>Dark Rey
Are they actually gonna do it?
Dark Rey
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Where were you, when Star Wars was saved?
Of course not, you dont put a huge twist like that in a fucking teaser. It will be a silly force projection or some sort of force bullshit made by Sheev.
Rey actually turning evil is way to fun and interesting for nu-wars.
lol hell no. It'll be a rip off of the cave scene from TESB.
I wish. She looks so hot
In the novelisation of the Force Awakens, it states Starkillers shot was so powerful it ripped open a hole in time and space. It is clear that Luke didn't die, but travelled through to a different dimension to get help. Or through time. This is one such moment. Darth Reydiculous or it's the future. Something like that.
The alternative is it is Rey fighting herself ala the training sequence in the OT where Luke fights Darth Vader and it is him.
no, they wouldn't show it in the trailer if this was going to happen for real
there's some gimmick, like it's a vision or it's not really her etc
It doesn't matter what they do with her at this point.
C3PO will have the best character development of the entire nu-wars trilogy
Yes, it appears that was the plan right from the start.
Damn that is nice and tight
are the novelisations canon?
no way, it's gonna be a vision just like luke
Disney doesn't have the balls
This. It'd be a great just for the asshurt that it'd cause, but there's zero chance it would be teased in the trailer if that was where they were going. Everything's gotta be a swerve, bro!
coming out of force awakens - kylo being undercover and rey eventually turning evil made perfect sense and would have been amazing,
after the last jedi - redeeming kylo majes no sense and rey turning also makes no sense.
this is a desperate fake-out to try to get people who saw the awakens seeds for dark rey to come back and watch. it is not happening,
anyone who goes to see this movie is retarded
Are you retarded? no. the final film in the “saga” is gonna end on a dark note? she just turned dark for no reason? it’s so dumb and thus very likely to happen
I believe so. Doesn't really mean much but I bet you that is what JJ will exploit.
Meh I remember when his arm was red, nothing happened apart from I had to go buy more of the fucker.
she looks like a methhead
why does she have Leia's ring?
It will be a vision but it won't be a possible future.
She and Matt Smith are connected to Palpatine (twin force children, clones or whatever) and she is seeing a force vision of her face projected onto Smith/Palpatine like how Luke saw his face under Vader's helmet on Dagobah.
Final fight will be Rey and Kylo fighting Palpatine-Smith with P-S using that weapon.
>Are they actually gonna do it?
It all makes sense now. It was always a reboot. There will be a new trilogy with Darth Rey. Luke in Last Jedi was just Yoda in ESB. For the mouse, nothing was a mistake.
Fucking hell. Sheev was in Leia's ring all the time!
Unless the nu wars characters die off in a big explosion during the ending, I dont care.
yeah this won't be the end, they're gonna go into another trilogy and maybe do more market research and be more subtle with the agendas, idk
Unlikely. Considering what we've glimpsed of the movie so far (having encounters with Kylo on two different planets, seemingly actually training on a possible third planet, not to mention all the stuff Poe/Finn/3PO will get up into), there'll be way too much going on to also include her turning evil, finding two kyber crystals that also happen to be cracked like Kylo, and build her lightsaber, all before whatever final confrontation. Like others have been saying, it's probably a force vision.
And this isn't to mention the fact that Rey's face is clearly CGI'd (which is easier to see how motionless it is in a clip). So there's some kind of thing being hidden, like it's a different character entirely or this vision has her with yellow eyes and scars or some shit; not unlike what they do with Marvel trailers.
Why not? It'd be in line with Anakin's story, since it's basically repeating itself.
Is she still a Mary Sue?
Before you see the light you must experience the dark.
Not if she's a hot psycho mommy gf that can sit on my face.
she will be possessed / manipulated into being evil by the emperor, but will then break the conditioning through the power of friendship. that is all.
Funny none of the 'leaks' mentioned possessed Rey.
JJ is a hac-
She looks slightly older so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a flashback of Rey's mother fighting Plpatine or some shit and then killed. Turns out Rey's mom fatally wounded Sidious and Vader only had to throw him in the shaft because he was weak.
It's a phantom idiots. It's gonna be part of some stupid vision
I want to like this movie. Because it's Star Wars, and I loved the first six movies despite their flaws. But after these last two main movies, I just don't think I can muster up the energy anymore. Now I just feel old and bitter and upset that things are different.
None of this nu-wars shit is cannon. It's like listening to a 5 year ramble on about what they dreamt of after eating too many cookies.
Of course not. It's either another clone or a vision or a glimpse of an alternate timeline or something.
That dark Rey from the trailer will be in the movie for 2 minutes at the most.
Good Rey vs bad Rey clone would be sick but already seen in Logan
No I would put money on it being the cinematic equivalent of clickbait
They just want to get you in the theater.
That's probably just a scene where she just happens to be picking up a red saber, possibly even someone else's saber.
>tfw you realize Episode 9 is just going to be Logan
>Both Reys are cloned from Luke's hand.
>inb4 it was all a dream
Checked. Hopefully better too
>Rey is a clone of Luke
>There's another clone, a dark Rey
This would infuriate me
she's bald in this btw
Eric video reaction is up
>she went full sjw
At least she didn't color her hair pink. The next thing after that is bald
This is going to be such a fucking mess.
Does anybody think this is the greatest thing in history? Bear with me here. They did a near carbon copy of A New Hope, not a surprise, it was fine, it set it all up. Then they did TLJ and it was barely related to the first one. Everybody hated it. Now we're at the third film and because of SUBVERTING EXPECTATIONS nobody has a fucking CLUE where this third film is going or what it might do. This will get people to watch it. People will watch it just to see how bad it is. A fucking mess, lads.
This is gonna be hilariously bad, no matter what.
She's a clone. They're fighting in Kamino. The ship that dropped her off in Tatooine and appeared in the teaser was also in Kamino.
>Does anybody think this is the greatest thing in history?
no, nobody cares
>Bear with me here.
Calling it now. Sheev used his Dark Force Powers to tear a portal in time. Dark Rey is Rey from a future where she turned evil. The movie will end with Rey, the most powerful Jedi, fighting an equally powered by evil version of herself.
haha yeah
>dirty fuckin feet with sores
>pudge legs
>big jew nose
why assault us with this
That's called growing up.
>Where were you, when Star Wars was saved?
Shit posting on Yea Forums
He's been taken over by that one drone that took over the death star
Is it just me or are the lightsaber designs getting more and more retarded as time goes on? They used to be one of the most aesthetic parts of the franchise, so why did they feel the need to fix what wasn't broken?
It is your destiny...
>Darth Reydiculous
these movies are just adverts for toys
>cracked kyber crystals
You STILL think this matters to the filmmakers or the fans? Have some self respect
Not here, because that's awful, doubling down on their awfulness.
Are they gonna turn her into Darth Traya/Kreia?
Darth clitoris
>tfw they could actually salvage the trilogy if Rey Alter isn't a dream
>faggot taste
why are you a faggot?
she looks like leia a bit here.
The one about restoring C3PO literally did, she dies in the end. It just sounded too ridiculous, Palpatine isn't Palpatine but Sithari or something which is a dark side ghost that jumps hosts and created Anakin.
>Darth Reydiculous
More like Blacked Rey. Amiright, guise?
ridley needs to start eating and learn how to work out properly to get extra thicc before the coke wears off
Calling this
It won't have time travel (may be) but alternate dimension.
It' Darth Rey from an alternate timeline being the final big bad shoved in because Kylo is such a pussy no threat we can't have him doing that job anymore, and bringing back the emperor for a final fight is really distasteful
>Darth Reydiculous
Perfect name for a parody. But it'll be something like Darth Reyckulous (Reckless) or something daft.
No, they're not. It's a clone of Rey inhabited by Sheev's force ghost. This is confirmed.
This. They'd never show a spoiler like "Dark Rey" in the trailer unless it was a bait and switch for yet another stupid 'twist'.
how does the nu-empire have the resources to keep on going after losing so many super weapons and fleets
If I were a ghost inhabiting a clone of Rey I'd touch myself before I went lightsaber training
time travel, they're using the old model of star destroyer
No, it’s confirmed a dream
its not going to be in the movie you took the bait fucking faggots
Source: ASS
>This is confirmed
Go fuck yourself, that's my source. Remember what I said, wait until the movie comes out and you'll see that I'm right.
It's probably a dream or an illussion, because the leak confirms that Rey is immune to the dark
According to the leak
>Palpatine tries to possess Kylo
>Kylo asks Rey to kill him before he's fully controller by Sheev. Rey kills Kylo
>Sheev tries to possess Rey, but she's so pure that the dark side cannot affect her. Her purity destroys Palpatine's spirit
>Luke's ghost uses the force to bring Kylo back to life
Wasn't there a leak a while back that said C3PO somehow had his AI swapped with a battledroid or some shit?
How do Reey and Bigger Rey fit into that?
She looks emaciated and constipated.
Rey is a shitty character and them making her "evil" in the last movie isn't going to change that. Anyone implying otherwise is a brainlet with no taste.
This is a vision of sorts anyway, but seeing some of you act like it would be "omg so cool" makes me want to vomit on every single one of you.
I would watch a movie with Rey in a tight leather outfit and high heels
I think Dark Rey is Kylo's vision and he will have to help her overcome her Darkness.
Or it's just a "what-if" scenario to push his redemption more.
This. Some of this fandom act like they are such intellectuals and above everyone else, but they are just as braindead as the people they claim to hate.
The truth is they are just made that they aren't being pandered to because when they do get pandered to, they are suddenly okay with it even though it's just as forced and poorly-written as whatever they were just complaining about. Hypocrites.
>Darth Reydiculous
she looks disgustingly thin here
Dark Ahsoka > Dark Rey.
Oh, look another Nu Wars thread. Do you guys work in shifts?
I think she looks super cute
If not a dream/vision, it'll probably be a fakeout and she's only pretending to get close to Kylo Ren so she can kill him.
I'm worried about Threepio.
>She's a clone.
This is ridiculous though, it took the Kaminoans 10 years to grow those clones for the Republic, and they went through rigorous training. RoS only takes place, what, a year since the first two movies? There's not nearly enough time to rapidly grow and train a Rey clone to the point of being in any way skilled for battle.
This style of lightsaber has been around for a few years now, man. It's less ridiculous than Ventress's "connected curved hilts" or the Bladebuilders garbage.
so she went from pudgy to rail thin stick figure
how much coke was she actually on
How dark is she gonna go?
>Believing that MK Ultra shit can be a thing despite MK Ultra being a thing that actually happened makes you crazy
What a normie fucking opinion. You just stopped short of making a tinfoil hat reference, might as have gone there too. Unironically fuck off.
the trailers just stuff to get people hype, its all lies
just wait to see none of the promotional stuff we've seen so far will actually be in the movie
It's like poetry.
Mary Sue clones are done in 15 minutes and the learn everything instantly when you press the DELIVER button
Rey is too perfect (in the sense that her writing and character development is so shit)... It's probably impossible that she's gonna 'turn' to the dark side.
What's likely to happen is, Palpatine is gonna possess her or something silly.
Her wearing the hood, and suddenly having a double bladed light saber doesn't sit right.
It's a robot or clone, her actions are very robotic. They'd never do this because it would actually be cool
No it's obviously just bait(dream or cave type sequence)
>her actions are robotic
so is her acting
>first movie is extremely risk adverse, basically a rehash of the older movies with young characters no one really cares about, and still carry the entire movie via Han Solo
>second movie a horrible sequel, it squanders any potential of the new characters, has near zero continuity to the first movie, destroys Luke Skywalker's legacy, and leaves nothing whatsoever seeded for the final movie
>final movie reeks of desperation in every conceivable way from bringing back palpatine to pulling shit that should have only been pulled at the end of the first movie or early in the second.
I'm not even a big Star Wars fan and yet this shit is fascinating to me.
>it would be actually cool
No, it wouldn't because Rey is shit.
Muh nostalgia
how central will Chewbacca be to this film?
I honestly can't tell if she's possessed or just such a shitty actress she's trying to ham it up and look creepy but just ends up looking constipated.
He will give his life saving Rey
Kylo baby, you have to remember to feed your waifu. She looks like a fucking Auschwitz victim.
She looks like she needs a sandwich.
Literally solely tailor made for the trailer. The justification for this scene in the movie will be paper thin and easily tossed aside as a plot point through a vision or some shit.
It's a sad and desperate ploy to win back the fans the rejected for an invisible fanbase that just wasn't there waiting for them.
This girl seems super familiar. Is she a Mennonite?
Maybe Rey looks so emaciated because the Dark Side is draining her life force. Kylo will have to save her.
goddamn these webms look like shit
not even gonna give them a view
no, they won't.
Literally less effective than Sheev's laugh.
Desperate is the right word for all of this, though.
cocaine has aged her 15 years in like 5 wtf
I'm laughing at the retards that's genuinely think Rey will be evil
friendly reminder shippers are lower subhumans than bronies, furries, gays, and niggers.
Literally everyone knows his first name, we call him by first name all the fucking time on Yea Forums and have done so for years because when George revealed it we thought it was dumb and funny to do so it just became the norm.
Get the FUCK outta here you fucking retardo.
>Yea Forums
Yea Forums. Fuck, maybe we're both retarded.
The people who are acting like it would suddenly make her character good are even worse.
go away shill
is there literally anyone who wants to see this
>normies don't care and would rather watch fucking aquaman
>star wars fans have been burned and all left
>feminist angle isn't strong enough to pull in retards and thr clockbait well has run dry so they can't get advertising through controversy
not one human being has mentioned this shit to me outside of Yea Forums. not even to say it looks bad. nobody even knows it exists.
3-PO got possessed by K-2SO from Rogue One
Star Wars fan for the majority of my life here. I don't give a fuck anymore. Just here to watch it blow up in their faces so I can feel something for Star Wars again.
>Rey actually turning evil is way to fun and interesting for nu-wars.
On top of that, why should we care? Rey has no personality.
Sound track is rocking
point of privilege, him/his
exception "the 100" shippers
thus based
you what
You posted anime, it was a given.