>Disney borgs already trying to assimilate Yea Forums
Fuck bros. When will the corporate attack on dissent end?
Disney borgs already trying to assimilate Yea Forums
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20 year old is too young to be making memes.
also this one fucking sucks.
>also this one fucking sucks.
yes. it's really juvenile and unfunny.
World War 1 isn't a fucking joke, zoomer.
what's funny for you?
OP's image is as real as the hell of student debt and no hope for the future.
Old coot here, somewhere in the middle.
you haven't had a bad day in your life kid.
oh yeah?
pretty sure
Just don’t watch it.
>as real as the hell of student debt
yeah dude having to wait to buy the latest iphone upgrade is just as bad as living in a ditch with thousands of people trying to kill you with explosives every day, assuming your commanding officer doesn't try to kill you by having you charge into machine guns
it's pretty much the exact same thing
>you haven't had a bad day in your life kid.
a tryhard like yourself can't have it bad. you know I'm right.
Kinos that show glimpses of the true hell of WW1
I already posted that.
Sorry I didn't see
what was your worst day in your life?
this is you
>voluntary student debt = WW1
the absolute state of millenials
Its an ok rendition and its fresh. It should be 24 and life ruined though. Do you even know what the lost generation is referring to user? Sometimes I think about those lads.
Having a few really bad days is far less destruxtive than a prolonged period of less noticeable but far more insidious experience
Wow, I didn't know millennials and zoomers were being reduced to convulsing, blank-stared husks and shattered minds All this time I thought "literally shaking" was just babies aping PTSD victims for the slightest inconvenience. How could I be so blind!