>can't afford the time and money to get a console or gaming PC for the foreseeable future
>only gaming options are PS3, a laptop with an IGPU, and my Android phone (too much dignity for the latter)
>last game purchase was MGSV for PS3, 4 years ago
Anyone else in a situation where they've had no access to contemporary, mainstream games for an extended period? What games did you play? What did you miss out on?
Shitty vidya life
Shit meant to post this on Yea Forums
Dead meme
Get your fucking life together, playing new video games are the least of your problems.
just play emulators
literally years of entertainment
doom (1993)
The 8th gen of consoles will be over by next year
You could probably pick up a used PS4 for a couple hundred bucks. How poor are you?
nice try faggot, just another sneed baiter
Fucking retard.
link? looks based
Gta online for the ps3 is based, user. Modders everywhere, no pay to play, and rockstar barely moderates it. Unironically get into oldschool gta online
You mean GTAV? How does it run on PS3?
GtaV runs great, but I do mean online.
Same boat. I’m playing Battlefield 3 on PS3. I got Fallout 3 New Vegas for a couple bucks at the flea market, but I’ve read it plays like shit.
I have a bunch of SNES I could sell to get a PS4, but not sure.
Keep the SNES
Im still playing the old star wars battle front 2
wtf i love chuck now
Isn't that the online mode of GTAV? Do they have different performance?
How's the online?
What platform?
Xbox 360
Frame rate in Online is a little choppier, though if you're playing a solo sesh or in a server with like 2 other people it gets to be really smooth. It's a cheap game, check it out