Rey is cute! CUTE!!!
Rey is cute! CUTE!!!
Okay that is supposed to be Rey? I legit couldn’t tel from the first watch
*accidentally braps*
it's Rey's true coke form
I wish Rey would force choke me while squeezing my balls.
Imagine getting your hand pinched in that thing. Fuck
Why does half of her face look like really bad CGI in the first shot? Is she going to have a scar or something, and they tried to hide it for the trailer?
wait rey gonna be nazi empire and shit? :OOO
yeah her pusy is super tight
that looks clunky and bad. It's odd that they chose to use it in promotional material. Not only does having both sabers lit look retarded and impractical, it looks lame when it locks into a staff.
Anybody seen Daisy in anything else? She has a fine face but nothing in the way she moves tells me that she can emote. She's not even young Keanu level.
possibly, but I think it's just really bad cgi trying to make her look gaunt
I saw that murder on the train movie. I don't remember her doing a good or bad job.
Star Wars, saved
she cute
trips confirm, Daisy haters btfo
Large teeth for cracking death stars
kinda looks like Keri Russell desu
Ms Ridley is indeed cute.
Rey is a repulsive character and you should stop shilling.
is that Summer Glau?
Keri confirmed Rey's mum now
I think you're right, just has daisy's face shooped over hers. good catch
*chomp* *chomp* *chomp*