Why didn't you save him, Yea Forums?
Why didn't you save him, Yea Forums?
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how long has he been doing click baitey titles like this
this looks too painful to watch
retard kino
You'd think after playing video games all his life, he'd be at least somewhat good at it.
>Sam Adams
Absolutely based
Dude never even had Pepsi until like this month. What an autist
holy fuck
Except his videos get more views than ever before. Most people only care about AVGN episodes.
It's impossible to get good at videogames, you're born with your reaction speed. It's the hard cap to how good you can get.
He doesn't do the titles or the thumbnails.
A terrible company called Screenwave does.
They also are responsible for all the other recent Cinemassacre "talent" besides Mike.
They also got Mike a fake girlfriend named Erin who pretends to like retro games for money.
So when you pick up a game for the first time you automatically master it's mechanics and controls, huh?
Shut the fuck up retard
So you're saying they got Mike a personal whore? Pretty based.
I do, yes.
Games are easy as fuck.
Fuck you, I have been stuck on Owl (Father) for several days.
Owl wasn't even that hard.
Git gud.
Even though the new AVGN episodes are pure shite
Owl (Father)
Damn, we got a genuine MLG ProGamer among us
hes 47 years old, give him a break
why can't Mike get a real girlfriend in spite of his 13 inch cock?
the fact that they play everything on some huge 4k tv with like two seconds of lag probably doesn't help.
When scott the wog was on he was like "how the fuck do you play with this much lag" but I'm pretty sure the most recent J&MM they played at Mike's and he's quite autistic about having no lag on his setup.
His can James beat a game like Ghost and Ghouls but suck at literally everything else?
>these "people" invite you to their christmas "party"
what do?
Based cat fucking up sòyboys
wrong webm
Why don't the big ones simply each Mike?
>Mario Maker 2 episode was the best in awhile
>go right back to doing literal who games
He brought it on himself and has been surpassed by superior gaming youtubers like our lad Square Eyed Jak. With talent like this about who even watches AVGN anymore?
milke milke boobe
>our lad Square Eyed Jak
Literally who? Fuck off Jak.
this is nothing without the audio
You have to have a very high IQ to understand Square Eyed Jak. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of British culture most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Jak's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Square Eyed Jak truly ARE idiots (AVGN fans)- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Jak's existencial catchphrase "Have a nice fucking day." which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jak's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Square Eyed Jak tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Mike doesn't actually play games, he has other people play them, record it, and then he basically in post-production overlays his narration and fake-playing.
What's this?
I don't get it. The game looks pretty tough.
>implying anyone here has played this game
This will never stop being funny.
Mike got fat, jesus.
Mike is THICC.
>WACKY face in thumbnail
>Watch How Horny Loco Banditos on PornHub Makes Us
;_; why can't we go back, they're all still alive
Who''s the chick on the right?
Honestly, James probably knows more about film than 99% of people on this board
One of the last soulful moments
Yea Forums is a SHIT board. Into the trash. I'm a BIG GUY. For you.
are these the same person?
Pretty sure.
He knows trivia, but he struggles to understand film on any real level.
Only recently, I think Youtube has been telling creators to write click bait titles
still alive, but at what cost?
wtf happened to Pertubed Pedro? He looks like a normal guy here
if by "film" you mean "Universal monster and kaiju flicks" then sure
Remind to keep up with your mewing
I like Erin.
>don't realize that 1ups are tied to the gems and think it's random
They've played a million snes games and couldn't immediately pick up a basic mechanic?
You just KNOW
That cat did nothing wrong.
oh no he fell for the tranny meme
what nerdy homo does the title intros?
>muh horror movies
>muh clipless monster madness
Looks like a literal tranny.
>mike (oh god, the special kid is making another j-)
>mike (shut up retard)
Weird you are wasting time here instead of making money with you godly skills.
>i remember
>you got the games with 1- ups
>and then... lets see
>the 3 ups
>sssssip, good times
>glich in boss
You are dealing with a master here. One of those who, during forum times, created clone accounts asking for tips and solution to puzzles.
And yet he still manages to be better than James.
of course. hes a film curator after all.
wrong. Have you seen the views for life of the black tiger? it took FIVE DAYS just to reach a million. in comparison, pepsiman reached it in one day, and superman, two at most.
rental reviews used to breach 300 k, but now just 200 k
Who is this boob noob?
cannot be tamed
KEK. this is great
fucking kek
James reacts like a tard
is that an insult towards Claire or a compliment towards trannies?
he's a good actor then
Bruh it used to take years for them to crack 1M. What do you think OP is memeing about?
Apparently, Aprils mother has her facebook public. So the facebook stalker doesnt have james and co added, rather he just knows aprils facebook account where he gets the pics
>no roastie drama or whining
>no muh kids
>vidya and theme parks all the time
/fit/ trannies are patrician taste tbhwyf
God I'm so jealous that Mike most likely fucked Erin.
not true.
1. you have to adjust for internet inflation, there are 10x more people on the internet than there were 10 years ago
2. AVGN would often breach millions on game trailers
reddit cant meme