What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: the-child-catcher-4.jpg (500x230, 17K)

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Nothing. The man was paid to do what he loved.

He could sniff the cunny from a mile away.

I wish I could have such career satisfaction.

Well, we know who could play him in the remake.

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He loved children a little bit too much.

Attached: the witches.webm (700x360, 1.93M)

This man was a fag who died of aids. Not surprising that he'd agree to play a part like this.

What a fantastic movie

It's British/Roald Dahl kino.

Attached: The Witches-3.webm (900x506, 2.46M)

Witches of england, you are disgrace

My fucking cousing always wanted to watch this movie when she was over and it scarred me for life

The shape of that cunny-catcher’s nose

Dahl was based

Interestingly enough everyone who knew that actor said that he was very kind and gentle. That character gave kids nightmares though lol

Society used to hate kids because people hardly ever lived to 40.

I really hope the new Witches movie keeps the original ending in the book, and not the shitty happily ever after bollocks in the 90s one

It's true.


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The 90s one did have a pretty dark ending iirc. How did it differ from the book?

Ian Fleming wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

In the book the boy remained a mouse and ended on the dark bitter sweet sentiment that his life span as a mouse parallels that of his grandmother so they can both travel the world and hunt witches together into the rest of their old age
The film ends with the boy being turned back into a human which ruins the original premise of the ending completely

Dahl wrote the screenplay and the child catcher character was 100% his creation

Sounds like something he'd write lol

I'm sure the version I saw retained the original ending.
I did not know that.

unironically my first fap

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