So what are we going to call this new lightsaber, Yea Forums?
I vote the balisong saber.
So what are we going to call this new lightsaber, Yea Forums?
I vote the balisong saber.
Other urls found in this thread:
fuckoffwiththisshitalreadyyoufuckingturds saber
The Rickety Saber
Clunksaber 9000?
It is already called a lightsaber pike in canon.
Any other name is better.
Dumb as fuck. That’s what I’m calling it.
get out
2009 + 10
God that's so fucking dumb
Jesus fucking christ. This is exactly as stupid as everybody acted like Kylo's saber was back when TFA trailer came out.
Please stop pretending to care, or that anyone calls.
I call it
'The Tryhard'
Its really aesthetically lacking...
I mean, if she at least unfolded it with some kind of flourish, and wasn't just holding it in front of her like a prop-sword, it would help. But there's really just so little appeal...
surprised nobody shopped this to have like 10 sabers next to each other and then it goes ape shit when she deploys it
Double laser sword.
Kylo's saber IS stupid, but it at least has good aesthetics. Its "stupid" in the same way that all Star Wars movies are stupid.
This thing is just poor.
What’s even the point of this? Like, ok, the double-bladed saber is cool, we saw Maul use one, it was effective and practical, cool. What’s the point of having it fold, though? What benefit is there to that? Why would you ever wield it closed? The two blades side by side add nothing. It’s just a more clunky regular lightsaber, basically.
Actually this. Look at this bullshit. The goons at Disney have already destroyed hyperspace with hyperamming -- now they're destroying A THOUSAND GENERATIONS of lightsabers. Why the fuck wasn't Darth Maul smart enough to use this lightsaber? This new design gives you TWO blades. That extra lightsaber blade is a huge advantage in blocking attacks. Does Rey just have 1 billion IQ and discovered this hack to lightsaber tech?
The JJ Sabrams
Already been done.
>her arm is flopping about from the momentum
Women are weak
Looks like something women would enjoy
The Floorscraper
"New" lightsaber held by the main character of the movie is enough to appeal to people to sell it in toy form. It's probably just going to be a vision or something and not even be in the movie for more than a minute and people will still go crazy for it.
There's the swiss army knife webm in other threads, if you mean like that.
You wouldn't wield it closed. And the point is that it's more compact and easier to carry around than having a nearly 3 foot rod at your side.
Maul just carried his. Seems silly to bother with.
it's not new
they appear in rebels, jedi temple guards had them
>is enough to appeal to people to sell it in toy form.
If that was true, they could sell any toy. The fact is tho, people don't buy shit that's this lame.
This is the Rose Tico of lightsabers.
Pretty much everything from Disney Wars has already been done before in Legends material (and better I might add). Hell, half the stuff from the prequels was ripped from it as well. Exar Kun had a double bladed lightsaber back in 1995.
The Noncanon
Was in Clone Wars before that, but Rebels showed some really good views of it, yeah.
link? I'm not a fag so I didn't watch a star wars cartoon
It's not an advantage at all. There's a reason swords are the way they are.
I am convinced its a group of women steering this franchise into the dirt. Only a dumbass woman would think this lightsaber design is a good idea.
Motarolla razor
this doesn't show that the blades can be ignited while folded like Rey's can. They're just wielding them like regular bow staffs
You can tell it's a vision or something because her outfit and saber are so bland and look like they took two seconds to design it.
but it's the same concept
also, rey's saber looks like shit ignited while folded
i don't have any expectation for this movie but i hope they change that part
unwieldy flipsword
I think you're thinking of jews and anglos
Its stupid. If you want a staff use a staff. If you want a bow use a bow. If you want a spear use a spear. So much potential for a light saber to be a unique jedi weapon yet it comes in only 3 colors (4 if you count the magic nigger).
Either way star wars is dead you cant force 3 movies worth of character development into one its not possible. Plus rey cant get hurt as that would reduce women paying to see the film and the mouse cant have that. When your hero cant be put in a tense situation then you have no pay off when they pull themselves out of it.
u liked it when darth maul done it?
This will bring the Chinese audiences for sure!
well bantered
Her outfit looks like a cheap halloween costume. I've seen better sith rey fan arts.
Well, it's gotta be a film reference if it's JJ, so, "the dolemite saber"
>gifs vs webms in current year
I seriously hope none of you fags are gonna pay money to see this shit
It is already a thing. It already has a name. How are you guys this unable to do simple google searches?
Get the fuck out of here, shill
>fags think this is new
Guys, they literally have made guns that fire lightsaber beams at people. This has been done before. They have light tonfas, light chakrams, light clubs, light sabres, light 2H swords, light axes, darksabers and so on. This has been done.
Here's what she really wants.
Chinese Darth maul lightsaber
Darth maul died you dumb nigger, and whatever happened in the clone wars bullshit cartoon doesnt matter because only comic book autists watched that
teh rey
He's alive again in a SW film post-prequels.
Why is this even necessary? the double bladed lightsaber still uses a light blade so its not like space would be an issue
Like an old ass flip phone but for a dual lightsaber
Kylo's is still retarded, this one at least can work like maul's
THAts so fucking dumb
Why not just turn off one side like Darth Maul's saber?
>not the one that starts with shitty gif quality
Yeah for real. Get the good version.
I wouldn't mind the flipping if the blades didn't ignite until after it had flipped. Having them stuck up like that looks stupid, while also begging the question as to why Jedi didn't make double/triple/quadruple/etc bladed sabers for their normal lightsabers so they'd have extra width when swinging the weapon around.
Why does this shit happen? Is it Firefox fucking up? I have to manually seek back to he beginning of a webm to unfuck them every time.
The Nut Cracker
Luke knows.
Why don't they give Rey a lightsaber pike?
But kylo's saber is retarded...
I dunno, user. I don't have that problem. I can seek around a .webm to where ever. I've never seen weird colored pixely stuff like that before. Try looking it up on the Internet I guess. I did a quick search and Microsoft being their usual helpful selves tell you to update video drivers and stuff (which could be a thing, maybe try that). Troubleshooting withing Firefox using Safemode is also a suggested solution. Try a different browser and see if it's Firefox. Actually the suggestion that came up that makes sense is download a codec pack, maybe your codecs are outdated.
Just do a search for "windows 10 .webm playback glitch firefox" and check through the links I guess.
Old Nokia saber
Kylo's iconic saber>Rey's boring ugly saber that's going to be in one scene
Keep crying, Reyshits.
i like The Critical Drinker, too.
Kylo's saber is cool
>Rey's iconic weapon is the staff
>Rey never uses the staff except for one scene in the first movie
>Disney still calls it her iconic weapon and we need to remember that
I know that Star Wars isn't known for having especially *dynamic* characters, but these guys are so static I'm afraid to touch them.
It'd be helpful if I knew what that phenomena is called. I try "rainbow artifacts" and get nothing helpful. Thanks anyway.
The folding chair
Sounds like crappyGPUitus.
Who's that?
It's Desert Girl from the new movies, alongside Black Man and Hot Shot Latino.
I guess jj doesn't want to look like he's ripping off the older movies.
It's funny you mention that cause didn't she use a staff in the first movie? Seems like yet another wasted opportunity for this abortion of a threequel. Could have been her unique weapon or something.
Sometimes I wonder if NuDisney made a deal with some Pact Devils to reap immense profits off reruns, rehashes, reshoots and remakes in exchange for stripping themselves of all ability to write original material.
>So what are we going to call this new lightsaber, Yea Forums?
OnlyRetardsAndFaggotsWillSeeItInTheaters saber
wasn't she staff user?
Yes, but we barely saw it or any real fighting style with it.
Light nun-chucks would have been pretty metal desu.
>I vote the balisong saber.
Didn't they have that?I swear someone posted a webm in some animated something.
imagine the possibilities
This, SW was always ruled by the rule of cool, a lot of the designs like TIE fighters or trooper armor are retarded if you think about it.
"four billion dollar regrets"
now that would just look silly in live-action
the sith went out of their way to design sabers that were more dangerous to the wielder than their opponent. it was their way of weeding out the less worthy.
Because that would make sense for her character.
yeah unlike the cartoon
Ha ha, good joke user.
>'The Tryhard'
spot on
The weight distribution on the hilt triggers me. Why would you activate it that way? All you're strength is put on one end and the blade swings down and cuts into the ground giving that side no leverage at all. They should have just given her a Double bladed saber instead of the gimmick saber.
OG Saberstaff user and still the best one. Prove me wrong.
Schick's entire legal team:
wait a minute.
> what to call it
Daisy Ripley and Kyle Ren is twins. Kyle Ren dies after saving Daisy Ripley and giving her what she needs to save the universe
jesus christ. it's almost impossible to generate a laser that just stops after 140 cm.. no way in hell is anyone going to generate a beam with BUMPS.
Kylos sabre is a cool design that's actually an extension of his character unlike every other lazersword in all the films which are just tools with no personality
Look at that, still functional, no flippy thing needed.
Hope you're not implying that rey's flip saber would be cut proof.
are lazersword hilts lazerproof?
what advantage do two magic laser beams that can cut through anything give you over one laser beam that can cut through anything? like seriously what is the point of the side-by-side double saber mode of this?
This x100
Idk but I know arms and hands aren't, or bodies.
Retarded like him
A lightswitch.
It would be just a metal club with a bunch of tiny lightsabers on it's surface.
why does the hilt expand?
Rey is an expert in every conceivable form of armed and unarmed combat.
fucking kek
The Sundowner
red sword over paradise
>a 10 foot spear used to warding off cavalry
Yup, that's the first thing that comes to mind when I see a folding lightsabre with two blades.
Looks like he's turning it perpendicular to the camera direction.
>What about all the good things war has done for us? Why don't we ever hear speeches about that? Jobs, technology, a common purpose... All we're sayin' is... GIVE WAR A CHANCE!
Blessed quads of relevant questions. You are correct sir, the mouse is spouting madness in it's desperation
Do not use the terminology of the Mouse. There's only the old Expanded Universe and Disney shit.