If you had the might to bring back a canceled show

if you had the might to bring back a canceled show
what would it be?
>pic related for me

Attached: kyle-xy.jpg (568x416, 48K)

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I saw commercials for this and it looked like the gayest shit ever.

For me. It’s baby daddy. Easily hands down the coolest show out there. Netflix should have picked it up. Free form dropped it.

Why doesn't he have a belly button

watch the show and you will understand I promise
somewhere around season 2

He’s transgender

100 deeds for eddie mcdoud


Journeyman. Good lord I miss this show.

Attached: Journeyman.jpg (500x375, 58K)

Photoshop guy forgot to add it in

pretty sure he was supposed to be a clone or something
t. watched the show when i was 7

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what a shitty cliffhanger

He's a genetically engendered tub man

He's basically perfect man with perfect genetics

this or Pushing Daisies would be great

also The Knick
But mostly Quarry, that show should've been as big as True Detective but nobody watched it

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That’s silly though. A clone would still need the umbilical cord to grow as a fetus.

Show got ruined by being on Abc family instead of abc, they focused more on high school drama then on the sci-fi

>no results
What the ass?

>if you had the might to bring back a canceled show
>what would it be?
American Vandal

But it got a movie to end the story and it was fucking terrible.

Is that Justin Trudeau

is it?

seriously why did they even make that thing?

>Bored to death
This was such a comfy show. I rewatch it every now and then.

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Very solid tv show

It was ass.

I had never been so bored I wished I could die until I watched that show.

>it's better than nothing!
Was what they told fans before using it as a tax write off

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That had so much potential and everyone who watched it liked it.

Same as this.

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Ginger nob!

Person of Interest, just better.
Only if anyone from this thread bring back Evil Dead first though.

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Always thought this guy would have made a fantastic Captain America.

He still could, capeshit never stops being made.

hello zoomer

better a based zoomer than a cringe millennial

Hello there

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This was my favorite show back when it was airing. Better off that they cancelled it though, as season 3 just started going off the rails entirely. If I could bring it back, I'd just rewrite season 3.

Both based

>okay time to riot
>okay lights are on, riots off guys

It was moronic.

nepotism kino

>Pushing Daisies

I watched this as a teen and I felt the same way, but I was drawn to it. Probably because I was bisexual and didn't know it yet.


Sliders went way out there after season 3 or so and died a slow death. But man i loved this show when it was good. It went great with X Files

You aren’t born bisexual/homosexual/heterosexual.

Rome, Carnivale, Deadwood (shouldve gotten it's fourth season, not the dumb movie 15 years later) - really you can take your pic from HBO.

You are, because gays are genetically inferior fuck ups

I've always been weird though, all the way back as a kid, I admired men without knowing why and I was never really told it was okay to do so, and since I still fucking loved girls, it was pretty easy to ignore.

Cleopatra 2525

Disgusting faggot

Everyone is weird and everyone thinks they’re weird.

>ctrl+f Utopia

That makes sense. I'm with the other user, always seemed kinda queer.

Was going to post this.

There is one correct answer only.

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Freaks and geeks something like twin peaks new season

Yeah, but did you stare at men as a kid because you felt tingly doing it?
The show was super fucking gay from what I remember.