Dora the explorer movie

did you watch it?

Attached: (760x380, 96K)

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It was extremely awkward and everyone kept staring at me the whole time.

>Heh heh, hand over your back pack or else I'll tickle you!

What a weird scene Michael Bay. Very weird.

Attached: 20190826_191820.jpg (630x735, 141K)

did the Coyote smugglers creampie her?

Lmao ya... “Hi Robert, one adult ticket for Dora.”

No, I'm not a pedo

Was she hot, though?
Closer and closer we got to release I was feeling more and more like it would really suck and I didn't want to have to sit through that in a theater.
Couldn't care less what other people thought.

Attached: 1563156015360.webm (720x1280, 1.72M)

"Oh hey bud, I didn't know you had kids...wait wait you brought your niece or nephew right?

no but I jerked off to the trailer


Attached: sir anthony hopkins and moner.webm (640x360, 2.77M)

what scene does she show tits??????????


When I went to get the ticket, and said "one for Dora", the cashier went what? I repeated himself, he starts laughing and says "WHAT?" and I had to repeat myself until I was practically yelling "ONE TICKET FOR DORA THE EXPLORER PLEASE". There was some mother behind me who started giving me lookss, like I just squatted down and took a shit on the carpet.

Is it like Indiana Jones for zoomers?

Attached: 1562705262518.webm (782x657, 627K)

I was definitely going to download a 1080p rip and see it, but that ugly mexican faggot ruined the desire to watch it, so fuck that, I'll just wait for the webms.

Nice, tight.

you don't "watch" kino user, you experience it.


Attached: dancing swede.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

The date with my 8 year old daughter is great user. She sat on my lap the whole time.

>ugly mexican faggot
You mean Michael "We need a mexican for an unfunny movie role" Pena?

I watched Spirited Away and some Star Wars films in theaters as an adult, but this one will be for the torrents.

nah, Peña is good, he's talking about the literal mexican.

No, Peña is alright. I meant the other, the sweaty one.

Sorry I didn't originally see your reply, it somehow got filtered out.
Yeah she was cute.

wtf is this out of focus shit!!!

She posted some swimsuit pics again. Just shitty lighting.

streamfu fag

Why is she talking about how small dude's dick is while hanging on the edge of a roof?

I saw it, loved the part about poop holes

>Tipper of the month: $5,000

She met the local roof goblic.


She must have been so sweaty after all the running around. What do you think her butt and pits smelled like? Hypothetically of course haha

mona is a child abuser

>women don't have it eas -

It's so hot how she's the one cuddling up to Hopkins. She knows the game.

>Tipping $5,000 to support seeing this hot woman

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I'd let her abuse my child. And by child, I mean my dick.

Hopkins is harmless really.

>8 hours ago
Nice, tight.

What the fuck is this low quality shit? I can't fap to this.


>The tan lines

Attached: 1558553020850.jpg (1080x1080, 243K)

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Attached: 1560183475926.jpg (1080x1080, 334K)

is this too hot for 4channel?

More like too old for 4channel.

Attached: 1548441349053.jpg (1080x1080, 275K)

If this silhouette alone isn't enough to get you ROCK HARD you are a limp-wristed, low-t fairy "man" who will never make it. God bless petite latinas and God bless the load I'm about to unleash to this sacred trinity of low quality pictures.

Jesus, that high cut

Attached: 1566420449639.jpg (634x506, 39K)

Not the first time she's worn it.

Attached: 1553838856298.jpg (1080x1350, 116K)

high cut is life

Attached: 1546451059596.jpg (640x632, 33K)

Oh my God, a fourth. My poor balls are going to be drier than Moner's pussy in the presence of weird old men when I'm done experiencing this holy quartet of amateur beach gymnastics. What a delight to imagine the smell as her tight bottom spirals through the air. If only I could lick the sand from between her toes I could die a happy, fulfilled man!


she's a Goddess, right guys?

How much was Swiper in the movie?

I've never seen those before

Attached: 1547419059009.jpg (1240x1168, 241K)

so basically woman live on easy mode.

spoken like a true incel

The truth hurts.... I think.

Spoken like a true redditor

can you get 5000 for existing? shut the fuck up faggot

Attached: moner light.jpg (1079x1079, 391K)

I must have seen the wrong version since there was no sex scenes. What a waste of money.

How sex with dora felts like


This was physically painful to watch. Fuck you

Oh, wow, it's like watching one of those 12yo Chink gymnasts in the Olympics... SO EROTIC


How do you convince her for sex


Attached: dabbing on moner fags.webm (540x404, 218K)


Same swimsuit, yeah.
Fuck, even the tan lines are the same.

Attached: Moner Banned Instagram Picture Too Hot for 4channel.jpg (1080x1350, 132K)

Why the FUCK are the best ones always so far away

Attached: beach backflip.webm (480x852, 2.88M)

The jiggly boobs or just her talking? Because I have more of both

Attached: 1564468220116.webm (360x640, 591K)

>soundless webm
>her talking
Does she talk to you often through these soundless webms?

>ywn be Moner's white bf and have a fun beach day with her

Attached: 09090909.jpg (1080x1080, 56K)

I can’t post audio ones, stupid

gonna need a picture of this outfit from the rear please

Nah, shit looks boring and I can't fap to a sexy teen in that outfit. Seriously why did they make this movie with her? She's hot as fuck and she's wearing an outfit that a 10-year-old would wear.

Yes, that's right so anyone annoyed by her talking in a soundless webm is suffering from an auditory hallucination.

>She's hot as fuck and she's wearing an outfit that a 10-year-old would wear.
That sounds hot

Well, he is a chad, so is okay.

I thought so too but it's not. She's way sexier in those robot movies where she dresses like a post-apoc teenager.