Enough about characters, which characters have the best light sabers?
Enough about characters, which characters have the best light sabers?
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Spinning Lightsabers from rebels
Goddamn it OP. Take my upboat you beautiful bastard
I get it
Unironically Kylo Ren.
That lightsaber actually further detailed the narrative and is a literal extension of Kylo Ren's character instead of just being an empty visual prop.
Primitive design, highly unstable, crudely assembled but powerful, a true reflection of his character.
He built the crossguard not because "I'm a special snowflake and it's protection lmao" but because he couldn't build it any other way to work, he made it like that because the crystal inside the hilt is cracked and therefore unstable so the lightsaber can't go in one beam so he made 2 vents to the side so it can function properly.
It's not like there are lightsaber shops in the galaxy where everyone buys their saber of liking in their favorite color.
The new design actually has some purpose and meaning unlike Darth Maul's double lightsaber just for the hell of it.
If only the rest of nustarshit had atleast a quarter of thought
I lost
Does this configuration somehow spell 'Sneed' perchance?
This is not real right?
I realize that this is a loss thread but can we talk about how she looks skinnier in each frame?
Because she's cgi
For me, it's the lightwhip.
Imagine strafing Ewoks from your Lightcopter.
Remember: It can always get dumber.
what’s the point of it folding?
The lightsaber makes sense for Rey because she favored a staff in the first film
Like Nami's Climatact i guess?
what an ugly hag
So they can sell it to little kiddies.
I don't get it. Why was she in the hospital?
General Griveous
Ignoring the obvious stupidity of the spinning lightsabers...
>Darth Maul fighting other red lightsaber guys
>the main characters from that cartoon hanging out with Darth Maul at the end
This makes no sense.
But spinning is a good trick
>spinning a plasma sword somehow lets you fly
Luke's second lightsaber. Runner up is Mace Windu's.
is this loss
>It ain't Sheev starts playing
>"""""adults"""" watch this
>The new design actually has some purpose and meaning unlike Darth Maul's double lightsaber just for the hell of it.
The point of Maul's 2 blades was so he could more effectively fight against multiple opponents. Th ejedi out numbered the Sith by thousands.
That and he could spin it over his head and fly away if necessary like the webm above
This. Also the whole medieval Deus Vult sith style is awesome, too bad that was wasted on thi shitiest movies of the franchise
It ain't me
It ain't me
I ain't the Senate, son
is this real life?
Just the Fanta Sea, proto-Satan.
Its like a helicopter you freaking idiot.
Who wins?