Just started The Wire. Is he gonna make it ? No wait don't tell me.
....but is he ? NO i don't wanna know !!!
Just started The Wire. Is he gonna make it ? No wait don't tell me.
....but is he ? NO i don't wanna know !!!
Yeah he makes it.
Snitchin' Bubs...
broomstick raped to death in prison
The real life Bubs didn't
wait, is the show based on a real case or something?
Literally the only character that won in the end which is actually pretty perfect.
The shady lawyer also got off scott free. Bubs still has to live with what he did because he has a conscience.
Did you forget about Levy and the senator?
Rawls gets to be Superintendent of Police for carrying Carcetti's shit
wow anti-semetic much?
Bubbles makes it
Omar dies
McNutty is a serial killer
Stinger bell dies
Avon stays in jail
Prop Joe Dies
Body dies
Michael becomes the new omar
Season 2 is the best
Season 5 is the worst
Daniels cucks McNulty
Lesbian dyke bitch becomes the new McNulty
Dookie becomes a fiend
Stringer bell betrays Avon but dies by Omar
Bowtie nigger is the worst
Slim charles is the best character
Slim charles kills CHEESE (method man)
Much of The Wire is based on real events and people, they even have some of the real life counterparts in the show
Ziggy has a big floppy penis
The greek is an old white man that deals out of a diner
Marlo kills Prop Joe
Prop Joe wins the basketball game againat avon and stinger bell
Bunk burns his clothes to get the stank off
McNulty fucks
Omar fucks (multiple boys)
>only character that won in the end
Bubbles makes it until season 3 of Heroes where he black holes himself
I can sit here and try to put forth some weird ass notion that they somehow actually lost but it's important for them to all be portrayed as basically the city's set pieces. Levy comes off as slimy but basically a figurehead like the rest.
only a malaka would disagree with this
Clay Davis scams Stringer bell (rain made)
Clay Davis is taken to court over his scam but he comes out on top because Niggers love a show
That nigger dies right when you’re starting to really love him.
ey mcnutty
Beadie best girl
now were do the rest go? Have not watched the others in ages, seen 2 three times, just finished 4 and 3
Cant really think of anymore off the top. Wouldnt want to spoil the suprise
Most realistic episode of tv ever.
well yeah, they could draw inspiration from oj and r kelly
Clay Davis is a true blue politician, i.e, a good conman. He knew his constituency well enough to know what they would like to hear, drawing their attention away from the things that nail him to a cross and focus on the level of "care" he's given to the community. Kept them engaged with humor and anecdotes, and made him self out to be a victim of a witch hunt. It was fucking perfect, they didn't have a chance
The gift of gab. In the end they might've well spent one dollar on the case and wouldn't have made a difference.
>Niggers love a show
How often do senators go to jail?
One of my favorite. Clay emptying out his pockets, the whole courtroom laughing, nigger attorney saying "wtfk just happened" and the white bitch race traitor saying "they dont teach you that in law school". Easily top 10 tv moments
t.spoiler user
I was referring to the people in the courtroom....clays nigger people in his nigger district. But also in real life...niggers are clowns and love a show
I'm not saying that dedicating your life to producing pure unmitigated, unadulterated, immutable kino like Trapped in the Closet should abscond you for murder and shit but if the man wants to piss on some harem girls while he writes and scores it who am I to care?
Go ahead and tell me it wouldn't happen with a white, filthy rich senator
The whole thing would be killed before he sees trial.
Nah I'll just call you a faggot. A nigger faggot in fact
that's cute
You want it to be one way ...
But it's the other way
guy had good facial features
Why Joe did not kill this motherfucker?
i didnt like the show that much but bubs is great
He overplayed his hand and thought civilizing Marlo would've brought him around to the co-op but he should've known better than that shit. He was dead the minute he tried to smooth things over by introducing him to the greeks.
Hell, Stringer tried the same. Avon knew exactly what Marlo was
Joe went from the smartest person in the show to the dumbest with that decision. Every other person knew that you could not trust Marlo, I don't understand how Joe can be in the game for that long and not see it. And Marlo did not have the infrastructure to retaliate for him if he was killed.