/heem/ - Loopy Won


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Max holloway is a fucking bitch

Guys, Tonys...... Dead......

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first for based ugly king

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Post can fighters with zero good wins. I'll start.

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Islam will submit Oliveira in 2. Don't @ me

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Reminder that gaycheese doesn't hit hard.

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Swede bro, why are you sperging out? Being this irrationally angry at random fighters is not normal.

the entire roster has 0 good wins

alright, time for some serious heem talk you lonely cazzie losers

if Rakic wins next week, should he 100% be the next title challenger? the only competition could be Ankalaev if/when he beats Smith

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shut the fuck up pedophile defending schizo


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>user, wanna listen to my MMA poem?

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>tony reads the ancient scriptures of the elders of the fighting spirit
>finds that ascension is only possible by visiting the spirits of the shadowrealm
>round 1
>complete domination CSO-style, almost flushes chandlers back to bellator
>"this is fun and all... but i need to visit the spirits..."
>round 2
>lowers his power level
>"this will hurt... but it must be done.... for the legacy... for the run"
>lowers his hands
>raises his chin
>enters shadowrealm
>its all real. the ancient spirits appear in front of him and welcome him with open arms
>"you did well tony. you could have flushed that guy but you decided to let go of your ego for a moment in order to achieve eternal glory"
>"you deserve this my son"
>tony ascends and returns to the mortal realm
it's only getting started tonybros

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La creatura...

Post your face

tongue my anus
delete this

Khabib could beat all 5 of these bums in the same night, unironically.

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>carefully, he's a hero

>Jan is fighting again next week.
Didn't realize it was almost time lol, i thought he was fighting in June or someshit.
Also Jan is winning.

Whose a fighter you hate just because others like them? Don't pretend you don't have one. For me, it's Yoel Romero, he's a boring, weight missing old can who was never champion and that fact that people here slobber over him disgusts me.

Khabob almost got subbed by Dustbin, if that was Oliveira he was fighting, Khabob would have went to sleep.

Realistically speaking, how does he beat Costa ?

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Khabib has a padded record full of bums


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Reminder that the swede is also a Tonycel, he is going through a hard time at the moment.

Yeah, only fucking reddit pieces of trash who rate hollowbitch the pedophile thinks fucking kattar won. holy shit what a dogshit fighter
giga won
also gane won and go fuck yourself if you disagree

This one is a bit polar since tons of people hate him as well, but it's Paddy. For some reason Americans love him.

Jan is getting smoked. Rakic is better in every way except for pure power, but he still hits hard

used to be on 12 win streak sonny

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he had no fucking idea where he was at this point. felt like he shouldnt have been there for that. when chandler went to embrace him, it looked like tony didnt even know who chandler was

look at this low test balding idiot

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hold on brotha i'm getting heemed

Attached: poony enters the shadow realm.webm (1080x1080, 2.91M)

anyone have a webm of tony dropping chandler

Kek, him and Soivenia must be close to roping after yesterday.

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this is Oliveira's war face

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Bald men have more T, twink.

its swedish schizo hours

you're fucking retarded if you think Tony lost holy shit go back to r/mma already you fucking low IQ retards

it was Petr Yan but I think people have turned on him since his loss to Aljo, also Holloway but people don't really rave about him on here as much as they do on twitter

He's a chinlet too

Attached: ferguson drops chandler.webm (960x540, 1.9M)

gotta give it to chandler for not following up with strikes

Americans don't understand how insufferable scousers are. Same reason they enjoy Darren's braindead banter that you could find better examples of on any building site in the uk

Also back when reddit was hyping Ben Asscream I really hated him. Boring as fuck wrestler with boring trash talk.

> le funny fat chris griffin man

worth watching the whole event?

Hade slitit ut din hals med mina fingrar om jag såg dig. Du hade inte stått en chans, och du borde vara rädd

>le humble xD
Know what? I give fucking nothing to chandler he's an overrated fucking bitch who lost to Tony round 1.

>soivenia disappears
>swedish schizo reappears
really makes ya think

he looked so good in the first round bros...

he looked good but lucky shots happen, user. accept it

Who saw the Aljo win coming?

Attached: Aljo wins.png (1003x549, 76.05K)

Thanks. Atleast... at least we have something to feed us tonychads

You're acting like no one has ever got out of an Oliveira guillomeme, you're becoming delusional.

jävla äckliga transa sluta svara på mina brev ditt gridsäckel.
>le sensible reddit take xD
feel free to keep coping idiot
tony won


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so is he awake there? what is happening?

It was only an illusion that Dustin's guillotine was close to working, Khabib has unironically solved the guillotine threat, look into it.

don't think i have any
used to but i stopped letting fighters fanbases affect my opinion of a fighter


Khamzat Chimaev vs Kevin Holland is THE fight

This is what all women deserve for rejecting me

Looking forward to the schizographic.



Vem fan kallar du transa? Om du tror att du kan göra något åt dig så borde du hänga dig själv så slipper du min vrede


That's not a real person

I like how the other colony insects just watch and don't react at all. Just another normal day in china. Chinks have no souls


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Please stop taking it's retarded bait, you're making yourself look stupid as fuck every time you reply to it

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you right b

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whoopsies this was meant for

this may be your most challenging infographic yet

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Why? He already beat the #2 WW. He shou5be fighting Colby

Main and Tony/Chandler and you're alright.
Prelims had some decent stuff

Reddit opinion
>Yeah Tony looked good but Chandler hit him with a good shot and won
Heem opinion
>Tony won the fight and knocked Chandler down in round 1. He was looking better than Chandler in every aspect of the fight and didn't lose

>Kills the whore
>Fixes her dress so her panties are not visible

Pat Berry unironically deserves a bullet between the eyes, absolute subhuman monkey

They arent simps like you no wonder canadian women fuck negroes and dogs.

where do you get friends to watch mma?
>inb4 start MMA/JIU JITSU
yeah for sure i wanna train concussion simulator i already lift so i am not unathletic

t. Ahmed Lopez

ty b

I went to watch half of the Canelo fight with my dad since the fight was so boring but honestly, the Canelo fight was not much better.

round of the year, it was so fucking intense

Shut the fuck up and mind your business exactly like they did in the webm

tony was winning until the one in a million shot

pisslams awful, he gets rocked in the middle of the cage and subbed after panic wrestling


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ok i was trying to be nice but its honestly over for tony. loss after loss guys completely washed up. gaethje fucked him up so bad that hell never be the same. hes done. cope. seethe

>He was looking better than Chandler in every aspect of the fight and didn't lose
Except the wrestling and the chin.

Why are thirdworlders like this?

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somebody with more skill than me make a webm of this and I can use it for all wmma fights

true and we got heem of the year with wifeson atrepolating cso

LOL you're a fucking idiot who fell for the fucking UFC marketing strategy. Good job.
Learn how to think for yourself.
Tony has looked great in all of his recent fights.
Tony destroyed Chandler from his back


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The tonyfag is not an actual swede

From Harvard to UFC to OnlyFans. What's next for Kay Hansen?

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what will happen when Chandler adopts his third black son? will he be too hapsplosive for the LW division?

just came home from work and finished watching the card

Charles Oliveira is the GOAT

>Justin hit har.................
>Trevor witthman is a good coa.....................................

Garth is the king of gatekeepers. He's what Cowboy never could be

håll käften äckliga jävla transa ingen bad om din åsikt

>this was the no. 1 contender, twice.


beheaded, raped in some favela

Tony looking good in the first win is bad. Now people are acting like Chandler actually got a good win.

it will be over for 155 -170 b

silence you degenrate twitch simp

i bet you give money to sodapoppin

She'd have to bite the dick for the guy to feel anything cuz her lips are non existent

you're all so fucking stupid it's unreal

Yeah sorry I'm not a white knighting retard but it's literally none of my business. For all I know that woman killed his dog. None of my business and not my job to deal with it.

kek true

Nah because he lost to Dustin Poirier who's also a gatekeeper.

He will finally get the N word pass and become unstoppable

>Dustin, Gaycheese, hooker, Tony all buck broken
Is all coming together lads.

Tony is still better than Hooker btw

Solid defense, Just step back, You cant be hit or dont need to dodge if youre not there, good job