What are other latinoamericans kinos?

what are other latinoamericans kinos?

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Do they have the scene where Che lines up and shoots a bunch of faggots in the back of the head?

It's a movie. World of fiction not brutal reality that would force rich celebrities to stop living in fantasy land.

This was pre-revolutionary.

When we will get a kino were che queer vara gets BTFO Inglorious Basterds style?

Good with a nice cerveza and some tequila. Comfy.

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That scene where che talks about concentration camps for gays seemed a little over the top.

It would be problematic

Che never executed any homosexuals. He just didn't like them

Based Reygadas

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He also made the ultimate cuck kino.

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Tigers Are Not Afraid.

So he never did the only good things he supposed did?

Homosexuality wasn't a capital crime in communist Cuba

>a Tour de Force

hahaha le edgy XDDD

Y Tu Mamá También

Homos are disgusting sick fucks. Accept it.

If Cuba had had your attitude toward fags, they'd have Haiti-tier AIDS rates. Instead they put them in camps.

t. in the closet homo. Accept it.

>t. in the closet homo. Accept it.

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