Will baseball ever be relevant again?

will baseball ever be relevant again?

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When are the A’s actually getting a new stadium? There’s literal shit floods in that dump.

In America, not without big change at MLB to make it less soulless. In Japan, Korea, Taiwan it'll be alright though, since its indisputably number one sport, same with all the Caribbean countries that love it.

only if sweden starts playing it and I am not planning on it.

People watch their regional teams if they do well, but it will never generate national interest the way it used to. There’s way too many games for neutral viewers to invest their time into. It could generate new interest if they make either the WBC or Olympics into a spectacle with the very best players, but the owners will never let that happen.

When the media stops conspiring against it in favor of pushing the other two sports with significantly more African Americans (not Afro-Latinos, they don’t count in their eyes).

>30 teams
>home and away 2 game series each
>116 game season
>go back to like only 6 teams making the playoffs
all we ever do is change and ruin shit, I pretty much only watch soccer and golf at this point

Only Amerilard can make a game called BASEball and not being Based


That would be the way to drive up interest when you think about it. Make a dream team like they did in basketball. I think if you used the best MLB players the host country would probably try to pull baseball from the olympics so it would have to be when the US hosts again. The only other country that realistically could or would is Japan. They pulled softball until it went back to Japan because all the other countries were butthurt that the US and Japan were the only countries that ever won.

is baseball dying?
looking at the youtube views MLB still mogs MLS in views by alot and FIFA videogames are more zoomer friendly than baseball ones

there are just 2 people where I work who pay attention to baseball
they're both over 60


>strawman by A's

baseball is dying, without question. i live in one of the most popular regions for the sport and the only people who watch it are senior citizens and math nerds. if you look at the tv ratings it is almost all old people watching this shit.

baseball hasn't been relevant since the early 90s. The only thing keeping it alive is cable TV and we all know what's going up happen to that

Sports in general are dying. Only shit like f1 and e sports is growing

You're retarded

Same with the soccer part la. There are no ads and halftime's only 15 minutes long. Plus I don't have to waste my day watching 4 hours of handegg.

why are handegg mongoloids and apehoop zoomers so hell bent on the death of America's passtime?

With more Hispanic immigration kek

>baseball sells out in London for Red Sox/Yankees

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he's not wrong dipshit.. look at youth participation numbers

>the only people who watch it are senior citizens and math nerds
can confirm
t. math nerd mechanical engineer, create sports sim models in python as an occasional weekend hobby
t. still not smart enough to solve nu captcha

>when Mount Davis was such a fuckup that it can't even be dismantled without taking the whole stadium down with it

I think it might be more accurate to say that sports are keeping cable TV alive. Really what else is the point of having a cable or satellite TV package.

Much like 1994, two of the past three seasons got bogged down in "millionaires vs billionaires" drama at nothing but detriment to the game itself. People got fed up with celebrity shit during covid and it's roughly the same effect watching sports royalty disrupt the league with bitchfits.

Well if the quality of the Apple broadcasts are anything to go off of, the cable TV may be a necessary evil for a while yet.

Go ahead and look what Amazon paid for its Thursday night NFL package. You don't see anyone falling over themselves to snatch MLB broadcasting deals

There's too many games for people to be interested. They need to cut the number of games down dramatically, something like one 3-game series per weekend. Make it customary to have Friday and Saturday night baseball, and then Sunday afternoon. Once NFL season starts up in September, move it to Thursday, Friday, and Saturday so as to not compete with the NFL on Sundays.

I think it's really telling that I had to go look up who the fuck the guardians were and realized they ditched the cleveland indians. Was anyone even paying attention? It was like they were trying to ride the coattails of the redskins changing their name like, who the fuck had a problem with the indians? Nobody that watches baseball that's for fucking sure.

think the big problem is it's so hard on smaller/mid market teams to sustain interest, no salary cap means that smaller market teams serve little purpose other than to be yankees/dodgers farm teams, I know a jays fan who has seen them win one playoff series in his entire life

there's 30 teams and not much point being a fan of 20 of them, yes royals had a fluke win

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No more people just think baseball is boring nowadays.

kek no

the indians logo was peak kino
you amerilards really fucked up with that one

My team was Cleveland and now I root against them because of the name change.

Not enough African Americans.. Most American sports fans are cucks

116 is still way too many and just some arbitrary grabass compromise amount that won't do a thing except lose money. There should be 3 game series friday-sunday and complete elimination of weekday games. Games matter, they're all on during optimal times. No one in 2022 is going to invest hours every day for half the year to something that means nothing in the scheme of things. 162 games could fly in 1975 with limited entertainment options and the fact that you probably couldn't sputter around to an 83-79 record and make the playoffs like now

darkies dont like watching it, someone post the copypasta about what americans worship

canada really is a disgusting frozen barren wasteland full of inbred racists isn't it?

Not really. I heard in Dominican Republic , Puerto Rico and countries that have historically loved it that they are getting more into basketball, and in Japan and Korea soccer is getting more and more popular

Seems weird considering that the average " Latino" baseball player looks like pic related

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Look at the numbers Mutt

I'd rather go to a baseball game in person than NBA or NFL but on TV I'd rather watch anything but baseball. Zoomers don't go to games.

Pace of play is baseball's #1 problem. MLB will never compete with other top sports until they get games around 2:30 average.

I have MLB season tickets and can't tell you how many games I've left in the 6th inning at 930pm over the last 5 years

never. it's a generational shift. zoomies and milennials are adhd and want fast pace sports.

no it's the amount. im not watching a single 15 minute condensed game on YouTube of a game that doesn't matter. 162 season contest just to cut out 16/30 teams where you can be eliminated in 2 games in the first rd now, a regular season game isn't worth 2 mins of investment watching

So the people want
>fewer games
>faster games

Our habits apparently are telling tjtb through predictive analytics that we want our entertainment constant and bite-size

sorry 18/30 MLB keep grasping at straws I can't remember basic season rules anymore

Fuck I had a stroke I don't know what my point was, but there are never going to be fewer games because tjtb lack self awareness

Things I hate about baseball

>being in a 5 team division with the yankees and red sox
>the bizarre fetish writers have for the same 4 teams making the playoffs every year (red sox, yankees, dodgers, giants)
>expecting me to care about another 100 games after I know the team isn't good enough to make the playoffs
>players being traded for cash (aka sold)
>playing a million games against the division and about 20 against the rest of the league
>relief pitchers
>home runs
>foul balls
>6 divisions of 5 teams instead of 4 divisions of 8
>changing the ball every year
>outfield dimensions designed for malnourished immigrants 150 years ago
>7 inning doubleheaders
>flesh umpires calling strikes
>mlb deciding if the dome can be open in the playoffs
>the only canadian team(s) being out east

Things I like

>passed balls
>wild pitches
>dropped third strikes
>the infield fly rule
>fielding errors
>the trop

>less opportunities to watch will grow the sport
I don't understand this mode of thinking
scarcity works when something is already in demand, I'm not sure induced scarcity works in making something popular when it comes to arts/media/sports
the sport itself would probably suffer too if they didn't play nearly every day
they'd for sure be in practice everyday, why not just have them play games?

Raise the mound half a foot and let the batters do roids.

>playing a million games against the division and about 20 against the rest of the league

This is a huge problem. If they just rotated teams through more often it would guarantee higher attendance.

i'm watching it right now

Stop trying so hard to force your lycra clad sissy handeggers onto foreign markets and make an effort to spread basedball instead. It already has a slight foothold in the Netherlands so work on them and at very least convert the European countries that don't play Cricket.

They need to focus on how weird baseball used to be like in the 70's. Trying to refine the game has only lead to watering it down. Let the pitchers grow tomatoes out in the bullpen and shit again.

Sorry that /yourteam/ is shit. (mine's shit but has gotten lucky, which is alright LMAO)

But how can we eliminate cricket altogether is the real question.

it definitely will because ill watch. since they play games 10% of their waking life there's no good point to start jumping in and becoming invested. since I don't like being some turbocasual and jumping in during the playoffs or September or something I'm not watching a single game. I'll Google playoff scores once an hour in october

the reds just had the worst first month to the season of any team in 35 years, basically 900 seasons worth they are 900th, if they win 60% of their remaining games they'll make the playoffs after a once in almost 2 generation bad start that encompasses an entire month. An individual moment, game doesn't mean anything so I'm not watching it

Whoever can afford them. This case Vegas in like a year or two.

must be why i like it not joggerish

what's your team?

There being a lot of games is a huge part of the appeal though
You can get tickets and watch a mid-week day game and they'll be reasonably affordable given how often games are played

People who watch baseball enjoying watching game play, if you don't then I don't see how less games would change that

I grant that it would be absolutely fucked to be a Reds fan right now though. Season is basically over, only interest there might be following certain players or staff