ID... not IV

>ID... not IV....

Was this meant to be remotely amusing? Did people laugh at this dumb shit in the 90s?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.42M)

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>Did people laugh at this dumb shit in the 90s?
No, that's why it flopped and killed the franchise, even if the first movie was loved by everyone

>he doesn't have a brain big enough to get the deep and meaningful jokes inside Le Fils Du Mask

Attached: mask.png (1920x1080, 1.27M)

This movie was made in the 80s, dipshit


"My Bad"

This post is embarrassing

pics of this guy m,ake me uncomfortable

"My bad"

Iced tea?

Attached: 1566318584770.png (1024x576, 671K)

Who's that green guy?

""My bad""

No. Barely anyone saw the son of mask. First, it starred Jamie Kennedy...secondly it was a direct-to-video sequel.

No! I. D.

What did Ahmad mean by this?

Attached: Ahmad.png (640x960, 68K)

To be fair you need a very high IV to understand Son of the Mask

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"""My Bad""""

>direct-to-video sequel.

Attached: Capture.png (1258x881, 242K)

"My bad"

This came out in 2005

it requires a high IQ to grok this style of humor

>Production Budget: $84 Million

Attached: depressivesotm.png (371x238, 15K)


It shows.

Chuck’s Fuck and Suck.

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This thread is currently reading 25 replies (not great, not terrible).

Attached: Laura.jpg (1275x637, 107K)