Why wasn't he successful after Star Wars?

Why wasn't he successful after Star Wars?

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i'm glad he wasn't and avoided becoming a jaded asshole like harrison

He was, in the field of voice acting.


He was too real.

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He became an asshole anyways. Watch any interview with him in the past 25 years and he comes off as a try hard with a fragile self esteem.

Before his face got fucked up he had a promising career.

Does he have to be successful, living on the residuals off the OG trilogy?

Besides his voice work on the Joker for the past 25 years was great as well.

Slipstream was a decent movie too, with Bill Paxton.

Plus there was that Vietnam movie he did with Sean Penn.

Voice acting is the lowest chain of success

>and he comes off as a try hard with a fragile self esteem.

Considering he had his face stove in I think he did pretty well becoming the second most famous voice actor second only to Darth Vader or himself.



Bullshit. He pretty much made Joker the best villain in capeshit.

His voice is basically synonymous with The Joker so I’d say he was pretty successful.

>He became an asshole anyways


stopped reading here

Corvette Summer killed him off for any non-SW movie roles until the work for voicing animation capeshit started rolling in. For the most part, he railed lines in the 1980's and lived off what residuals along with appearance fees at Sci-Fi conventions.

Voice acting has earned him millions, and is at least ten levels of success higher than what you have achieved with your pitiful life, cocksucker.

damn chill bro, why are you so angry?

I mean, he's very successful as a voice actor.
He's pretty much THE voice of the Joker.

>hasn’t played wing commander
I hate people like you

Because everyone attacks Mark Hammil. The Nuwars faggots consider him a traitor for daring to speak out against Rian Johnson. The /pol/ refugees on this site call him names for daring to say bad words about daddy Trump. It is all just bullshit. Why are you trying to knock down an icon by belittling him? He has achieved more than any of us, and continues to do so.

Has he gassed the kikes?

Because she was too busy transitioning

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>Has he gassed the kikes?
Nobody gassed the kikes.

who is the cute girl? is she still cute in 2019?

Hey, lay off the guy. You would look so good wearing three pounds of Silly Putty on your face.

>The lowest chain of success
So you're saying he's successful.

You seem like kind of a faggot, OP.

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Sarah Greene, the show is Blue Peter a children's television show.


You can't be known internationally with voice acting

He was in an accident that damaged his appearance and confidence greatly. The few roles he had post SW were mostly crap.

The problem is Luke was a good guy as opposed to Han the dashing Rogue or Leia the plucky princess. Sometimes people are overshadowed by one role.

>He has achieved more than any of us

I know this wouldn't apply to a lot of people due to laziness/indifference but if you gave others the same money and connections to get shit done then the world would be so much better. Instead actors are idols to people like you and are treated to well but most of them waste their opportunities and do shit all with their wealth.

> Voice acting is the lowest chain of success

What do you do?

For the same reason some voice actors aren't hired for more projects despite being highly revered - they're synonymous with a character.

He made the Joker though, so yes he was incredibly successful despite having the SW burden on his back.

voice acting would be beyond awesome to make money doing. you can make a ton of cash from working at a studio or your own home and still have a normal life in public.

Why wasn't Star Wars successful after him?

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oh, hey jesse

because between the first and second films, his once-attractive face was turned into a fibrous scar-tissue mess (the same reason daisy won't be successful)


Car rek fucked up his face and he’s no husbando material anymore

Hollywood has cranked out thousands of movies after Star Wars and almost no one goes on to have much of a career. Hamill at least found a niche to keep himself working on top of being treated like a god at Star Wars conventions.

I’m a neet. I don’t work. That’s how kings and royalty live.


he said, sitting behind his computer.. spending his night on Yea Forums.

he had an accident which ruined his face. so he stuck to voice acting

I honestly think he’s just lazy. While he was typecast and no director would take chances on him after Star Wars, he had a good career on Broadway. So much so that he almost won the role of Amadeus. Then he became a big smoker and ballooned up for awhile. Seems like a big family man so it worked out well for everyone anyways.

Say what you want about TLJ but it showed that he could have been a great film presence if anyone gave him a chance. He’s good.

Mentioning his voice acting career is like saying he opened a successful chain of gas stations like howie mandel. Its not really what we are talking about. Why hasn't made any movies since? I don't know, maybe cause he has a whimpy voice and gives the impression of limited range. He should have maybe applied the voice acting skill to live action somehow. Maybe he should have got really fat like christian bale. Maybe he was just lazy cause he is rich and was ok with doing conventions. ITs an easy gig.

Can't act

Jesus fucking Christ you're trying hard to fit in aren't you?

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Tell that to Steve Blum

That cat is dead now.

Mark's right you know.

Good, fuck cats.

What does it have to do with what I said, retard

Know what? That he's smug white rich liberal?

>ctrl f
>body bags
>zero results
Come on

You in love with this old cuck. Fuck off and fuck star wars.

Unfortunately yes, but that cunt R2D2 is still alive.

Attached: blue peter r2d2.webm (948x710, 2.11M)

Drumpftards only running off of 1 scoop of ice cream energy when only big brained individuals function on two scoops.

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Anybody whose breakthrough to Hollywood is Star Wars will never be successful afterwards

No talent and ugly face after car crash

He's a pretty talented voice actor


If you're referring to Kenny Baker, R2D2’s “actor”, he died earlier this year.

This. Mark hit the jackpot when Lucas cast him in ANH. He has fairly modest acting chops and doesn't have the weight to pull off a lead role in most films.

American Graffiti

Poor fucking dog.

>Make good money for comfy living
>Can go out in public and not get mobbed, you're just kind of a regular person
>Can probably get free drinks at the bar if someone is a fan of the show and you do the voice for them.
That's the life man.

Fucking this, being a high tier voice actor sounds like the best version of being a celebrity. Famous enough to have a lot of doors opened for you but not famous enough to get constantly mobbed by paparazzos. Every "famous" voice actor you can think of is absolutely bro tier and is liked by almost everyone who knows of them, because they're more down to earth than your average movie star.

Based and redpilled.
Cringe and bluepilled.

Be honest Yea Forums, how many of you in this thread aspire to be voice actors or have dreamed of being a voice actor?


Unfortunately, no studio could see him as anything but Luke Skywalker. He had some very minor successes after the trilogy, but nothing big. Dude was fucking on point perfect as the voice of the Joker. He turned out to be a better voice actor than live action.

Bullshit, nigger.

whys r2 backwards head

Motorcycle rekt, not car.

Dear god, the rivalry between Steve Blum and Nolan North in any format is fucking legendary. They are always opposed to each other.

he hit the wall around the time of ESB and never truly recovered, which is why he became a voice actor

I like how he's billed as one of the main characters in Guyver but is literally in the movie 10mins and dies

This is the same thing that happened to Aaron Paul and Daniel Radcliffe. Actors who absolutely nail their breakout role are doomed to be seen as nothing else but that role.

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>the real mark hammil quietly transitioned after episode 4
>the main reason for the face and height discrepancies (Bigger Luke and the "crash") was because the stunt double from ANH took his former identity to live famous and let mark live in peace as a woman
This fits way too well.

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I watched Batman: The Animated Series for years growing up. It took most of a day to recover after I found out Mark was the Joker. I truly feel that the Joker was more of an iconic role than Luke. He was Luke for five years. He was Joker for twenty five.

>not successful

he was on an episode of Freakazoid

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