Name a more kino film than Creating Rem Lezar

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I can’t.
This song has been stuck in my head for the past 3 weeks. My life is a living hell.

Now that the dust has settled it was all a front for a pedophile organization right

Batman V Superman

Nah there was a bunch of legit low budget children’s entertainment in the 80’s. Direct to video stuff is what you used to do if you couldn’t break into the big leagues.

so did they thank eit! for showing them the movie or did they act like someone just sent it in like they've done before

They summoned Rem Lezar from a Jojo manga that they found in a dumpster by the comic shop that smells funny.

OP which RLM member are you?


Search for the highest place in your heatt!


So did brain tumors cause the musical Home Rem Leaae to manifest in the minds of the children and torment their waking thoughts then they went to hidden bunker and made Rem flesh to then slowly die from gas inhalation and as brain death occurred they both shared one last waking musical delusion?



A great way to pronounce QUIXOTICK when you have no idea how to pronounce QUIXOTE

Didn't we watch the same movie?

I did not watch a movie about the musical Home Rem Leaae

Hush now my nubile and pure little one!

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>Musical golem Rem Lezar

Fuck phone posting


Ppl keep saying this is kino but cant link a single kino scene in the whole flick

The reboot crossover that no one asked for.

Attached: d2flaqn-f3fb4ccd-d4df-434f-9d39-c4be8be6a84a.jpg (800x562, 113K)

Part of the joy that I find in this boy...


'Yellow Dyno: Tricky People' is the only right answer.


"Dreaming of Dream" is superior


So...Rem Lezar is a metaphor for latent prepubescent homosexuality...right?

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For me, it's Beezbo's Adventures: How to Behave Like a Human

Attached: bobby.jpg (291x318, 51K)

If my kid told me Rem Lezar was his imaginary friend I'd put him into therapy

Ive had I don't practice santeria I just worship Rem Lazar in my head for months. It's lyrical genius really

This actually kind of charming.
Rem Lezar is just creepy and molesty


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That's a good little one...
Now touch my KWIXOTIK medallion while I twist and play with my nipples.

Attached: rem02.jpg (640x434, 11K)

Were these really the best kids they could find?

This is way better in Japanese.

Yeah. They were the "best" in the sense that their parents obviously didn't care if they got molested or not.

Reminder that the actress who played the little girl died a few years ago.


I couldn't find any cause of death listed anywhere when I looked into it back in february. The obituary doesn't mention:
(this is definitely her, Jack Mulcahy tweeted about her death)

Sorry, misremembered, he posted about it on instagram

Attached: Instagram.png (328x481, 62K)

she looked like she would grow up into a hottie, how was she looking?

There's photos of her on the obituary link

>AIDSmoby jokes about 9/11
>They go to the Twin Towers

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