Neil Blomkamp has left the Robocop sequel, Robocop Returns. MGM is still making the movie with a new director.
Prepare yourself for a Marvel-style Robocop.
Neil Blomkamp has left the Robocop sequel, Robocop Returns. MGM is still making the movie with a new director.
Prepare yourself for a Marvel-style Robocop.
what did he mean by this
Neil Blomkamp is fucking irrelevant at this point.
>Sorry, I'm off Robocop to direct some shitty noname thriller
He made one movie that was okay, and everything else sucked
Niggers, obviously.
As long as they get Weller back to do the voice I don't give a shit they can get whoever they want and make him sell KFC again it just has to be Peter Weller.
lol he went ahead with the vietnam concept from his oats youtube series.
the one where a native gets ominipotent psi powers by becoming sad after his family are killed.
you score some integrity points Niel, but i think you are going to kick yourself for not putting your own 'movie' on hold.
also Zygote should have been the one, just make a fun monster movie already
wack. i was looking forward to it like i was his alien sequel that also never happened.
i like Neillllll but he needs to work with a better writer
NuRobo will be a minority and fight against corrupt nazi cops only. All hiphop soundtrack by Donald Glover, no score. Also robocop is played by Donald Glover. The third act will be thwarting a bomb/ED1488 at a BLM rally.
Is Blomkamp the king of hyping up shit that he eventually never does
His career has been disappointing.
Exactly. Imagine how much kino there would be if directors like Snyder, Duncan Jones, and Neil here paired themselves up with good screenwriters instead of just deciding to write on their own.
It would be like how Elton John had some guy who wrote all his best music
I reeeaaally want to direct Alien
>Doesn't do it.
I reeeaaally want go direct Robocop
>Doesn't do it.
>marvel-style RoboCop
so, RoboCop 2014? even that movie is better than bullshit like Homecoming, just make the sequel with the "MARVEL" logo, 1 billion easy
Rakka was good
At this point I'll be more shocked when he actually makes a movie.
>Prepare yourself for a Marvel-style Robocop.
Didn't we already have that a few years back?
Guillermo del Toro
I'd rather have a shitty studio sequel that everyone will agree is shit than a try hard fan service one that would have defended by the pseud fans of this gimmicky hack and spammed the board for months with its meme scenes, thank god we just avoided another 2049 situation
Dude let's dug up an edgy 80s script because it's so 80s
But let's rewrite it to completely change it and make it current year and pc and safe and Trump and me-too
fucking fat fuck, he always deny projects because he is too busy working on stuff that never is released, just focus on something you fat fuck. Well, he is a fat fuck so self control is not something he has
they already did a robocop remake and it was shit
that didn't happened because Ridley Scott cockblocked him. People were more interested in his instagram concept arts than prometheus 2 Ridley was working on
This scene was kino.
The reboot already fucked it up so who cares.
>Old RoboCop was a cybernetic zombie
>New RoboCop is Adam Jensen
Yeah it will suck regardless of who is directing
That's the only good scene tho
Same trajectory.
what's hilarious is how people forget that neil blumpkin made nigerians in district 9 alien meat eating voodoo criminals
best part was when the main nigerian's name in the movie sounded like the name of a nigerian president
Fucking hell, I was hoping he would finally redeem himself with Robocop. I imagine he got cocky and wanted to do completely his own shit and set Robocop in Africa where Sharlto Copley is villain and studio didn't let him because Elysium is already a thing. I was really hoping it'd become his redemption arc.
>Robocop Returns
lol wat? We've passed intentional satire into accidental self parody.
Robocop 2 was where the franchise fucked up. It retconned the ending of the first movie with no explanation. Murphy's arc in the first movie was to reclaim his humanity and by the end of the movie he was complete again. They didn't want to work with that in the sequel though so he's back to acting like a robot and only vaguely understands that he was once human, and there is no explanation for it. They just assume you don't remember how the first movie ended because not a lot of people had VCRs back then.
Oddly enough I don't think studios took sequels seriously until audiences actually had enough access to the movies at home that they started complaining about continuity problems. If you look at sequels from the black and white days like the Universal Monster movies, they technically had continuity with previous films but it was an absolute mess, with sequels frequently making retcons that they assumed audiences would never pick up on. Technically the last of the original black and white Mummy movies took place in the 1990s if you add up all the time jumps of the previous films.
sounds fucking hilarious
According to gossip sites, they approached this old bastard to take the reins as his last film. If it happens, at least it'll have a good OST.
I imagine that they did that because whatever the fuck Miller was going for in his original pitch was incomprehensible, so they decided to just repeat the same story arc so that Murphy would have anything to do in his movie. And I think what they ended up doing with Murphy's arc is kind of interesting, but it's just a bit of different angle of same shit he went through in first movie.
>Can't kill the main bad guy because of prime directive
>Can't function properly because his head is filled with overlapping rules
But they convey different messages in their own ways, they just give Murphy exactly the same character arc.
I still think what they did with Kain is at least original and fun to watch and captures spirit of first movie rather nicely.
I thought most of the scenes with Michael Keaton were good. Also, even though this is something only I probably care about, the mechanics of the action scenes were refreshingly not retarded compared to most recent action movies.
The biggest knock against the movie for me is that I saw it after I saw Dredd and the Robocop remake is no Dredd, and it's certainly not as memorable as the original for that matter.