What the fuck was their problem?
The Jedi Counsel
They were too attached to their own outdated dogma.
too much sitting
Decades of no-sex
>Anakin fails to go to Jedi university.
>gets shipped off to Iraq instead
Since we live in the matrix created by the Fags we will never be shown a mainstream adaptation of any redeeming heroes or characters. The governments will be inept at best and subverted failures at worst.
The Jedi are clearly presented as the Good Guys so their government must produce the best cities and planets right?
Except they don't. The planets that belong to their little federation are equally as capitalistic and cesspoolian as a third world country.
There seems to be an absurd power hierarchy system in the council and matters are decided upon rather than dealt with directly.
I dunno. Weak beta story building. The entire universe doesn't have an ounce of masculine role models
They tried to hold all the power and didnt let anakin in because he had the potential to be more powerful that them
Volcels are the only thing worse than incels. Both should be executed. Ubermensch beta males deserve the rope.
Also more liklely to be manlets and liberals, and therefore deserve helicopter rides.
Killed the thread by going off script. That's how you can tell every single thread here is shills and retards.
Go back to /x/
They refused to lower interest rates, clear evidence of they narrow minded, keynesian views.
Too much Stoicism/weird hyper masculine bullshit
>Wahhhh emotions are bad you gotta shut that shit down or else you'll be a schxxl shxxter err uhh turn to the dark side
Emotions are not fucking evil, and the Jedi forcing Anakin to stuff them down is the same as telling an incel they just need to be more confident. They're just gonna resent that shit even more. The Jedi are autists who don't know how to process emotions. I'm glad they're all dead even the younglings
is that a kaminonian jedi?
if they had a kaminonian jedi, why the fuck they didn't know what or where kamino was?
He isn't kaminoian
They were afraid.
the dark side clouded their minds
Literally a council of incels
>”you may sit on this council, we do not grant you the rank of master”
Why was Anakin so ass blasted to be made an ex oficio? It’s not like Palpatine had appointment power to the Jedi council.
Did lucas even parliamentary procedure?
I mean... they were totally right. Anakin got screwed over once and then BOOM he's Darth Vader
>What the fuck was their problem?
It was kind of a riff off of academia. Try getting your PHD sometimes.
because palpatine knew how anakin would react about not made him a master
did you even see the movie?
it was all according to keikaku
Basically too interested in control. Only way to be a Jedi is if you parents okay you to be taken when you're less than a year old, because they want to beat into kids' heads their dogma about separating emotions from rational thinking and not to abuse the force. Between that, and trying to tap into the future (which was intentionally clouded by the Sith, if you don't mind taking EU stuff), and willingly joining to be generals in a war they really shouldn't have a huge part in, they collapsed. It was kinda sloppily done, but it's meant to counterpoint Yoda's teachings to Luke (like keeping your head in the moment), and what Luke was able to accomplish on his own (love for his father allowing him to turn Vader as opposed to killing him like Yoda wanted).
Being given the rank of master means you've got a lot of wisdom, are accomplished in the ways of the force and have served the Jedi Order well. It probably means more to Anakin to have that title and be recognized as an equal peer than just being able to chime in his opinions on how a war should be handled or other tasks that should be voted on. It's kinda like he got assigned to the kiddie table.
i think the only reason he was upset about not making him a master was because he wanted the knowledge only masters can access, to find a way to save padme
if he didn't have those visions about padme, he wouldn't have turned
>i think the only reason he was upset about not making him a master was because he wanted the knowledge only masters can access,
Oh I don't know. They kind of jerked him around too. They wanted him to "pay his dues" and "earn it" even though he was qualified.
As I said above, totally like academia. Take any class, why do I have to do each homework assignment if I get it already. That's just busy work.
Anakin didn't want a seat on the council; he wanted to be considered a peer by the masters that he had looked up to, at least more often than not, for half his life.
Fucking lol
user, he said himself
"I know there are things about the force they're not telling me"
they had ancient holocrons sealed in a vault that only masters can enter, that's why he wanted to be a master, to see this ancient knowledge and find a way to save padme
but they didn't give him the rank of master and then sheev tell him the tragedy of darth plagueis and that was enough for anakin to fall into the dark side
It used to be all White men, but more and more multikult goblins started to force their way in, until the Jedi Order became nothing more than a circlejerk.
Yeah, good point. I suppose you're right. I must be projecting.
And they dont explain any of this shit in the movie. Its all in the book. BRAVO GEORGE. The book is pretty kino though
yeah, there are a lot they don't explain in the movies
i think in the battlefront II ps2 game, the first thing anakin said to jocasta nu (the librarian) was "I want access to the holocron vault" or something like that
The whole 'forbidden knowledge' thing has always annoyed the shit outta me in movies.
If you tell someone not to read a certain scroll or book, you just know they're gonna fucking do it anyway.
I kinda liked how they handled it a bit more in Dr. Strange
>"What are those books?"
>"Those are for the grandmaster (or whatever) only"
>"You mean they're forbidden to be read?"
>"No. No knowledge in this dojo is forbidden. You're just not ready for it yet."
>Anakin was a slave to Watto
>then he became a slave to the Jedi Code
>then he became a slave to the Emperor
even in dr strange someone became evil because of that knowledge though
kek, fucking autist
This was one of the fucking dumbest things, and actively went against everything Obi Wan and Yoda had taught Luke about being a Jedi. In the OT Obi Wan and Yoda repeatedly tell Luke to trust his feelings, to be in touch with his feelings, to master them, but to not let himself be overtaken by anger and hate.
Then in the prequels George ditched that by having the Jedi philosophy, which Obi Wan teaches to Anakin, appear to be that caring about anything or having feelings, at all, even positive ones like love, is really bad.
My best guess is George was influenced by all the stone faced, nothing matters protagonists of 90s sci fi movies, especially the Matrix.
They told Luke to trust his instincts, not his feelings. Even in ROTJ Obi-Wan told him to bury them deep, or they could be made to serve the Emperor.
Why don’t we get scenes like this anymore? Everyone’s always on the move in the new movies.
>even though he was qualified.
Having your padawan walk out on the Jedi is a big black mark, user.
>Since we live in the matrix created by the Fags we will never be shown a mainstream adaptation of any redeeming heroes or characters.
Agree with this. But for the rest your getting into based autistic schizophrenic mode.
Wasn't their doctrine about not forming attachments so they wouldn't vie for power or fear losing something valuable to them?
Windu clearly enjoyed fighting and he was never kicked out of the council.
that's because they learned from their mistakes, you retard
watch the fucking movies for once in your life
>In the OT Obi Wan and Yoda repeatedly tell Luke to trust his feelings, to be in touch with his feelings, to master them, but to not let himself be overtaken by anger and hate.
In the OT, Yoda and Obi-wan have had years to realize where the order had gone wrong. In the PT, they're just about to learn those lessons the hard way.
Windu used the dark side within him as fuel for his fighting skills, he was a master at Vaapad
Sounds like he trusted his instincts then.
he's not from kamino you fucking racist
well, he sensed a plot against the jedi
he wasn't wrong lol
but the dark side clouded every jedi minds, even yoda
Him. He's the reason the Jedi stagnated.
>your arrogance blinds you, master yoda
>now you will experience the full pawaaah of the dark side!
What about the droid attack on the wookies?
why that qoute became a meme?
he's a Quermian you racist FUCK
might be the worst post I have ever seen
Its almost like they saw a close friend of theirs go batshit insane from holding in all his emotions and go on a jedi killing spree.
Really activates my almonds.
yoda and mace basically run everything, they would not admit it but its true. and the other jedi masters just suck their dick so they stay on the council. it was basically a big jedi circlejerk, they never really accomplished anything
I actually side with the council on this one, imagine if the president just brought one of his buddies to the next senate meeting and told everyone that he is now a senator. while anakin did deserve to be on the council, he had saved the galaxy on many occasions on this point sheev had no right to put him on it
literally blinded by their own arrogance
couldnt even feel or sense the dark side in palpatine
based all their decisions only on what they see and not on what they cant
so weak
Obi-Wan developed an unorthodox perspective because he had an unorthodox teacher. He never really fully adhered to the traditional methods of the Jedi.