/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Maximum Exposure Edition


>Countdown to the Liberty Marina GP:

>Previous thread:
>Thread Theme:

>/f1/ Essentials:

>WDC Standings:
LEC: 86 (+8)
VER : 59 (+26)
PER: 54 (+18)
RUS: 49 (+12)
SAI: 38 (+5)

>WCC Standings:
Ferrari: 124 (+8)
Red Bull: 113 (+44)
Mercedes: 77 (+12)
McLaren: 46 (+15)
Alfa Romeo: 25 (+10)

>WEC Standings:
HAM: 263.14 (+95.13)
RIC: 208.27 (+68.73)
LAT: 175.44 (+25.81)

Race in 3 bongs 15 bings
Drivers fear processional Miami GP due to ‘joke’ surface
Brundle: Mercedes must be willing to accept ‘this concept doesn’t work’
Alonso unimpressed with Sainz’s ‘unacceptable’ antics

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2nd for rubinho

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Is it true that merc will stop upgrading the car for this year?



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Does /f1/ still love juju?

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Seb looks like a 45 year old alcoholic

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We are playing "Rip Vettel ft Legreg " Jigsaw . Help us finish before race :D


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Unlike Ocon, real Gs move in silence like lasagna.


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Finally drove on the Le Mans track today lad, wanted to do it for a long time, I even got to drive on the kerbs at 90km/h

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Which one would you choose as your starter /f1/?

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You just know

>Alonso unimpressed with Sainz’s ‘unacceptable’ antics
Sainz unimpressed with Alonso's retarded career choices


That's tres cool brah

El creador del sexo y Bad Bunny

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I like sesso, I like you!

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They should ban Lewis for his cockring and let Michelle Obama crash the Mercedes in his place. Americans will LOVE the spectacle.

Anyone else hate how popular F1 is becoming?

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how do they put their horns in to the helmets?

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Which drivers will gain from the garbage track surface? Will it be the classic tire lords Checo and lady-boy? Or the geriatrics who can't go fast anyways?


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For me it's Vivien.

Attached: Vivien Keszthelyi.jpg (1080x810, 102.49K)

Good job user, you're real racist now

Glad you had fun mate sounds awesome


I hate how everything is becoming in general. In answer to your question, as a subset of the above, yes.

too old

who is holding the flag?



Attached: DIGITS TOLD THE TRUTH CHECO IS GONNA WIN.jpg (173x148, 4.63K)


I find her face creepy

> r/formuladank

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i cannot for the life of me find when w series starts
do they actively not want people to watch?

In McDonalds lads you want anything?

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wseries.com had a countdown for the race.

Reposting the fixed version of The Mercedes Cycle

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Stop talking about Gs, it makes you sound subhuman.

reddit bulls how we feelin??

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Good taste

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is she walking or are her legs unevenly long?

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I was working on the TV screen section and as soon as I started making traction at least 3 of you came in and started moving all the pieces around.

I can't do a puzzle with you autists.

> tfw no zero two ferrari pic

12 cheezburgerz. Abble bie. As much milkshage as you can fit in your pocket.

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>those trips
tifosi bros we got too cocky

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Why does it say that he is "close"? If he moves away, does it change to "far"?

Yeah can you see if they're hiring, I just lost my job for wanking in the office

Couldn't really care less seeing how I just watch it on my own and talk to the same 3 people about it (also /f1/).
I guess it must suck that when you go to parties and stuff people will talk about DTS and F1 instead of the normal inane normie shit, couldn't be me though.

what happened to the glory runs in quali?

so sick of espn f1 coverage

Redeem me a filet-o-fish and and apple pie, sir.


their website has that atrocious loading scroll configuration
makes me want to projectile vomit

Were you wanting to one of those pens with the disappearing ink so it looks like naked woman?

Watch what NBC does to Indycar races then complain about it. I think ESPN does a great job. Although if you're watching ESPN for F1 coverage anytime that there isnt cars on the track its your own fault.

Went to the posh Italian deli in Hampstead to buy a loaf of fresh ciabatta, fresh salami and some Italian cheeses to eat while we watch ferrari and my boy leclerc slay redditbull bussy

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Finally a good fucking gimmick

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He has like 4 kids. Leave him be

Did F1 really ban flyovers of military aircraft?

he looks like clarkson


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YEAH!? Well i bought 2 cans of fizzy sugar water and Doritos so that Checo will slay wop greaseball bunghole.

>tfw you remember exhaust blown diffusers

Are haircuts and hair combing bad for bees or something?