Epileptic rhythm, looks like everybody just want to go home and end this, paris, london...

>epileptic rhythm, looks like everybody just want to go home and end this, paris, london, some chase scene in an arabic country
>shitty constant cgi, movie literally 98% green background and the cgi is ugly and do not even match the theme, looks like some 3D artist emptied his blender file randomly
>forced humor (cringe) and political correctness
>weak plot, literally no one give a shit about what's happening
>self referential shitty lines about thor and constant "witty" failed humor killing any possible fun, on par fake laughs
>poorly handled nostalgia just reminding you how superior the original was
>thats strange feeling you get watching recent movies where it feels like nobody enjoyed making it and it's targeted at some non existent "fans" you are not part of, when in fact you know it's objectively bad and nobody is gonna like it

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sucks to be you. I kind of enjoyed it. thought the twist was decently paced and developed. Thought the chemistry was workable and the world Building really shined.

Not an amazing work of art but definitely less absurd than Black Panther and other marvel bs.

Thor is good at acting. Valkeryie is decent. She plays the user who happens to be right about all the conspiracies. Its a cool take on the story.

Also the 2 and 3rd MIB movie sucked dick so this did very well to reboot.

>anyway here’s why I’m retarded
Sucks to be you.

M(AW)IB 4.

>marvel bs.
Men in Black IS Marvel. It is based on a comic book made by Malibu Comics owned by Marvel.

every new movie coming out, it feels like movie making is now zero percent art and 100% product

did they forget how to make a movie?
is there no talented people left?
even the guns and cars sucks, ffs even the aliens sucks, they look like some shitty cgi monsters from a lazy sunday cgi cartoon and the car is just a lexus product placement becoming a cgi blob before entering light speed
really reminds you how bad things really are

i think cinema as an art form died because of this movie

you have transcended being a pleb and having no taste whatsoever, i hope you're a zoomer and or an american

how can you make a sequel that bad when you had 20 years and the original material already cleared the path for you?
even a mib play done by some obscure Theatre troupe would be more interesting to watch than this shit
how can you make a movie shittier than a dumb vhs comedy of the 90s, it's not even good as a tribute
literally every decision is a mistake
>quick location change with the cities name appearing on screen
how can anyone in film making think it's a good idea
>colorful "narnia" monster with big "cute" eyes
let's greenlight this design
>how about a flying bike chase scene we already saw a thousand times?
yeah lets do that, how about doing it in an arab market, it was never been done before
>and liam nesson could say "i hate paris" because it would be a reference to taken
excellent! how about a thor hammer joke for
Chris Hemsworth
>guys maybe we could add a feminist "women in black" bit since it's 2019

and so on and so on

and to think they're about to rape the matrix franchise with a 4

and don't forget the little "quirky" side kick who's not afraid to "speak his mind" for added "comic relief", people like those things

also a strong mother figure who "know what's up" and who's job is to "fight patriarchy" among the good guys to keep their toxic masculinity in check

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>>that strange feeling you get watching recent movies where it feels like nobody enjoyed making it and it's targeted at some non existent "fans" you are not part of, when in fact you know it's objectively bad and nobody is gonna like it

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I am disgusted by the way blockbuster movies are made nowadays
Same with AAA games
I swear it's all lazy and soulless marketing shit now

I thought the whole point of MIB was that majority of aliens are in Manhattan. Why were they in London and Paris?

why does this apply to almost every movie nowadays?

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The cunts thought they'd have a hit on their hands because of muh capeshit relationship with the Hemsworth and Thompson. It was soulless, unlike the original.

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Wow, your review just revealed your shit taste user.

I have sex



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we're at the end of the loop i guess, the worm was already in the fruit back in the glorious era of 90's blockbusters but we couldn't see it, yet

now it's like a broken loop, companies are making products to be consumed with their products
netflix making netflix content for netflix
amazon making content for prime
sony making movies and games to be "enjoyed" on your playstation
there's no art anymore, just endless iterations of safe marketing decisions and recipes
they could be using an ai at this point or just throw papers in a hat with plot elements and tropes
just average the content by the mediocre until the line is completely flat and you get current "movies"
they use the "silent majority" trick like they do in politics
>you may not like this but most people do even if you didn't met any, they're there, eagerly waiting our content, you know the "fans"
you may think the content is utter garbage and being able do back that statement with rational or formal arguments but it doesn't matter
some people do like it

it's a lie though

Goddamn this thread straight up makes me want to kill myself because its true.

>Baby Groot/Porg bullshit again
shit movie in every aspect
the worst trope in the history

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Don't watch Decades then.
>watching 77th Sunset Strip
>each episode is its own low budget movie
>infinitely more soul and better acting despite being TV exclusive

Been a thing since those cartoons in the 1980s.

this movie is the type of movie so bad it can actually fuck up a relationship if you make the mistake to bring a date to watch it in theater

you know that feel of intense shame and depression you get when the food quality was bad in a restaurant but you were proud to show your boomer ability to consume and pay for things

you bring her to that movie... to that restaurant
but it was bad, really bad and its your fault because as the dad as the boyfriend YOU picked it, and now all there is shame and you grab your wallet with a shaking hand and pay, humiliated forever, forced to say thank you after being fed shit and scammed, already thinking of a way to make this dreadful memory go away, but it wont

you won't be able to get a full erection going back home after a movie like this cause you know deep down that your a cuck ,and a part of you will always be missing, your girlfriend or your family will never talk about it but they all now you a part of yourself is not there anymore

that's the type of movie mib4 is..

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>as the dad as the boyfriend YOU
what did he mean by this

i meant the dad OR the boyfriend
regardless of what relative you saw mib4 with, they'll lose all respect for you, forever
your kids will call you dad less and less and your wife will start to frown during sex and be slightly upset
gradually, it will be barely noticable at first, kids will share their feels with you less and less and become strangers in your house, randomly getting mad at you, your wife will sometime push you away and then apologies and cry saying she can't take it anymore
then you'll find drugs in your kids room, and man clothes that dont belong to you in your bedroom
and then you'll remember.. you'll realise it all started that day where you decided to watch mib4