What on earth happened to her?
Jenni Lee homeless AF
meth and gambling addiction
100% tranny controlled by demons ran into the dirt
literally who
her boobs are fake and gross looking
america is a shit country with tons of homeless people and no one gives a fuck about their fellow countrymen
oh wait.. they do give a fuck.. they get guns to make sure their fellow countrymen stay away
there are over 300 million people in america. do you expect every single person to have a home? it is statistically impossible.
I live with my parents
there are less homeless people in africa than in america
google it
Meanwhile, /ourgirl/ has a successfull career as a streamer on twitch.
There's plenty of space and homes but several cartels make sure everything is as inflated price-wise as possible.
I feel bad for her. Let's help her get her life back together.
africa qualifies a mud hut as a home.
I don't give a shit about drug addicts. Nobody is homeless who doesn't want to be.
in africa no one owns large swaths of land like they do here in murica aswell as the government if people were able to buil a home where they like be it cabin adobe it would be far better. But no one would make money off of it and the government would tax the living fuck out of you. Blame greed
what's better
living in a mud hut with no electricity or running water or living under a concrete bridge with no electricity or running water
better than a bench
you mean a tent?
>that whore
please. see pic related for Yea Forumss real queen
You rack empathy. You arso rack disciprine.
living with dignity
you made sure yourself all the homeless people in your country got a tent the moment they got their life, hopes and dreams turned into shit, in the effing US of A?
She's too smart and dignified for Yea Forums
>1st world country
Topkek you're the joke of the world
Wont she like drown once a year if she keeps living there?
I don't expect shes a good swimmer with that adult film background
>Yea Forumss real queen
try /trash
>Yea Forumsās queen
Not with those feet
>they get guns to make sure their fellow countrymen stay away
No shit. We are just a barely First World Brazil that is full of mystery meat subhumans. Can you blame us?
>that one painfully OBSESSED yurofag bitching about americans
hmmmm, nice salty tears
>there are less homeless people in africa than in america
You're a lying goddamn commie
>US homeless 0.17% 550,000
>Egypt 16,000,000
>Nigera 24,000,000
>South Africa 7,000,000
goddamn commies I swear
You all should try having compassion for people stuck in a rut
You should know better than to expect compassion from Yea Forums
this just makes me cum harder when i watch her vids
>hey bro I'm homeless because I, uh, got laid off
>having compassion for sluts and drug addicts
yeah, no
fuck the homeless. gas them.
You think she'd give us a suck and fuck?
Help the homeless. Kiss them.
based and redpilled
Thank you for your service my friend. Yuropoor obsession is an important economic commodity that allows Americans to produce and send the semen supplies you desperately crave.
imagine the smell
I work with a group that helps homeless.
87% of the people we come in contact with have one of the following issues.
-- are addicted to opioids and/ or Meth, you used to see coke/crack but meth took that side of the addictions.
-- have serious mental health issues but are not a direct danger to themselves or to others so cannot be forcibly treated.
The other 13-14% are actually just people hard on there luck and noramlly get housing within 2 weeks as they are easy to place or help.
Are two biggest donors are actually former clients who did well and have been giving back.
>Yea Forumss real queen
That's not Jenny Nicholson
God I wish she was my wife so I could abuse her. She would make an excellent battered spouse. You can just tell she's the kind of girl that you can beat the shit out of and 15 minutes later she'll come to you in tears apologizing for setting you off. She knows you have a temper and she shouldn't have set you off like that. She promises from now on she won't leave her porgs in the living room anymore.
seek help
Her scissor riding was god tier. Lovely hips and legs too. What is source on left pic?
go post on /pol/ you damned miscreant
get the fuck out of here you ignorant lunatic
Is it that wrong to want to have someone who loves you?
you don't exist in my universe, so what do I care what you think? the median income of my county in 98.000, and there are some 520 homeless people from a population of ~450K
you and every other shit talking foreigner can go suck a dick
>imagine caring about porn slags
Fucking hell.
Meet me in the sewer user, we will find her together
Isn't her toes rotting off?
Just like her heart
don't worry. she'll find work in the new porn sensation blacks on bums.
aww that last bit was really nice if true user :3