what missions did she go on?

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Licking ice cream.

Checking out the local KFC to make sure there are no health violations going on.

She extracted a Storm Trooper Captain known as Cardinal from the First Order, after investigating Phasma's background in the Phasma Novel.

>Master spy
>Has distinctive outfit and hair color
That's now how spies work

Ahh, good. Another woman with weird hair. I love the galaxy wide diversity being displayed in the new SW . And I'm sure she doesnt think she stands out at all. Peeking around corners in her Hi Viz jacket with the rebel alliance logo on her chest.

She wears the rebel insignia on her chest

>master spy
>bright jacket with the literal logo of the rebellion on it
Did the SW galaxy just get dumber on a galactic consciousness level or what after RotJ

>what missions did she go on?
You'll have to read the Captain Phasma novel to find out, incel.

Who is this queen

Attached: 4TrQuUm.jpg (2100x885, 72K)

But everyone expects a spy to blend in with people; by in fact, standing out, she will remain undetected as people will be looking for someone fitting in and not someone standing out. 4d chess, user.

She's a diversity hire. She makes Instagram posts of her trying to be sneaky while all the white spies have to work harder to pick up the slack. You say anything, she reports you to HR for harrassment.

I can't imagine being the artist commissioned to draw that ridiculous image. Think about how many years it takes to reach that level of painting. All that sweat and elbow grease in order to make something you feel could be truly meaningful. Then Disney pays you some flat rate to draw a literal cosplayer for their next brainwashing venture.

Why she is a mulatto in the art?

Greed Island sucked dick and chimera arc went on for far too long despite having some true kino moments. the auction arc was pretty good though.

From what I can tell, her job is just to go to planets and say, "Hey, Resistance is pretty cool, I think you should help them."

Also for some reason, she thought it was a good idea to dye her hair and get it straightened in order to help her hide better, but not take off her jacket.

Easier to draw what you want than getting it from advertising a $13/hour job that would-be actors and models are attracted to.

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Book Vs The Movie

Finding her baby daddy so she could finally get that child support money.

Why does she use a pair of collapsible batons when everyone else has laser guns and shit?

Dyed hair in the industrialised Star Wars universe looks ludicrous. I don't know why they keep trying to add it.


>Why does she use a pair of collapsible batons when everyone else has laser guns and shit?
Same reason the FBI agents in ET had radios.

Because even in a galaxy far,far away niggers still can't shoot straight.

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with a character made up for kids? And not in the "hurr Star Wars is for children" way but as in the actress' job is to literally walk up and start conversations with 8 year olds.


It's entertaining to watch this dumpster fire.

Looks more like collapsible Tonfas


Oh no you dih'inhhnn