. If I'm going down you all are going with me.
Let's be clear. It's Yea Forums posters that are rarely funny, not racism.
Just use airplane mode or reset your router.
I can’t even imagine watching what I say on fucking Yea Forums anymore.
look at this maniac
This one is my new favorite.
racism will never not be funny and entertaining to me
what a guy
It's because your parents raised you wrong. Sorry you're a piece of shit.
Fuck niggers and kikes
>It's because your parents raised you wrong. Sorry you're a piece of shit.
what do you do for a living ?
Wait they ban you for being racist now?
What a bunch of niggers.
shut up faggot
>the post that made /pol/ seethe
WHY CAN'T YOU GUYS JUST BEHAVE YOURSELVES? how egotistical do you have to be to think you're above the rules???
shine shoes
>no argument
Hold that shit bitch ass nigga
I fuck
>wojak cancer
You need to go back
Sorry for abondoning you, son.
I can usually get away with nigger jokes, but as soon as you mention (((them))) its an instant ban. hmmm, wonder why.
>You need to go back.
kys weeb.
I'm just curious
Criticizing site moderation is against the rules user!
based and redpilled
illya CUNNY
racism is reddit
Honestly, why isn't racism allowed on 4channel? I thought this place was about posting anonymously?
We should still have the right to do so bootlicker.
How do you not laugh at this?
Are you going to make an actual coherent reply or are you just going to greentext my posts and use your ebin strawman pics?
Anime website, newfag
Shut up, nigger.
answer my question, nigger
Satan is now paranoid
>the right
Why don't you try reading the rules to start with?
>this IP range has been ban for abuse
Black people are just the same as you and me. Live and let live.
go back to your containment board davido kun
Reported for ban evasion
This is painfully unfunny
>be me
>shitpost about niggers, faggots and trannies all day every day
>no ban
>make one shitpost about (((them)))
>three day ban
It really makes you think
if you live in a high pop area, will never happen
all the professional ban evades are from big cities
I pity you. Your mother raised you wrong.
I can only conclude that all of this "muh raycism" pearl clutching is just an advanced form of trolling
>professional ban evades
>post about (((them)))
>hit with infinite captcha
Just fuck off back to plebbit, wojaktard
>I pity you. Your mother raised you wrong.
I notice you didn’t say “father”. Why?
pathetic LMAO
prolly because your reddit. Yea Forums is a right wing board and trump denounces racism
Good points. Solid post.
Fateshitters have no room to talk, you demihuman creature.
>wojak cancer
Because your mother is there for emotional nourishment. If you become a sociopath it'll be her fault.
So is that why niggers turn out so shit? Not the absence of the father but the presence of the mother?
Yes, now go back you election tourist
Seethe more shonentard
No, that's a socioeconomic problem. White people don't have that excuse.
have you seen black women lately, not satan?
>things are what they used to be and will be that way forever
>3 years since the election
Rent free, eh?
So basically what you are saying is that all poor people are niggers?
They look so much like the men that I can never really know for sure.
cmon fatty or uppity slut make me a happy man!
But racism IS off topic, you faggot