Isn't this a bit of a dead meme?

It got old pretty fast now it's just dead
Brazilians don't even care anymore, I see a "7-1" post I just cringe

Attached: reddit meme.png (648x280, 104.06K)

kys srsly

literally the ad of the board

Both teams suck now lmao

>t. Joao "Johnny" Muttinho from Miami, FL

I swear to god I'm brazilian and living with brazil with no VPN, since yesterday for some unknown reason I have this flag, I even checked my IP and it shows exactly where I'm from in Brazil.
I really don't know what's happening

post neighborho- nvm you can't tell those places apart

7:1 was one of the greatest games of all time. and everyone who disagrees is a mad anglo

Nah it's easily the greatest Yea Forums humiliation in recent memory (so excluding games like El Maracanazo). I don't see why we should remove it

i don't mind it

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not even kidding my neighbor is dutch

Bairro do Vanderlei. As dutch as most paraíbas.


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Yeah haha it is just so cringe you are 100% right bro haha

you had to be there

It must have felt good being patriot for a couple of days, than must have felt horrible going back to be a self hating cuck germanoid

There's still the banner of
Why they wiould remove the 7-1 of bucksil?

must have felt good being a brasilian macaco that loves to get dominated by whites

I pitty pigskins such as you, and somewhat feel bad about your latent scat fetish.

Literally one of the most iconic world cup matches of all time. In 50 years there will be a interviews with Khedira with a big grey beard recalling how the match went.

brasilian women love white europeans or why do they want blond blue eyed babies. keep seehting shitskin

Funnily enough mine isn't

It checks your voter registration, not your IP

Let me se


nope, still funny

Chile raped you, your boy Canelo lost, youre shit at everything else

You have to admit, it generated some really fun memes!

Attached: brazil2014.jpg (620x666, 81.6K)

Attached: double.png (915x293, 101.53K)

>voter registration
wth is that

>Ft brasilian diaspora

please delet

Since when are games that lopsided great? It felt completely surreal and strange and it was also kind of funny, but it wasn't a great game for sure from a sporty point of view.

it's great when it's a country of disgusting favela dwellers who still think they are the pinnacle of football and literally bankrupted the entire country just to be destroyed 7-1 at home, sounds pretty amazing to me

>7:1 in a match everyone thought to be a close game because the brasilians were so good
kys muhammed

It's great and will live forever. Even non sports fans know what it means. I'll never forget going outside and seeing my German neighbor and we were both like what the fuck is this hahaha


Attached: 7-1.png (680x628, 48.09K)

Didn't say it wasn't amazing. But it was amazing from the wtf-just-happens-here point of view; it wasn't amazing from the this-is-how-a-great-game-of-football-looks-like point of view. Or in other words: it was a great game by the German team but it wasn't a great game of football, overall.

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oof, off by one

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Banners have not been updated since 2015 or some shit

I refuse to believe that's a word

Such dir ne Arbeit, dann musst du dein Selbstwertgefühl auch nicht aus der Leistung anderer beziehen, während du von deren Steuergeldern lebst, Schwachmat.

Attached: mehr-eindeutige-botschaft-sohnemann-159104.jpg (400x300, 25.57K)

>Whine aunts who cant generate offspring in the tradtional way have superior moral ground to judge men now

Dein "Selbstwertgefühl" hast du daraus, alles Deutsche mit deinen Zecken-Genossen zu hassen. Eine Arbeit hast Du auch nicht, du Opfer.

Sure but Yea Forums is fucking dead as a site since moot left so enjoy these terrible banners for the rest of your life.

it's not a training, its natural human behavior, not the devil (in this case capitalist white male)

Hot take from Chudsky. Cavemen most definitely cheered when their Cave Chad smashed the skull of other cave troglodite.

No, you can't kill all the jews.

we can and we will

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Use this to your advantage, spam BBC on every thread with a woman

As opposed to the ponzi schemes and some faggot's Yahoo Answers avatar podcast that is currently plastered on the board.

I honestly couldn't care less about it. DIdn't mind back then because I was too edgy to like sports, don't mind now. I just don't like when people treats us like we have monkeys running on the streets, or that we are literally monkeys or something like that, our image is ruined on the internet and it makes me want to >an hero sometimes.

Yep, it's been shit since Hiromoot bought it.

Attached: 1634985080192.png (400x400, 271.41K)

>In bester Kanak Sprak und mit all seinen im Kindergarten erworbenen rhetorischen Fertigkeiten konterte er das Argument mit einem beeindruckenden: "Nee, aber du!", lehnte sich auf seinem Stuhl in der Hartz-4-finanzierten Wohnung zurück, nahm einen tiefen Zug vom lauwarmen ALDI-Dosenbier, startete eine neue Suche nach "Transe masturbiert" auf xhamster und dachte sich: "Ey Digga, ich bin voll krass das Genie"...
Und sehen Sie morgen - frisch aus dem Leben von Justin Müller-Osman - eine weitere Folge von "Fußball, Wichsen, Alkohol": freuen Sie sich auf Bewerbungstraining im Jobcenter; Chantal, die Justin mal wieder einen Korb gibt; und Justin, der auf leebinfoortschän beweist, was er für ein harter Kerl ist.

Attached: aggroback.jpg (500x500, 83.75K)

Deine perversen Untermenschen-Fantasien sind Deine Sache.

Kek. Du Abziehbildchen eines NPCs.

>Kann nicht ohne Meme wie "NPC" antworten
>Nennt Andere "NPC'S"
Halt die Fresse, Zecke.

>when people treats us like we have monkeys running on the streets, or that we are literally monkeys or something like that, our image is ruined on the internet and it makes me want to >an hero sometimes.
I think you have neurosis bro if you're being serious

Yeah, but they knew their "Cave Chad" personally and they knew why it was important for their group to kick those neandertals next door out of their cave. They didn't follow him blindly.

I was furious untill 4-0, then i was dead inside. The game was a little boring after the blitzkrieg.

Es gibt im Deutschen weder einen fucking Plural- noch einen Genitivapostroph du lernbehinderter Pseudopatriot. Ernsthaft jetzt: es gibt kaum was Lächerlicheres als jemanden, der seine gequirlte, rechte Scheiße in einem Deutsch raushaut, das jeder türkische Immigrant besser beherrscht.

this anglo meme is just the weirdest trolling ever

i dont understand foreign people humour

Only americans REALLY think we have monkeys on the streets, because... well, because they're americans. The other countries know a little more about the world, they just call us monkeys because is funny.