Movie has a BMWF couple

>Movie has a BMWF couple

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I watch these kind of movies everyday

>movie has nigger

Sauce, friend?

>OP is a frogposter

Attached: 1556402678376.png (680x697, 948K)

>movie has a WMBF couple

Attached: 1563172880719.png (700x443, 211K)

Objectively the best pairing

definitely the most realistic one


Mental illness

putting your dick in a a woman is pretty normal incel freak :)

poor little white boy
his own people would rather fuck dindus that let his micro penis near them

I don't see problem. I want a white gf


>movie has WMAF couple

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it's nice to see my life reflected on screen




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fpbp (first post blacked post)

Fuck off