The worst Nu Wars scene please. Plenty to choose from

The worst Nu Wars scene please. Plenty to choose from

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the hux prank call

What did the family company Disney and JJ mean by beheading someone 5 minutes into the film?

there is no question even though it is perhaps the funniest seen ever

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That scene aged like fine wine imo.

>A story for another time
Forget Nu Wars, this is probably the most dreaful line in cinema

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Beyond having X-wings, the Rebellion was never really "cool" because the Empire had stormtroopers and the badass vibes but the constant theme of Rebels dabbing on the Empire has only gotten more hamfisted to the point where more people root for the Empire than ever before now. Basically what you're seeing with China. Eventually hating on the Chinese Empire and favoring Hong Kong Rebels is going to run its course and more people will be rooting for the PLA.

This is why its dangerous to base your whole identity around " I REBEL!"

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Some random broom kid has force powers

Mary Poppins Leia. It was like something out of a Yea Forums larp, only someone got paid to write and direct it into a multi million dollar feature film.

>that brief period after TLJ released and people were shitposting about the Leia scene
>everyone assumed it was a fake leak until the webm dropped
Will episode 9 be as fun?

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That is unironically the worst movie kiss ever. He looks as repulsed as she should be.

>hot ape on chink action!
>HEY China hates this film wtf?

Luke drinking milk. Funny how we had time to see that or it was important to Rey, but there was no time to have Luke reacting to Han's demise or knowing who Snork was

Stop with this fucking shit

Most of the prequels are terrible. Yes, 1 and 3 has SOME moments but they were mostly fleeting. 2 doesn't have any redeeming qualities

It's ok to admit that both the prequels and sequels are a travesty

2 was the best of the prequels, mousefag

Fuck off the prequels are fucking kino and you're just ass blasted that your formerly edgy opinion is no longer edgy

Prequels are shit you zoomer faggot.

Everyone at the theater was repulsed, there was a colective "ugh" during the scene. Also, when Kylo Ren revealed his face in TFA the whole audience chuckled in disconfort and disbelief. Same when Holdo was making her debut speach.

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It's salt.

prequels are garbage in the same tier as the sequels. the OT is star wars. everything else is non canon

and that audience was albert einstein

This was a good scene tho

I will always remember a woman laughing at Adam Driver's bare chest in TLJ. She was not impressed.


>Where's Padme? Is she all right?
*Trade knowing sad look with movie-bro.*

Rian cut the mourning scene and a pretty cool lesson scene, I guess because he knew the audience really wanted Canto Bight.

I laughed too because I was nervous and because Rey was getting wet, I was getting wet too.
the idiot on my side like you will have thought that I laughed at him

Adam doesn't want fat broke wahmin.

Retarded chink.

Why do all Kylo haters say the same? Only Kylo haters say "the audience laughed".
I also saw it several times and nobody laughed at the cinema

Ewan hamming it up in 2 is hilarious

>because my theatre didn't have brain, no one did
>crisps n' Muslims


shouldn't the first conversation have established why there's a first order/what became of the empire?

>Like Oscar Isaac before star wars
>Think both his character but specifically all his dialogue is cringe as fuck
>Find out he adlibbed it all

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only the finnr*y and finncels say the same speech of the cinema, in my cinema nobody laughed

I never thought I'd see the day when DO NOT WANT would be unironically praised on Yea Forums.

I wonder what genius improv comedian Oscar Isaac will come up with for Episode 9.

Another your mom joke? Tune in to find out.

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Why hasn't some retarded deranged Star Wars manchild hunt down Rian Johnson yet.

Ironically, I became a fan of Adam and Kylo for that scene, and I also laughed bc i was blushing

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You're not tricking me into remembering this piece of shit, mr marketer.


Anything with the round faced asian troll. Especially when she rants about capitalism or negates the other guy's arc.

Yeah, but the scene is good now. Come to the Clown Side. Really, it grew on me. It made me feel something for Vader in a film that isn't RotJ. And I love RotJ. The film is not that high on my list of good to bad SW movies, but that scene aged amazingly.

please be an actual female user and not some gay fat bastard.

No contest. Not a single person in the theater laughed

Your image reminds me of the "pina colada song"

Husband puts a personal ad in the paper to cheat on his wife, starts a relationship by mail, goes to meet her at the hotel, and finds out it was his wife who was doing the same thing.

And for some reason, they live happily ever after.

Hahaha I'm girl you idiot. And I would suck Adam's dick all day if he wants

>Hahaha I'm girl you idiot
I want to believe.

>And I would suck Adam's dick all day if he wants
Of course, he's rich and famous. Maybe you are a girl.

Shut the FUCK up, RLMlet.

I'm a gay fat bastard.

Get fucked commie, imperial democracy forever.

I don't know because I wasn't a fucking gullible pleb and I had enough awareness and resolve to not watch them.

The mutiny scene was pretty retarded as well.

I don't think I've read anything in leaks for 8 or 9 as stupid as that was, and by god anons have been trying.

it was just baffling
also since it was at the start of the movie I could tell the tone was going to be that shitty type of attempted milquetoast humor the entire time

>literally the 4th time in the saga someone has screamed “No!” in an overly dramatic manor
>expecting Darth Vader to be the badass we know and love right out of the box

This is the real question desu. The author who killed Chewbacca in some EU novel got death threats, but the man who destroyed Luke Skywalker, portrayed him as a loser and a fool and killed him, got nothing? If he did, you could be sure the Disney propaganda machine would parade it around to point out how "toxic" their detractors are. So what happened?

>”This should begin to make things right”
Pretty fucking bold of them to assume they’d make something better than the prequels.

It was a different time. Imagine if the EU writers pulled a TLJ Luke back then.

>any hate for the prequels is a youtube reviewer parrot
Pro-tip you weak-minded asshole, not everyone watches or gives a shit about reviewers. Of course you wouldn't know that because you've never been alive with an Internet that didn't have Youtube in the first place. Go fuck yourself.
>TLJ depicts Luke as a loser
Stop this meme, you millenial retard. Also the NJO books are objective trash which is an undisputed fact.

>Stop this meme
Stop this ‘TLJ Luke wasn’t a loser’ meme. Rian had a story to tell with a loser Luke and denying that makes no sense at all.

The whole point to TLJ Luke was that he saw himself as an absolute failure and failed to move past it. Did you miss the entire scene with Yoda? TLJ Luke WAS a fuckup but he had to learn he could still do good despite being a cynical old fuck way past his prime. He Vader-redeemed himself. It’s all in sync with the TLJ theme reconciling with your past as opposed to killing it (Kylo) or letting it absolutely control your life (Luke).

>tfw looking for the materials to adapt a figuarts kylo ren's head into a figurise broly body because of that scene
I'm dumb.

No one is buying any of that, user.

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Stay mad. The prequels are kino and the more time passes the more clear that becomes.



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Considering the most powerful depiction of the Force as seen in films was performed Luke at the end of TLJ, the idea that Luke fanboys (of which I am one) should hate TLJ and Rian Johnson is just asinine. Only children and mental midgets expected or assumed Rey to just find Luke and have him take the mantle of leadership and lead the good guys to glorious victory.
Dumb millenial.

It kind of takes away from it being the most powerful display of the force if Luke fucking dies doing it.

The self-imposed exile would've been better if it wasn't so poorly fucking motivated
>nearly kills his own nephew despite a huge aspect of his character in ROTJ is rejecting anger and sparing his own father, who's murdered countless innocents and contributed to war crimes
>Rian poorly rips off Kreia from KOTOR 2 with Luke saying "the jedi must end" without actually doing anything because he somehow forgot that the Force is omniprescent and Sith and Dark Jedi will be around regardless of his moping

Not to mention the fact that he literally didn't really "do" anything.

>wah Luke died wah wah Rian how could you wah
He joined the Force on his terms, like the only two Jedi mentors he ever had did(although Yoda was really fucking old).
Yeah, because a farmboy hick suddenly being crowned Galactic Messiah to rebuild a shit religion that died for a reason and predictably failing at that is a bad reason for someone to go into solitude. Especially when his primary mentors in such subjects ran off into solitude when their worlds collapsed around them.
>invoking the shit show that is KotOR
Dumb. Millenial.

I hate normalfag memez

No one laughed. Fuck Rian.

Dude I'm saying that still could have been done, but how Rian handled it was poor. Calm down and quit throwing around millennial like it's an actual argument. Millennials are more than likely older than you are dude

The issue is that if Luke could forgive Darth fucking Vader when he was just a farmboy hick with a couple jedi mail lessons then he could've at least tried to bring Darth Columbine back from the dark side instead of trying to kill him at the first sign of him going bad.

Tbh I completely forgot that abysmal prank call even happened because nearly two minutes later the First Order remembered they outfitted their flagship with cannons that can't hit a single fighter "because it's too small"

Superman Leia? That was so awkward to watch



I'm thirty years old you dumbfuck RLMlet. NEVER @ me again or it's your fucking ass.

Lol at disney still doing damage control

Literally just "we're not even going to try to explain this nonsense"

Tiananmen Square 1989 Winnie the Pooh

Yeah that's cute.

She got wet my dude, it was nervous laughter. She was thinking how to run so people wouldn't know about a wet spot on her chair

The scene and movie leading up to this scene was pretty bad too

Rain Johnson’s film was so bad he literally killed most eager starwars nerd’s fandom

Hux phone call and Rose Kamikaze are the worst. Follow ups are Titty Bug Lady screaming and Luke's death scene.

Rain destroyed Luke’s entire character arc from the OT just for fuck all so he could subvert expectations. Luke in TLJ doesn’t fit with his established OT character at all. Failing and then giving up is not what Luke would do nor would he become the pessimistic college professor Rain turned him into

Fuck off Rain cuck

Fucking this, or go after him and solve the issue without going away to be pissy for the next several years

Luke sucking on alien titties for green milk or Super Leia in space. Or really any scene with Holdo/Rose.

This is the most meme opinion ever
You suck

The good news is that if Rain Johnson is truely writing/making his own Star Wars Trilogy then, for a time, he’ll be too occupied to unleash more shitty movies upon the world

Even a Luke, who gave up using the Force, would still have tried to help his friends and family. He might be led into thinking that the Jedi order should stay dead or how he should cut himself off from the Force forever but he would always actively go out to help, especially if people like Leia or Han were in mortal danger.
Never forget that when Luke was offered the choice to stay on Dagobah to officially become a Jedi or to go to Bespin and potentially die and never return, he chose Bespin. OT Luke chose his friends over the Jedi.

There's objectively worse scenes than the one I'm gonna mention, but this is the one that bothers me the most.

When Finn and Poe are escaping in the tie fighter, Finn says he doesn't know how to use the guns. Yeah but then later he has insider knowledge on the most powerful station in the galaxy and ALSO knows it's critical weakness. No need to steal the plans, just ask the janitor! And yet somehow the gun on a stupid tie fighter is too complicated.

It bothers me in particular because it should be a scene used to show some nuance for the character but it just doesn't. The way the scene should go is Finn has some fellow stormtroopers in his sights and hesitates. He lies and says to Poe that he doesn't know how to shoot the gun. Poe, realizing what's happening, turns and says basically it's you or them. Finn opens his eyes and reluctantly starts firing at the stormtroopers.

But no, it's just taken at face value. The scene is just 'Finn doesn't know how the gun works so Poe tells him how it works.' And then he just mows down his fellow troopers with no hesitation. It's like they intentionally made the scene less nuanced for some reason. Just what am I supposed to think of a main character who slaughters his own men anyway?

Does anyone defect from the Resistance? I wonder how the crowd would react seeing a Resistance member defecting and immediately shooting their way out of a Resistance Base.

Retarded underages

I still don't know where the fuck the first order came from if they beat the Empire in VI and I watched both nu wars movies. Did Solo or Rogue One explain this shit?

The character of Finn is just a wasted opportunity. The point of having a stormtrooper be a main character is that it would add a different perspective to the main cast. But instead he acts like a normal rebel character who has insider knowledge (but only for certain things, since you don't want to derail the plot). His arc should be his conflict in deciding to help the resistance or not. He should still have some residual conditioning he's working through. For instance he should be distainful towards the resistance. He shouldn't take them seriously or give them respect. Not until he's spent time with them and at the END of the movie he makes a change and decides to help his new friends.

But for some reason, his arc is resolved in the first five minutes. He decides to change sides right away so there's really no journey for him to make. In the end it makes his character redundant.

Only a nazi incel needs things to make sense so stop asking.

God forbid a character show some emotion after getting his legs cut off by his best friend, he kills his own wife in a fit of rage, and is transformed into a cyborg.
Darth Vader should always be le stoic badass
Delivery notwithstanding


I would honestly rather have dumb misguided George level shit humor. At least shit humor is literally timeless.

>he kills his own wife in a fit of rage

Super Leia. Star Wars was forever ruined to me in that moment.

I'd pay top dollar to see a restored Revenge of the Sith in IMAX. Imagine that opening shot.

Too bad the bugs in chinkdom don't like Star Wars.

From me, it's this scene without question.

>Lame rehash of someone else's joke that wasn't funny in the first place.
>Totally out of place with the tone of the film and star wars in general.

It'd be like if the next james bond film had a bit where james bond pisses a lot while a robotic voice keeps announcing that he's finished, when he isn't actually finish, because that was a funny bit in austin powers right guys, right... guys... right? It was funny right?

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Holy shit. The landing ship looks like an iron. And then it cuts to an actual iron ironing a uniform...

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Ironic retard?

user, that's not what happened.

What happened then? Was the first shot also the iron but it just looked like a ship landing?

It isn't anything like that.

Actually it does the exact opposite

>making shitty excuses for a shitty scene in a shitty film

Double saber Rey

>portrayed him as a loser and a fool and killed him
[citation needed]

Not really since actual dogshit is still better than the prequels.

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Star Wars in a nutshell


This is fine. He was literally an edgelord manchild, that’s what made him terrifying because he could snap at any moment. He was a kid that could stop lasers with his hands.

It was ruined in 1999. You just don't know that because you were born in 2007

In before zoomers trying to argue the prequels were good

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Literally the most zoomer opinion possible is that the prequels are good.

Better than the garbage yidsney has put out

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The worst thing about the new films is the fans, like if you don't like the new movies, fine. Don't watch them. But the amount of pants-shitting spergy temper tantrums since TLJ came out have made me hate Star Wars more than any mediocre or shitty sequels or spinoffs ever could. I just want it to go away now.

Not even close.

the fight with lobster men

Definitely the Starkiller base.

Even my normie mother looked at my in the cinema and said "that was a lil weird wasn't it".

Despite the fact her consumerist mind didn't allow her to criticise a product, even she knew something was terribly wrong and reached out to me.

I miss my mother.

I assure you no one else does if she frequently talked in movie theaters

2 was terrible, though it was better than TFA and TLJ.

>caring about people talking in shit wars screenings
Shouldn't you be leveling your priest right now you fucking neckbeard.

Yeah, the prequels had a somewhat coherant plot. So far 2 of 3 movies are done in the new trilogy and nobody knows what the fuck is going on. So you're right, it's not even close, new trilogy is extra industrial-grade cinematic stupidity.

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>I think the movie is bad so that means it's okay for me to be a piece of shit
you need to be euthanized

10 scenes from the entire saga (in no particular order):

1. Walrus tit milk (8)
2. “I wish I could just wish away my feelings” (2)
3. The casino planet (8)
4. “I hate sand” (2)
5. Any time Anakin spoke (1)
6. The singer scene (Special edition 6)
7. Dex’s Diner (2)
8. “Noooooooooooooo” (3)
9. Rose saves Finn (8)
10. Poe’s Prank call (8)

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This is a based comment, long live China!

>the prequels had a somewhat coherant plot
It's spelled coherent, and no they didn't. Or if they did, it was by virtue of it being so braindead simple that toddlers in diapers could follow it.

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>Desperate attempt by shill to throw prequel under the bus to handwaive how agressively bad tlj and tfa is.

Oh no.

The prequels are the best sw movies and Anakins story is the best in sw. only people that haven’t properly watched them will say otherwise.

Now try to explain the plot to the Disney sequel films

It sounds like the shills are in the bargaining stages.

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Stop saying this. TFA and TLJ might trigger your aspie fanboyism but they are objectively competently made. Feel free to post that half second clip from TLJ in an effort to prove me wrong. They are mediocre, miscalculated films. But that doesn't make them "worse" than the prequels which are abominations that don't even count as films. You rabid Nu-Wars haters would actually be taken seriously if you didn't also start defending the worst movies ever made because you can't into nuanced opinions.

Imagine being this fucking retarded

Oh look, the shill thinks he can argue like a normal person and rely on prequel hate to carry his argument.

TFA is either a beat for beat rehash of ANH or it makes no sense, it can't be both. You can't even keep your criticisms from contradicting one another. TLJ is quite easy to follow, in fact a big complaint is that not much of substance happens to advance the plot, so again you're not even keeping your complaints consistent.

Imagine being that much of a contrarian, wow.

The fact that you unironically use words like fucking 'zoomer' only proves how retarded both you and any opinion you have is. Just fucking neck yourself faggot.

People who don’t like the prequels are the same people who don’t like the emo dance scene in Spider-Man 3...every “subtlety” needs to be spoon fed

The fact that you are triggered by words you don't like does not invalidate other people's arguments, you autistic retard.

Fucking hell how old are you? 13?

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Well since that is another gigantic pile of shit that contrarian dipshits on this site defend because they have nothing better to do, I agree with the comparison

Explain why Ep I is bad, in your own words.

Sounds more like you're the one easily triggered by words.

This. I feel bad for Rose's actress for having to deliver the retarded love line.

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I'm aware that my opinions trigger you but here's the thing, I don't care

So contrarian = actually thought about the film instead of getting my opinions from a fat youtubers or le epic cinemasins

the prequels were bad in the exact opposite way the sequels are bad

don't you think it's time you stopped embarrassing yourself?

I laughed too and now I'm fapping. The power of a true Chad.

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I accept your concession that the sequel trilogy is worse than the prequels.

>I'm not triggered by words! You're embarrassing yourself!

Yeah, way to prove you weren't triggered by words, shill.

Every possible reason there is. It's badly cast, badly acted, atrociously written, has bland and lifeless sets and cinematography, the effects are horrible, it completely botches and fucks with established lore, it's a tonal mess, it's boring, it's misconcieved on virtually every possible level. Oh right, but the new movies have unfunny jokes in them and that makes them the worst things ever.

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No, contrarian. As in going against the popular opinion because you desperately need attention when everyone knows the film is complete shit and there's no disputing it with a straight face.

>Being this levels of George apologist that you have to call me a shill

The prequels were better than nu wars but definitely had some horseshit scenes, get over it.

So now you're resorting to schoolyard games. Fantastic.

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The shills and fat youtubers, most of which are on disney's payroll and pushed heavily by the disney controlled portion of youtube, are the ones who shout down the people who thought about the movie.

But no amount of manipulated search results, pushing disney owned pieces of shit on the trending tab and in search results is going to change the reality outside of the controlled net and social media shillers runnign 24/7 interference.

The lack of sales for star wars anything and lack of fucks to give for the SW movies is clear to see by everyone,
Disney can't control the narrative anymore.

Also the not even subtle shilling for the shitty raimi spiderman movies is starting in force because sony is desperate to keep the ip and people interested in the failed spiderman ip.

What about my response indicates to you that I was triggered? I merely pointed out how completely substanceless your post was.

Says the guy using schoolyard games in order to argue that the sequels were better than the prequels. Fantastic.

anything cgi from 1 and 2. so much cgi was spent on stupid shit like the droid accidentally losing his head, or someone in the background falling off whatever they're riding, or some other super hilarious silly thing. why did lucas do this?

I remember feeling bad for him for having such a wide torso but now it's the ideal for me. How does one achieve the look?

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Oh god I thought you were talking about the current sequels.
The original prequels are charmingly bad.
The new series is agressively bad.

Don't you think it's time you stopped embarrassing yourself?

So this is what they're doing with people who got laid-off from yidsney star wars land eh?

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Nah mate. If you had 2 brain cells to rub together whilst watching these films you might get somewhere deeper than “old thing good because I was told it’s good”

It's the assblasted prequel apologists running 24/7 interference and they do it for free simply because they have nothing better to do. The idea that there are people paid to argue with nobodies on Yea Forums about Star Wars is laughably absurd and must have been cooked up by someone wearing a tinfoil hat. You are the ones trying to skew the narrative, you are the ones review bombing websites and sending death threats to Disney employs. Disney is just doing what greedy corporations do, trying to suck as much from a drying teat as they can. You're the ones having a conniption fit over it to the point where it's dominating your entire lives.

>Dexs diner
You're retarded.

Do americans really need someone to help them to their seats?

Pretending that I said something I didn't say is a schoolyard game, there is nothing I engaged in that remotely approaches that level of asininity. I merely voiced my opinions on the films. Stay mad.

Resorting to schoolyard games again, eh?
Don't you think it's time you stopped embarssing yourself, eh?
I don't care that you triggered me, prequel defender! My opinions triggered you!

Come up with an argument or don't post.


Oh, I get it. Because I said that earlier. So now you're saying it back at me, even though it makes no sense. You sure are a bright bulb.

>Another substanceless post

Good God. I mean did they even watch their own movie? The context in ep6 is meaningful whereas TLJ was meant to subvert and be funny and was essentially meaningless

Hey rabbi, watcha doin

Maybe you should calm down.

I agree with the sw points and I’m not the biggest fan of raimi Spider-Man..but you’re in a bit of a Disney hate echo chamber on this board. Everyone on fb and twitter hates Sony atm.

I'm aware that my opinions trigger you but here's the thing, I don't care

>badly cast
not any worse than the ST
>badly acted
see above
>atrociously written
the political intrigue elevates it above ST
>has bland and lifeless sets and cinematography,
CGI > practical
>the effects are horrible
see above
>it completely botches and fucks with established lore
in what way
>it's a tonal mess
>it's boring
>it's misconcieved on virtually every possible level
>Oh right, but the new movies have unfunny jokes in them and that makes them the worst things ever.
unironically yes

Fucking hell mate calm down yeah

Except it isn't, it's putting forth a point of view that is readily apparent rather than just being buzzwords and excuses like "disney shill", etc. See you can just label a post with plenty of substance as substanceless because the same thing was done to you but anyone and everyone will see right through it.

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Are you sure you want to know? It's really bad

Basically right after Jakku Mon Motham and the new republic vote to completely destroy their military while expecting the imperial remnants to do the same since they legally mandated it. Unsuprisingly the empire didnt disarm and they became the first order. Since the new republic didnt have a military they got BTFO

The whole reason the first order exists is because the republic won, then got rid of all their weapons while expecting their enemy to just give up theirs too

Are you illiterate? Why aren't you able to form your own sentences and have to borrow mine and use them in contexts that don't make sense?

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This makes sense to SW fanboys.

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Mouseshills doing damage control because they know the canon reason for the first orders existence is probably the dumbest thing in the history of fiction

Imagine winning a war and then giving up your weapons before you completely disarm your opponent

Stop saying this. Prequel defending might trigger your aspie fanboyism but they are objectively competently argued.

I’m a LucaSW fanboy

>not any worse than the ST
MUCH worse.
>see above
See above.
>the political intrigue elevates it above ST
It's boring, makes no sense, and makes all of the characters look like retards.
>CGI > practical
>see above
see above
these are all opinions, retard
>unironically yes
You're unironically retarded.

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I'm perfectly calm. Are you incapable of writing a measly paragraph of text unless you're burgeoning with autistic rage? How awful for you.

> opinion
> opinion
> brainlet
> luddite brainlet
> idem
> seething
> seething
> seething
> non-argument

Don't you think it's time you stopped embarrassing yourself?

the problem the TFA isnt abrams directing but his writing

Bruh what the fuck “burgeoning” HAHAHAHA

"you're a disney shill" is hand-waving, it's the opposite of of an objectively competent argument. Also, prequel defense IS aspie fanboyism.

There was also that time leia became the new head of state of the new republic and had her political career destroyed by someone leaking out that she was vaders daughter causing a huge scandal

New canon is just awful

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>who do you think you are usin' them fancy shmancy three syllable words
Holy shit I'm flashing back to Junior High

Fuck China. 态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>MUCH worse.

Explain Anakin's storyarc and then explain Rey's storyarc.

Why do people focus on Gungans? The sequels are as full of cringy aliens.

Hahahaha what the fuck are you on about mate get some rest yeah

Don't you think it's time you came up with something to say?

Attached: 1566854462396.jpg (1507x563, 151K)

This makes more sense than 90% of the shit we're supposed to believe about the universe.

Attached: 1355896379769.jpg (1900x2978, 1.1M)

People that type and talk like that deserve no love

It's a little hard to explain Rey's story arc since it isn't complete yet. Would you like me to run it down so far? If so, why?

Anakin's character arc is that he wants to stop the people he loves from dying and so he gets easily manipulated and hoodwinked into being Space Hitler by someone who could have easily been stopped if the entire Jedi Council wasn't made up of completely ineffectual morons.

Attached: 1566600304846.jpg (1721x1739, 911K)

I actually did laugh, but it was out of sheer COPE that I was excited for the film, it had muh text crawl, and we were getting ready for a battle, then this. It confused and discombobbled me.

Your mind is your friend, not something to be feared. Try using it. It's a muscle that needs exercise like any other.

>It's a little hard to explain Rey's story arc since it isn't complete yet.

What a fucking bullshit cop-out.

At least they aren't painfully unfunny racial stereotypes

Attached: 1545335662288.jpg (654x221, 41K)

You should hear how they justified this scene.

>The massive sub-hyperspace ripple created by the destruction of the system caused the event to be visible in real time around the galaxy.

Attached: main-qimg-ac151c56ccbd5a99cbd0b412c5c35f38.jpg (602x338, 61K)

Space Himmler*

The third movie isn't out yet, withholding judgement is the only sensible thing to do unless you're biased against the new films for some weird reason.

Mate the brain isn’t a muscle lol..fucking hell you yanks are thick

>painfully unfunny racial stereotypes

Attached: EC5795CA-AACD-4651-B360-20DF464E6126.png (644x800, 30K)

Explain how they can asspull their way out of the events of both TFA and TLJ

Thre is actually nothing incongruant or out of place about Jedi Master Yoda btfo'ing Sheev with a force push. He could do this.

Sure, that's fair. I always thought of Palpatine as basically Goebbels though.

Attached: 1566157828887.jpg (871x1634, 183K)

It's a metaphor you moron.

No shut up, you're supposed to hate it already!

it's retarded as fuck and something straight out of Looney Tunes, stop making excuses for bad movies because of your political affiliations. You can't complain about Mary Poppins Leia and then defend this crap.

Attached: star wars fan film.webm (1280x544, 1.6M)

Fuck off.

Attached: 1555181007860.png (508x397, 20K)

It's going to be shit dude, try to convince yourself otherwise as much as you want. Keep drinking the kool-aid and watching the Mandalorian™ and Obi-Wan Origins™ The force is female, never forget.

it was a different time

Bruh PAHAHAHA just leave this board please

Just picture this idiot giggling until he wets himself while Nute Gunray says "I WASUH NOTUH AWARUH OFUH ANYUH MISUNDERSTANDINGAROOO"

>hates prequel aliens because he thinks they're unfunny racial stereotypes
>posts a racist image

What did he mean by this?

I haven't seen that shit and don't plan to, and I absolutely agree it's 100% going to be bad. Just not as bad as the prequels.


This is what happens when you claim the sequels are better than the prequels.

You are so embarrassing

Excellent point

You get to easily run circles around severely unintelligent autists? Sign me up.

I agree, I too hate world building, unique plots and character consistency!

The Last Jedi is literally the worst fucking movie and all the fucking scenes are the worst in the franchise.

I love those things, which is why I was so upset that they were entirely absent from the prequels.

This isn't woke enough to be NuWars

>they go to lots of planets that counts as world building
>plots that make no sense are just unique bro
>if characters are so one dimensional that they never do anything surprising and their entire arc is blatantly evident from the first film that's just good character consistency

How about the best scene that simultaneously acts as a perfectly succinct review of Disney Wars as a whole?

Attached: If Han Solo was into clubbing he'd be Han Yolo.gif (480x270, 2.52M)

It's mostly just Jar-Jar, I think. And it's because he's an annoying fuck. The prequel trilogy (particularly TPM) is much more directed at children than the OT, and having the comedic side character was part of that. I enjoyed him enough when I was younger, but on more recent rewatches I'd really consider him the worst part of the movie. Still love TPM though.

>Midichlorians don't fuck up the force
>But you better not have anyone force project themselves farther than we have seen before! That will fuck up the entire series beyond return!

>will be a force ghost now

Attached: 1523152123065.gif (250x280, 288K)

tfw this scene and then the shitty WW2 bomber design and you already knew within the first 5 minutes that the movie would suck

Attached: 1513546865491.jpg (376x419, 52K)

>2 doesn't have any redeeming qualities
I beg to differ

Attached: seismic charge.gif (250x188, 29K)

>made up your mind about a film based on the first five minutes
so this is why retards like ROTS

You are stupid.

that's because the prequels are somnambulant

oh no it's almost like bad shit is an indicator for more bad shit to come

>Eventually hating on the Chinese Empire and favoring Hong Kong Rebels is going to run its course and more people will be rooting for the PLA.
fuckin kek

I want that Saiyan Saga Goku physique. Achievable natty?

Chinese insectoids hate Soi Wars and know nothing about Star Wars OT or Prequels.

>Bombs drop downward in space with no mechanism moving them towards their target, literally just a release
>bitch didnt suffocate instantly when the panels for this illogical bombing opened she grabbed the remote and activated it

Not always. The first 5-10 minutes of ROTS are pretty decent until it turns into complete dogshit.

All three of the prequels got subsequently better as George gained experience while the sequels are two different flavours of the same hot stinking garbage. I don't even understand why we're debating the prequels at all when the issue is how to convince normies to boycott the next episode.

>this entry in a children's space wizard franchise is not as realistic as I was hoping it would be

>The prequel trilogy (particularly TPM) is much more directed at children than the OT
That's because Star Wars is supposed to be Anakin's life story, and each movie's tone relates to how old he is at the time.
Also, Lucas really loves whimsical humor.

Old EU was so much better with the multiple Remnant factions all vying for control of the greater Empire.

>Worst casted than Rey or Finn
Literally impossible in the prequels you had lían Neeson, Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman

the fuck are you talking about, the first 20 minutes of ROTS suck and I always skip to the part when they crash land the ship

Jesus Christ who designs this shit

What do you care what normies do? And why are you arguing Lucas had to "gain experience" as a filmmaker when he was already well into his career at that point and had co-written or produced numerous films? That is such a shitty excuse, one to add to a pile of shitty excuses for the shit prequels.

Easily this. No-one is my theater laughed at that shit and a few audibly groaned.

This but unironically.

Ewan McGregor was perhaps the one exception. Basically every other performance in the movie is so lifeless and bland its like watching corpses try to act. He even somehow managed to make Sam Jackson of all people underact. I don't even know how that's possible.

And then everyone clapped at the groans right?

>That's a story for another time LOL

The whole opening with the old guy where they avoid talking about any context or backstory was awful

you're talking about the ones on the top, right? Because that's the section that has Rosie The Robot and Count Chocula in it.

>lets just pair the diversity hires together, two birds with one stone
>you're a genius Rian

>i'm a girl haha i'll blowjob strangers all day
So you're a roastie.

>if you have a three movie arc it's best to explain everything in the first one so that there's nothing of consequence that happens in the second or third

The prequels are shit compared to the OT, but are exceptionally better than than Disney's soulless, agenda pushing garbage

>muh white race
get off the internet Cletus

>Lucasilm's soulless agenda pushing garbage is better than Disney's soulless agenda pushing garbage
Actually no

you need to be over 18 and require a sense of humor to post on this webzone

You need a spine to post here as well

What was the deal with the village again? Someone mentioned the villagers were turned into some morally ambiguous group in one of the books so that Kylo killing them wouldn't be such a big deal.

>This is fine. He was literally an edgelord manchild, that’s what made him terrifying because he could snap at any moment. He was a kid that could stop lasers with his hands.
Then 20 minutes into the movie he turns into an incompetent idiot, gets reversed mindraped by Rey and then later beaten by her despite being trained by both Luke and Snoke. What a shit character

>Let's actually never explain anything, because its a children's movie
>Not like we tried to hype up boomers and millennial that saw the OT and the PT
Refer to
if you still need help for your feeble little tiny acorn-sized brain.

So this is the power.... of Disney story arcs.


This. The whole thing is a toy ad.

>every other performance in the movie is so lifeless and bland its like watching corpses try to act
I saw a different version then or you are full of shit

He was wounded. You remember that right?

This was a setup for some future spinoff. I mean, you can complain about it if you want. But that's what it is.

The PT cinematography is miles better than the disney wars

Attached: 5A2CC69E-F2A8-48BA-BD54-699DAFC696BE.jpg (3455x2448, 1.08M)

And the disney version is a failed toy ad where they have 5 movies in 4 years and a whole disney park addition that nobody cares about because IT IS GARBAGE CONTENT

Attached: 3a2f0157ed1c43a5ac0dbd9efb0956445ab94c4b8c86fcf9f385be86e8312cd3.png (497x439, 184K)

But you love the sequels.

You saw the film through a variety of political and contextual filters and I didn't, that's probably the source of the confusion

>Lucasilm's soulless agenda pushing
What agenda they had my shill friend?

Attached: 1566854399871.jpg (1498x1234, 988K)


Nobody cares because they've done 5 movies in 4 years. It's not special anymore. The hype train is moving on to the next thing. It's not validation for your aspie ramblings, it's business 101. Don't oversaturate the market.

>>this entry in a children's space wizard franchise

Why do shills still think calling Star Wars a children's space wizard franchise help their argument in any way?


It's true though.

More like you're running damage control for them

"D-Disney Star Wars isn't bad, they're better than the prequels!"
"It was Star Wars fatigue, not because the movies were bad!!"

Because you're holding the new films to a higher standard than you did the originals. Star Wars was always fantasy, not sci-fi. There are plenty of real things to bitch about without you making up nonsense that would be entirely nitpicks even if it DID matter, which it doesn't.

Yeah, I know it's true that shills are dumb enough to call Star Wars a children's space wizard franchise, I don't think they realize it makes them stupid and out of touch because they're defending it.

>variety of political and contextual filters
That's what you did I saw a amazing movie that expanded the universe with a ton of new characters, aliens and spaceship

They're not better. Both are shit.

>makes perhaps the best trilogy in film history
>also makes one of the other best trilogies in film history aroudn the same time, Indiana Jones
>Decides to revisit star wars for more of the goodness
>His lack of experience is what kept him back
the fuck m8? you are aware just cos they are number I, II, and III doesn't mean they were the first, second and third film he made right?

You're the one with the agenda here. Not me.

Because of a lot of nonsense reasons to say Old Movie Bad, New Movie Good?

Wtf like the rest of the world he wanted to sell a product

It's dumb to call it anything else. You don't even know what you have been watching all this time and yet you call others stupid.

>but there was such amazing and spaceships went vroom
It's okay that you're retarded user, I won't judge you for it.

Star Wars was always pulpy consumerist garbage. If it shined a little by virtue of some borrowed glimmer of traditional storytelling, in the end it only represented the copypaste piracy of traditional archetypes by capitalism..

Okay so we're all in agreement the guy trying to claim the Disney sequels are better than the prequels really is a shill, right? Like he raises all the red flags: Calling Star Wars a "children's space wizard franchise", thinking prequel hate will help his argument, sidestepping all the complaints about the sequels, and so on?

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that.

Attached: smug.png (604x531, 562K)

So this is the power of Disney shilling, a lack of complete self-awareness.

I didn't say the old movies were bad. I said they were escapist fantasy and not sci-fi. Holding the new films to a hard sci-fi standard is just disingenuous and there's no way around it. Misidentifying a cow as a zebra and complaining about the lack of stripes is not a valid argument.


>play Dark Forces
>watch ANH
>play Rogue Squadron
>watch ESB
>watch TPM
>watch AotC
>play Republic Commando
>play and/or read Shadows of the Empire
>watch RotJ
>play Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight

says the grown man yelling about his toys

Maybe if the falcon was there you would have clapped more? With some ATAT or ATST to add some variety and maybe 1 or 3 poc

>who talks first
>rey flying the falcon for the first time
>the entire kanjiklub sequence
>maz kanata
>the entire concept of starkiller base
>”sooooo it’s just a bigger death star?”
>janitor finn
>force master rey
>leia not hugging chewie

>hux prank call
>luke throws the lightsaber
>titty milk
>finn and rose meeting
>union dispute
>mary poppins leia
>rey attacks luke
>rey/kylo handholding
>save the space horses
>DJ as a character concept
>the entire throne room sequence
>sneaking on a star destroyer scenes
>phasma gets made into a bitch round 2
>hyperspace ram. HYPERSPACE RAM.
>finn and rose kiss
>rey moving rocks
>kylo and luke “duel”
>luke doesn’t have the green lightsaber
>force projection
>lol here’s your resistance

Take your pick

There is if you make a horribly inferior product and count on the brand to sell it for you. When most business execs do that they go to prison for fraud.

>The Prequels are a failure of execution (mostly dialogue, too much CG etc.)
>The Sequels are a failure of conception (just the empire vs rebels again, injected social agendas etc.)

SW by definition is SCIENCE FICTION. It is fantasy, which is what the FICTION BY WAY OF SCIENCE infers.

Well he's only 1 replying to anyone who say a bad thing about Disney using reddit media so I guess

No you're right, it's much better to have things that look ever so slightly different so you can point and say SEE LOOK IT'S DIFFERENT rather than just being honest about what you're doing which is exploiting people's nostalgia

You are completely incorrect. Star Wars is not and has never been Science Fiction. It is, at best, Science Fantasy,

user they sleep in bed with their shoes on

Are you talking about the abomination Disney did that made ToyRus go bankrupt

I'm not shilling for Disney, I haven't seen any of the Nu star wars movies about from TFA. I just hate this sentimental crap. Yes I liked the original Star Wars. But people elevating it into some holy social relic are retards. Name one (1) positive moral influence it had on society. It was the death knell of intelligent cinema.

Pointing out how one greedy corporation is bad does not exonerate the other greedy corporation.

>What do you care what normies do
Only way to let SW die is to get people to stop buying SW stuff and sadly most people are normies
>And why are you arguing Lucas had to "gain experience" as a filmmaker when he was already well into his career at that point and had co-written or produced numerous films
Co-writting and Producing =/= Directing. Directing is an extremely specific skill set that most people can't even learn and almost nobody has the opportunity to direct multi-million dollar movies to find out. George consistently improved over the course of the prequels and I think that should be counted towards the prequels evidence of quality, no matter how limited that quality might be.

It's a space fantasy for kids.

Maybe because it's a prequel you are going to see old models/versions of the ships you know like venator, jedi fighter or arc 170?

Please stop pretending to be other people and then responding to your own larp posts. The only reason why you would even feel the need to do that is because you're not confident you're winning this argument

This basically confirmed TLJ as being Spaceballs 2. Cringe as fuck

Attached: iron.png (996x601, 120K)

That's a wonderful excuse. So I guess your argument is not that Goerge Lucas ISN'T a sleazy businessman, just that he's better at being sleazy than Disney is. I suppose I can concede that to you.

The only incorrect part is because it's supposed to be "futuristic" as in beyond the future of the present that we are in. Otherwise, that's the fucking definition dumbfuck.

Attached: science fiction.png (788x299, 23K)

>Name one (1) positive moral influence it had on society
Jesus you are a retarded mutt, it's a movie no the president administration

The sequel trilogy has given me a new perspective on the prequels; they're no longer the worst Star Wars movies. Good job Disney.

I think you're getting Steven (((Spielberg))) confused with George Lucas. (((Spielberg))) directed the OT and Indiana Jones, George directed the prequels.

How was Lucas greedy when he could do a movie every year and yet only did 6 in 28 years and made clone wars from his owm money even if it was losing it

>The original prequels are charmingly bad.
>The new series is agressively bad.


See the pic I was originally replying to faggot

I can tag all of the posts calling you a shill and disagreeing with you and I am maybe a 1/3rd of them. You forget that this is the internet and other people also disagree with you.

>scientific or technological advances
as in, advances based in science. Something posited to exist based on already existing science, or at least current scientific principles. So, not Star Wars, where the mechanics are completely thrown out the window and people just hop in lightspeed ships and go to a planet any time they want and no attention or care is given to explain the mechanics of how they travel, what fuel or resources are consumed by said travel, and so on. It's akin to magic. Because it's a fantasy. Trying to argue that Star Wars was ever meant to be hard sci-fi just shows that you are completely ignorant about the brand to begin with.

Because he was making tons of money selling toys.

>>Bombs drop downward in space with no mechanism moving them towards their target, literally just a release
This happened in the OT too retard. There's plenty of shit to rip on in Disney Wars but this isn't one of them. Remember in ESB, when Han and co. are hiding in the asteroid? Remember what direction the TIE Bombers bombs fell?

>That's a wonderful excuse
Did Lucas touched your pipi? You sounds like he did, you did get you farcunt billenium at Christmas?

No, they still are.

Remember when Luke was hanging onto the flying city in clouds?

George is a writer, not a director. It showed in the prequels.

I could do the same. Plenty of the posts calling you an idiot were not written by me.

Imagine being this fucking stupid sometimes. It's soft-sci-fi. Half the movie is not about how much fuel is takes to jump to hyper speed or procuring the resources to do it. You may play EVE online, but most people don't play spreadsheet simulators.

? A movie doesn't need to have a positive moral influence in society you sounds like the joker gamer meme


Attached: 1519273948797.png (1024x776, 568K)

It's not soft sci-fi. It's fantasy. Space fantasy, if you really want to get nitpicky.
>EVE online
I literally do not even know what that is

>He was in space then
I didn't say you were replying to your own posts did I?

>Plot critical information relegated to a wookipedia article.

Soo you complaint because he didn't giv you a %?

RETARD. I'm not saying it does you fucking idiot!!! I'm replying to he crybaby talking about muuhhhh lukkkkeeee soooo good heroo

Have sex

I'm not complaining. Just pointing it out.

Corporate greed is corporate greed, even if it elapsed at a different rate.

The worst scene is the lightsaber fight in TFA. Because it's the best scene in TFA; yet it keeps cutting back to a shot-for-shot remake of the trench run from a dffierent movie.

Go back to Yea Forums with your society memes retard

It's not sci-fi nigger, it never bothers explaining or commenting the technology involved or how it affects human life and experience.
It's just fantasy with spaceships.

There is nothing charming about the prequels

You mean the only reason for a empress to exist?

Why would Disney shills not also defend the prequels? Clearly Disney wants to keep making money off of those too, I mean they showed clips from the prequels in the most recent trailer for Rise Of Skywalker. It's almost like the entire shill thing is just a defense mechanism for not having an argument.

Imagine all the wonderfully woke NuWars scenes yet to come

Attached: DisneyAdmiralSloane.png (1200x945, 1005K)

It’s literally only explained in novels but here’s the gist;
The rebels and empire fought each other to a standstill after Endor and signed a treaty where the Empire got the unknown regions and the republic got the core.
The republic then stopped building a military because it was run by Leia, Holdo and a bunch of other retarded women who had bad fee-fee’s about strong militaries even though they had a deadly and cunning enemy actively rebuilding to reconquer them. As a result of this uniquely female retardation the republic rolled over and took it in the ass after the attack in TFA.

Don't lie, shill. We know that Disney and JJ were trying hard to downplay the sequels at first.

Actually you are damn right user, my mistake.

Still I stand by the principle, even if it was George's first true director's effort, with his chops I don't think you can call the flaws of the prequels a fault of George bieng inexperienced.

>TFW Thrawn’s mini-empire isn’t canon
>TFW Desaan and his Reborn aren’t canon
>TFW Palpatine’s clone empire isn’t canon
Instead we have deconstructionism and nothingness.

Wait are you talking about Didney or Lucas? Because I’m pretty sure it applies to Disney 100x more.

He's not even following the conversation. Just wants to rage.

As long as we're in agreement that it absolutely applies in both cases, you can debate the ratios until you're blue in the face. With someone else.

Nah you’re alright mate


Ok, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

I just have one question

who invited the fucking limey?

What I don't get about this is what state of the galaxy is actually in. It is never explained if the First Order is a commemorative change to the empire, or if it is half or a quarter of the empire's sytems that liked the leadership and remained loyal.

When Starkiller Base blew up those dozen republic planets, was that half the republic? Did most of the planets or systems presumeably become independant after the Empire fell apart?

We have Resistance which is 12 people now, and before was few thousand. And we have FO which is literally a big capital ship (not anymore even) and a few dozen star destroyers.

The 90s/early 2000s boomer order. Based.