How did they build so many ships?

How did they build so many ships?

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Time travel.

Sith black magic.

the empire used force cgi

why is there lightning in space

It's been a while since I saw the first Disney star wars but weren't the first order supposed to be this tiny fringe group?

They're the new super weapon. They have superlasers.

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space lightning

The scale in Star Wars has always been fucked but the sequels made it much worse. How the fuck are the first order, basically a rogue state level threat in galactic terms, able to outproduce and outnumber a 1000 planet republic? Even factoring in the capital getting destroyed the disparity in production capacity would make it a walkover for the republic

Those are Empire ships, not First Order ships. Sheev had a backup plan.

They didn't, these are original star destroyers, the first order uses a new model.

Time travel confirmed.

The 1000 planet Republic stopped building warships.

they copy and paste using a 3D compositor

Why? Do they not have an extensive intelligence service to find threats?

Oh man, Palpatine sure could have used those when the rebels were blowing up his Death Stars. If only he didn't hide them away in the middle of nowhere like that.

Because it looks cool

A good question, for another time.

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CGI, dummy !!! I’m glad that those CG in the teaser seem legit. Those “Not quite feel right” definitely takes me out of film Y’know !?

In 1937 the US Navy had around 350 active warships. In 1941 that number was up to 700. By 1945 it was over 6000. That's one country, in a world with ooga booga level technology in Star Wars terms

>how did they build 2 death stars?
>how did they turn an entire planet into a death star?

Star wars is a kids movie with no logic


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Star Wars's sci fi setting is just window dressing. George clearly envisioned the "galaxy" as a huge ocean with "planets" being nothing more than small continents and city states.

Just looking at it logically, a galaxy spanning empire or government would be impossible. A galaxy is a huge fucking place. Unfathomably huge. And even with FTL that could take you across it in a month it would still be impossible to control and coordinate the millions of settled worlds.

So applying logic of scale and mass to the franchise is pointless.

holly shit the leaks are true aren't they ?

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No matter what you called it’s something you see from ground level.

Those are the Sith army destroyers. You can see some red on them in the teaser.

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What'd the leaks say?
I forgot

It probably is the cut where the atmosphere getting involved, the characters looking to see they are coming.

That's actually The Darkness and this is the leaked intro for Destiny 2's next dlc.

They old models.

Probably Sheev's personal fleet from the Empire-era

Billions of Jewish slaves.

Does it matter?

poorly dispersed clouds of ionized gas can conduct electrical currents and cause lightning, I assume it's the same principle in the void of space since you find gas clouds everywhere

Maybe they aren't new, it could always be a sort of aircraft graveyard for Star Destroyers.

>a galaxy spanning empire or government would be impossible
No it isn't. It's just a matter of scale and delegation.

Why are these ships so close to each other? One big nuke could take them all out.

Big-ass fleet in the Unknown Regions. Only way for Resistance or First Order to "unlock" them is with a McGuffin that leads to another McGuffin...first McGuffin turns C3P0 into a badass killer droid (red eyes)...

Leaks confirmed.

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star wars could never into distance

Link/screencap of the full leaks?

It all makes sense. Before the second Death Star was destroyed, Imperial officers recovered Palpatine's body and put him in a sarcophagus. Now he's back with a new fleet of ships he brought through stable wormholes.

Better question is why Empire/Order was as powerful in the TFA as it was. They should be but a remnant, faction among many. Is as if somebody wanted to recreate OT even though set up doesn't make sense.


Solomon! I have returned!

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It wouldn't have mattered. Once the battle of Jakku was over, Mon Mothma and the Senate of the New Republic decommissioned the entire Republic armed forces, because they didn't want to 'rule through military force' the way Palpatine had. Never mind that prior to the Clone Wars, the Republic had blundered along without a military and had left every member world outside of the Core Worlds at the mercy of pirates and gangsters.

The script says they built them all, it doesn't say how.


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And what is it today? Less than 500 between active and reserve. You aren't even making a point.

>they're bunched so close together

inb4 they all get taken out in one fell swoop, or this is a flashback to the Empire's glory days

First time playing SWTOR anons. Which class should I play?
I want to have lightsaber combat but still be able to use force lightning and similar Force powers.
Rolling for Sith btw.

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Sith Assassin.


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"She's more stripper than Twi'lek now...thicc and delicious."

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It's clearly a memory or dream. The formation is too symmetrical to be anything else.

That is utterly stupid

I just installed it myself. Gonna go sith inquisitor to romance this togruta babe.

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It's the same formation you'd see in a mothballed fleet. Source: Newport News VA Naval yard.

What if C3pO was literally hacked by Palpatine or Vader to give a signal to reveal the rebel’s hideouts and then launch an massive invasion

Indeed, and it's why Leia fucked off to found the Resistance after she got kicked out of the Senate when she was outed as Vader's daughter. She knew the Empire's remnants were still out there up to some shit, so she took matters into her own hands, but she never reckoned on just how powerful Snoke and Hux's dad would make the First Order.

Protip: Assassin and Sorcerer are the Inquisitor subclasses, and both get Ashara as a companion during their story arcs. Sorcerers are all about Force powers (Heals or DPS), Assassins are stealth killers with a mix of Force juju and double-bladed lightsaber combat (Tank or DPS).

Thats right. "The regional governors have direct control over their territories"

the senate itself is nothing more than an body of arbitration to hash out differences between systems with a direct or appointed representative, with each system required to tend to their own affairs. Like Naboo and the Trade Federation.

Star Destroyers are like cop cars. There are lots, but not enough for one for each system, but they can get around well enough to support military operations or sent to project power and keep the peace when called for. And there has got to be more than one starship yard building them too.

So which one I should if I take Ashara as my companion? For synergy.

>does it matter adminal
Yes it does. Knowing industrial capacity of your enemy is very important.

First, the technology and the way we changed them has changed. Second, the point he's making is precisely that production changes with external threats. A country that has no major military but sees itself about to face potential threats increases its output to meet the danger as long as the resources and intelligence are there, and in a fucking alliance of 1000 planets would certainly have that.

What the sequels are proposing is the equivalent of the US having its 1937 military throughout the entire course of events and then losing the war to Japan because "dude, the US didn't have much of an army to begin with, they weren't building ships and recruiting people that much you know" - you're expecting a gigantic alliance to have no response to an existential threat.

yup, but remember the senate couldnt even agree to raise and army to defend itself against the Separatists until one was hand delivered by the (Jedi) and forced down their throat.

Star Wars never did scale right. It's a GALACTIC Empire vs everything the Rebellion can muster, but the end-all battle looks like something out of the Pacific theater with 30 capital ships on each side. It was only retconned later with the battle of Jakku that you see the atmosphere littered with ships.

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Nobody reckoned because its been without explanation why a military remnant has galaxy conquering resources, best answer is actually stealing from KOTOR and have the First Order be exploiting some lost ancient shipyard.

Either works, you get her regardless. For synergy's sake, if you go Sorcerer go with DPS and use her for Heals; if you go Assassin, go Tank as use her for DPS or Heals, she's good at both.



And JJ's a hack.

star wars is stupid as fuck regardless. things move in space like aircraft in an atmosphere. the ships stay within visual proximity of each other despite the nearly endless vast distances in space that ships would actually be spaced, there's no incentive whatsoever to have ships right next to each other when you could place them thousands / tens of thousands of kilometers apart and achieve the same result.

Absolutely no one cares you retard, the fact Disney bothered hiring some shitty writers to try to connect the dots elsewhere and you're able to autistically refer to all the main plot points by name like it's History doesn't make it good writing.

Cntl-v Cntl-v Cntl-v Cntl-v Cntl-v Cntl-v

what the fuck is this

this is true but in the ot it was presented a lot better and you didnt go "wait what" because there wasnt enough story precedent to ruin the suspension of disbelief

What the sequels failed to properly convey (they left it to novels and comics) are that politics fucked the New Republic. Even after the threat of the First Order was realized, even before Hosnian Prime blew them up, the Senate refused to allow a renewed military program because many of them had already been suborned by the First Order in exchange for 'protection'. You get a glimpse of it in Resistance, when the FO is leaning on the Colossus to sign a 'defense pact' that would put their operation under First Order control. Other locales were offered glimpses of the FO's military might and sold out to prevent being despoiled when the FO finally made its move. The systems turned insular instead of presenting a united front against the FO, so the shipyards of Kuat and Bilbringi and Corellia remained quiet when they could have been churning out ships long before Starkiller had been completed. They knew the threat was there and negotiated rather than arm.

how did you fuck THIS up

req'ing pasta of asokha and the orgy

Mr. Townshend going the way of the Kimba

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What, there were 2 capital ships on the rebel side, 2 mon calamari cruisers, the one that was destroyed by the death star laser and the one commanded by admiral ackbar.

>What the sequels failed to properly convey (they left it to novels and comics) are that politics fucked the New Republic.
No, politics didn't fuck the New Republic. You got the timeline of events wrong. They wrote a shitty soft remake screenplay that made no sense, and when everyone pointed that out and a team of writers was hired to make sense of all that mess, someone shrugged and said "maybe politics fucked the New Republic"?

So now you have not one but TWO pieces of bad writing that make no sense in order to form a coherent whole, that if were all written and told following their chronological order would be laughed at how terrible it is, and that's Disney's approach to everything. And the fact you're actually wasting your life reading low-quality damage control Star Wars comic books means you probably have more reasons to kill yourself than Epstein did.

What's the First Order's tax policy?

zeon. did. absolutely. fucking. nothing. wrong.

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The rebels had a few capital ships. The Death Star Destroyed two Mon Calamari cruisers, but there's still the Home One and at least two others when they started engaging the Star Destroyers.

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For the first time Abrams use long shot

I have to say it's breathtaking how angry you are at being informed.

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most of the universe supports them

Because the rich people on Canto Blight decided to give Kylo a load of trillions of credits to stimulate the Galactic economy and he used them to build fleets. Military Industrial Complex.

Why though? They're human-centric fascist genocidal maniacs that blow up planets and enslave people. No rational person acting in their own self-interest would willingly support them.

Did you see the Clone Wars?

That killed far more people than the Empire ever did.

The Empire is that mean dad that stops the kids from fighting, albeit down at the street level, you wouldn't notice much difference.


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>things move in space like aircraft in an atmosphere
Nothing wrong with that(from a work that doesn't pretend to be hard science fiction), but I guess adding thrusters for side to side wouldn't be to much to ask
>the ships stay within visual proximity of each other despite the nearly endless vast distances in space that ships would actually be spaced
That is dumb but obviously having them so close makes sense from cinematographic standpoint
>there's no incentive whatsoever to have ships right next to each other when you could place them thousands / tens of thousands of kilometers apart and achieve the same result
Well, if I were to defend this in Star Wars, I would say that the reason why they fight so close is because Empire did not build their Star Destroyers for long range ship to ship combat because they did not expect to face such an adversary while for the Rebels, because their capital ships are repurposed trade vessels, so both sides lack actual long range capability, either because its not part of the design or because they can not ensure the accuracy through their barnyard modifications
Still the fact that space battles seem to happen at a closer range than actual naval engagements of ww2 is a bit jarring.

>let's support a crazy dark group and start a major war in a period of hard-worn peace, stability and protection in order to attain peace, stability and protection
ah, the sequels

>>let's support a crazy dark group who are going to start a major war in a period of hard-worn peace, stability and protection regardless of what we think in order to keep our own peace, stability and protection at the expense of those systems dumb enough to try and fight the juggernaut with toothpicks

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don't do it. never take the shock collar off. gift her to your apprentice after she gains your favor

They're the leading and most popular faction of the galaxy

Ashara doesn't get a shock collar, that's Vette the Twilek that Sith Warrior gets. Ashara you have to seduce to your side, no shortcuts with torture.

The clone wars was fought with droids and clones

Some of it matches the trailer, but other parts don't. I'm assuming this is like that one leak from TLJ where the leak contained stuff that wasn't in the final script. If this is due to trolling, misleading or the script being rewritten extensively doesn't matter, but I'm assuming at least 70% of it will be real.

Sad but true, those of us who grew up with an Expanded Universe in books and games created in part by hardcore strategy gamers were misled as to the true nature of the series.
If I could go back to the days where Rebel hit and run tactics against Imperial supply lines and production facilities might have actually made an impact in the war I would.
Back when the Rebel Alliance's ships were analogs for real world nuclear ships able to operate for decades without needing to refuel explaining their ability to operate without a fixed base.

Rogue One was a love letter to a set of the fan base that the main Star Wars movies have now clearly rejected.

This leaky deaky fo fleaky doesn't talk about DARK REI though

Light side sith Inquisitor. Legitimately funny playthrough, nothing tonally fits

It's bad when your leaders have a strategy meeting and only one person asks why they are losing the war. Then gets shutdown.

Not even defending the trash fire that is nu-SW but that fleet isn't First Order, its clearly Empire. You can see the destroyers are different designs, they look like empire ones and not first order ones

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current NASA budget: $20 billion
global GDP: $80 trillion

In ww1 and ww2, Britain spent around 50% of their GDP on the military, in America spending at one point rose to 80%, while the USSR spent around 20% of its GDP on the military during the cold war. 10% of global GDP wouldn't be an unreasonable estimate of the imperial tithe, in monetary terms $8 trillion or 4000 NASA budgets.

A smart economist would try to adjust the increased demand and price increases for materials needed to launch shit into space, the purchasing power thus might be lower. However the introduction of new technology might offset this.

There are an estimated 40 billion potentially habitable worlds. If even 1% of these are colonized they will grow into Earth-like economies within a few centuries, we did so from medieval-era technology in 5 centuries. That's 400 million Earth-like economies or 1.6 trillion NASA budgets.

Each star destroyer might take the efforts of several worlds and years to build, but you could easily accumulate hundreds.

>Air, not Space
Completely ruined this poster.

and this is one of hte empire star destroyers

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You see way more than that in the movie. They're just not all on the screen at once but you continue to see more ships after they get nuked.

>Each star destroyer might take the efforts of several worlds and years to build, but you could easily accumulate hundreds.
They are literally old star destroyers from the galactic empire era you fuckwits

Less bothered about the numbers, more annoyed by the stupid "organize in 2D formation despite have total range of movement in every dimension" bullshit

stfu nerd

Consuming tons of content aimed at children and braindead men is not 'being informed' user.

What an embarrassing and autistic creature Disney has made you

You're missing out on the hundreds of planets it was fought on and the trillions upon trillions of innocents killed during such.

Collateral damage.

Sure, Sheev orchestrated it, but he only pulled at the divisions already there.

Just turn your brain off

Looks real, though there'd be bits missing.

Dark Rey is either just a silly vision, or they pull a Luuke and kept it out of the script

>The old EU fucking sucked
>So many super weapons
>Palpatine coming back was stupid
>So many clones
Why are Disney fags such hypocrites?

Same way they had so many ships as well as TWO Death Stars in the OT. Why do you people think this is some kind of impossible travesty upon the franchise?

How the fuck are the Rebels going to win when they're literally facing more Star Destroyers than they have X-Wings?

inb4 they just Palpatine and the entire fleet will explode of course because every single sci fi/fantasy series of the last 10 years has followed the "kill the main bad guy and his entire army disappears" meme

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They're modded. The basic hulls were probably left over, though.

They probably have mass manufacturing droids doing all the work with construction throughout the entire series, which is why the Republic went from nothing to literally tens of thousands of their Venators in a few years.

Asking the questions but ignoring the answers is choosing willful ignorance. It's on you if you fail to comprehend.

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They'll pull some Deus Ex Machina BS and it won't be an actual straight up fight when they win

This, when they announced they were dropping the old EU I was optimistic because there was so much stupid shit. Just like with comic books, I was hoping they'd pull an MCU and give us some of the spirit of the old stories without the shit.

Instead we just got more even worse shit. Even Kyp Duron was a better character than any of the primaries in the Disney canon. At least he had some sort of character flaws and story arc.

You have bad taste and you're wasting your life, you'll never know how tragic you are. Sad!

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The problem with the EU weren't the super weapons.

>a galaxy spanning empire or government would be impossible.
the Roman Catholic Church is the Church of the Universe and Jesus Christ is the ruler of all of it.

It'd be a shame if someone hyperspace rammed them all as they were all nicely lined up liek that.

explain, I'm getting hyped, and I shouldn't

I keep thinking that maybe its some kind of ship graveyard and they're all in mothballs, getting scavenged and they're on some kind of secret mission to sneak in and get some piece of evidence left behind on a particular ship about a location in the deep core or something.
But that would be a sensible plot so its probably some kind of idiotic show of force by the bad guys and they all have uber super lasers to show our heroes in the already nearly wiped out resistance how you can't possibly fight against fascist authoritarians and should just give up, just as Walt Disney would have wanted.

It doesn't matter, the #Resistance will just hyperspace ram them away.

Its either an old fleet left to rot because of some bad accounting (and the plot will involve trying to get access to control them) OR its like, Thrawn's fleet and he's back after a long hiatus fucking around in some other regions of space (I don't know if the latter makes sense timeline wise, maybe one of the lorenerds could school us on that)

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there is static electricity in space

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In the OT, the Empire spent years building all that shit AFTER they'd already taken control of most of the Galaxy, and they already had the infrastructure of the Republic at their disposal.
How did a fringe group that operated outside most of the galaxy amass the necessary resources for all this shit?

Not according to Disney Wars fags.

What was the point of building a Death Star if you can build thousands of ships instead? Why not just put one over every inhabited planet and put down any sign of Rebellion in an instant? Why was Vader hunting the Rebels with a dozen ships instead of 500?

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The Emperor didn't just want to end the rebellion, he wanted to humiliate them, make them think they have a chance, and then wipe them out with the death star.

The answers should be in the movies. Period.

This is why Disney's Star Wars doesn't feel like a real universe.

Right up there with why does the Resistance conduct a major evacuation operation with a ship that's almost out of gas, despite the Rebel Alliance of just a few decades earlier having capital ships that spent years constantly on the run.
Even within the same movie the Millennium Falcon is still magically able to crisscross the galaxy with no worries about ever refueling which makes much less sense than for the capitol ships which were previously supposed to be like nuclear powered warships able to operate in space for decades.

Why didn't he just hyperspace ram the rebels?

Why did they pretend Rian didn't ruin their plans and destroy a lot of goodwill towards the franchise?

>spaceship slows down if it runs out of fuel
Does Rian Johnson have any idea how space travel works?

Fuck all they needed was for Poe to be pissed at the ships hyperdrive getting torn apart by the techs like Rose, and the ship being run by a skeleton crew while everyone else escaped on the other ships which could have obviously hyperspaced away instead of staying to run out of gas and be destroyed.
They could have thrown in a line like "Without those safeties we could fly right through a star! Do you know what a disaster that would be?" Setting it up to be a clear plan to lure Snoke out and kill him with a clever trap laid by the Resistance.

Instead nothing about the Resistance's plans make any sense, and the movie presents the hyperspace ram as if its something any ship could do at any time.

Bombs fall down in space too right?

Fuck don't remind me of that shit. The B-Wings made more sense as the Rebellion's heavy bombers built with the firepower to take out a Nebulon B Frigate.

It explains Luke's lightsaber and Sheev. Anakin brings balance to the force via force time travel.

>First time playing SWTOR anons. Which class should I play?

The only worthwhile storyline is the imperial agent, and the gameplay is total shit so there's no other reason to play.

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>Time travel.

The only thing that can save Nu Wars now.

Now that everyone realizes you can suicide ram anything by going into hyper space the sith needed to build a lot more ships to prevent resistance banzai attacks.

The republic spent too much on social programs.

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Make a ship that can time travel
Wait a while, travel back to the start, now you have two ships
Wait a while, travel the second ship back to the start, now you have 3 ships
Continue until you have the necessary number of ships
Adjust the "while" time period to however much time you need the ships for

One bomber run and they are fucked.

Rian confirmed to be Satan

Anakin brought balance to the force by killing the Jedi.
Start of Phantom Menace shitloads of Jedi, only two Sith.
End of RotS two Jedi, two Sith.
End of RotJ one Jedi, one Sith (who then died).

Do you? If it runs out of fuel it can't accelerate any more. A ship that can continue accelerating will catch up with it.

Interdictor class ships are still canon right? Star Wars had a really good explanation for why you can't do that shit.
Why can't they stop making up new impossibly powerful superweapons?

>Instead nothing about the Resistance's plans make any sense, and the movie presents the hyperspace ram as if its something any ship could do at any time.

It shouldn't have happened at all.

>they start the evacuation of the fleet on to shuttles
>Admiral Ackbar asks for volunteers on the biggest ship
>the whole crew of Mon Calamari decide to stay with the ship
>the Imperials see the biggest rebel vessel turn around and power straight into their fleet
>It's a forlorn sacrificial rearguard action
>just trying to buy enough time for the shuttles to get away
>filmed in WWII style like this

They're old hulls, but upgraded. Probably just Sheev's personal fleet that he had hidden, and they upgraded them between ROTJ and now.

Sheev got the FO to do his shit for him, then he'll come back and take it all over; if the FO was run by Sheev, the Republic wouldn't have been so blase about them.

They thought it was just some rich faggot running the show.

Why would the resistance mount a major evacuation operation with ships that are almost out of fuel?

If LJ is to be believed the Rebel Alliance would have had to be stopping off for gas constantly which would have made it as easy for the empire to pick them up as it is for cops to pick up a speeding Bugatti by staking out the gas station.

IX should have been about the galaxy descending into chaos as the full destructive potential of hyperspace ramming comes into use in every civil war and petty territorial squabble

And then something something Rey something something the Force ????? saves the day I guess

>Everyone has to live on ships now because living on a planet means you can be suicided by a resistance jedihadi without warning.

Fuck all they needed was something like the hyperdrive safeties being disabled and Poe mutinying over what a terrible idea that is.
Or space magic bullshit 'Only a powerful Jedi could have pulled off hyperspace ramming' with Leia sacrificing herself.

Instead they've removed any believability the setting ever had.

its obviously just a vision, they revealed it already on accident on the website

Wait the fleet that was present at the Battle of Endor wasn't the full fleet?

Peace and order will be restored throughout the Galaxy.

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This is so monumentally dumb.

Is there lighting in space?

According to the old Expanded Universe (which at least had some serious strategists involved) it was a major joint operation of the Imperial Navy involving a couple of battle groups, but not the entire fleet.
There were other groups that had been assigned to the outer rim, or that had their normal regional defense missions.

Will this movie finally tell me what the first order is?

In old lore the fleet at Endor was kept (relatively) small to avoid being detected by the Rebels. Was 40 star destroyers and 1 SSD

The actual imperial navy in EU was hundreds of thousands of capital ships

The Empire has tens of thousands of Star Destroyers all over the place, even in new canon.

Policing the galaxy isn't easy.

Endor had enough ships to repel the rebel fleet, and the DS-2 was the one meant to pick them all off, but Deux Ex Machina

10 star destroyers, 10,000.; Who cares? Just send some x-wings with droids and hyperspace ram them

Hundreds of factions coming and going, each with their exotic unique culture and history of highs and lows, each having their century/generation to take the center galactic spotlight.

"White Supremacist British Imperial/Nazism vs Diverse Harmonious 'Kumbaya' Everybody Else" dichotomy into perpetuity.

Sigh, remember when hyperdrive safeties were so fundamentally wired in to prevent ships from running into planets or each other that the empire was able to build a legitimate strategy around ships designed to generate abnormally large gravity wells allowing them to protect Imperial shipping from surprise attacks?

Yeah I wonder what happened from 1941-1945 that would cause so many ships to be built YOU FUCKING RETARD

Probably the imperial mothball fleet.

>warhammer 40K cringefest is a thousand times more respectful of its own internal logic than a billion dollar franchise

You don't even need to hyperspace ram, just crash the tiny spaceship into the SDs bridge and its over.

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Remember that time the asian market hated the biracial couple so much the actress wanted to drop out of acting and Disney created another character, this time a very steteotypical "strong-black woman" with the afro to boot, just to be a Finn love interest?

All of her scenes are going to be trash.

It's probably just a vision

I never understood how the galactic empire could be toppled so easily in such a small amount of time, like 30 years.

How could a galaxy spanning empire be completely crippled just because a weapon the size of the moon, along with the emperor and some high ranking executives be completely obliterated within the next 30 years? Surely people would rise to take the emperor's place or at least split of balkanize into smaller, albeit still powerful factions that controlled many planets?

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It's shown that fighters and bombers can actually fly under the shields of the big ships; you see Kylo do it in TLJ too, and he basically took out the whole bridge crew.

The politics never made any sense, you just have to accept that somehow an empire or republic would work in this universe. The prequels at least showed the trust that the galaxy had in Palpatine. The new trilogy literally doesn't show anything at all.


Literally not how the force works
The Dark Side is a cancer throwing it off balance

>they bring forth the Imperial Remnant that's been lying in wait for the last 3 decades

>"First Order" was just snoke & mirrors

>Sheev's been biding his time on Byss and is now ready to retake the galaxy


Palpatine is summoning them in from an alternate timeline/universe.

That's the problem with empires without a clear line of succession. Throughout history they collapse due to infighting.

The light side of the force is also a cancer throwing it off balance. It's why the grey jedi were a thing, dipshit. You're supposed to use both the light and the dark side of the force together to maintain balance. But because people are faggots, you have sith doing dark side shit and the jedi doing light side shit that balances each other out.

Well, the Empire's forces were basically the Republic's.

It was mostly Sheev that had the Imperial aspirations, and he used Darth Vader to make sure everyone was loyal. When those 2 were killed, the normies probably didn't care and just accepted going back to the Republic's ways.

Honestly you're both wrong, fucking retarded and should be thrown in a fucking gas chamber.

But in 30 years? Surely it would take much longer, at least centuries, and maybe split just like the roman empire.

Not one bit :^)

Star Forge. JewJew is ripping of KOTOR, he doesn't have an original bone in his body.

jedi guardian to have wholesome forbidden love your qt apprentice.

Based and Christpilled

I like the idea of the dark side just being bad instead of any kind of moral relativity.

It also made sense how darth vader had a red lightsaber because he was a jedi that was bad instead of being from some completely different ancient faction

Rome always had a successor. Look at how fast the French empire fell apart when napoleon was defeated and removed.

Cat wait for another sweep JJ Abrams adventure in which characters are always rushing from set piece to set piece under heavily contrived circumstances that fall apart under 2 seconds of scrutiny.

is that a updated take on the katana fleet? think about it, in the last movie 75% of their "fleet" was taken out when like 10 fighters and the bombers were destroyed. of all the things TLJ did wrong, calling a fighter squadron your fleet really bugged me

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Didn't sheev have plans for succession? After all, he basically took over the republic from within because that was the ultimate goal of the sith group.

Some empires only lasted a few decades. When all the power is centralized in the emperor's hand and most of the top ranking officers are taken out it could happen easily. Most of the military just serves whoever is in power anyway.

Naw. He was going to live forever or something.

Macedonian Empire collapsed without Alexander.

whoa those are very different

I mean Disney revealed it's intentions quite transparently when they killed the EU
But the EU was also never terribly consistent on certain scaling issues either

Time to Titan slam some darkness in the ass

Thats a good example. Or how the Second French Empire collapsed after Napoleon III was defeated in Sedan.

It's funny because disney managed it like shit.

While they managed marvel almost perfectly.

Its like they reversed one of the plot lines from the Thrawn books

The catholic church lost to one (1) german monk and his printing press when they were at the height of their power, there's no way they'll ever become relevant again.

I double dog dare you to say that in Colombia

You guys see the mandalorian trailer 100% they're gonna pull a samus and reveal it's a actually a strong powered wamen. IG-88 is not a full foot taller than Boba.

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Colombia was never relevant to begin with.

let the franchise sink itself

>leaks are mostly accurate
Surely Lucasfilm jests, right?

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Its pedro Pascal you tard.


Yeah, it's almost like they routinely mine the EU for material but then change it enough to obscure its origins because nu-wars writers are full of spite and envy. Almost.

"This called bad script"

its 4d chess dumbass

I had a slimmer of hope because of how they handled Marvel, but nobody from Disney ever went out of their way to say the Marvel comics were not canon. Because they assumed correctly fans are not complete retards who cannot ever separate a movie's canon from another medium. Axing the EU was petty to an autistic degree. People created Star Wars content literally for free before Disney took over.
The thing that is most irritating is like you said it was managed like shit. They wanted to replace a massive canon with the most pathetically limited vision possible. Because they just decided resetting everything was the way to go, and then realized that wasn't original and over corrected in the next movie killing of anything they established. So basically 30 years worth of story mean nothing both in universe and out

calling it now he's going to die in the first episode and be replaced by a woman, which will be revealed in flashbacks

Maybe 30% correct.

>shut the fuck up you chinese faggot, the squid man is talking

>IG-88 is not a full foot taller than Boba
what? yes he is
also that's IG-11 not IG-88

they should make a movie about her sucking on her own nipples and rubbing her feet with oil

Then why can't they just use the one thing that would explain so much, the Star Forge? Their shitty new maps even include Rakata Prime
>After it took twenty years to build a single death star Palpatine wanted to ensure supply was never an issue again. So he sent out countless scouting missions into the Unknown Regions because he had heard legends of a previous galaxy spanning empire with infinite resources
>So Sheev started making his own star forge
>And the First Order finished it

>IG-88 is not a full foot taller than Boba.

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You dont hire pedro Pascal to not be the lead.

Disney gave control of Marvel to a man, and of Star Wars to a woman.

Why not? It would be way cheaper to have him appear in one episode to bring people in and then have a noname actress play the role in the rest of the series

Kennedy is just shit.

Filoni would have done better.

The sequels make the Empire look good even more than the prequels did

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look at IG-88's feet, hes standing on a lower step which means hes even taller
what a chad

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and he's farther away
user btfod

Of all the retarded things in Nu-Wars you pick the only realistic thing

Shoulder to shoulder in one and in the other the head goes just over the shoulder.
??? Is he that much taller than IG 88 I've no idea who ig11 is
Yea I think hes gonna die

The succesor states still held power in most of the former empire, some for hundreds of years.

>Shoulder to shoulder in one and in the other the head goes just over the shoulder.
IG88 is only shoulder to shoulder when he is standing below and behind boba fett. If they were both on the same surface IG would easily be at least a head taller

and IG88 is standing behind and a step down from Boba which alters the perspective

I hope anons notice IG is not on the platform like the rest.

3d printer

>murders political opponents and anyone else who might be a threat to his power

Sheev was basically all about state's rights and the abolition of the federal government. He put the power back into the hands of the regional governors.

considering his political opponents were child kidnapping religious cultists who constantly intervened in galactic politics to the detriment to the rest of the galaxy he was doing everyone a favor

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Yeah, and it would have made more sense if the former admirals and generals of the empire started little kingdoms all over the galaxy.

kys Retard

It is. And it'll be the republic's/rebels new fleet.
We are going to see OT star destroyer vs ST star destroyer Kino. Maybe.

Yeah they’re OT style star destroyers

>And the First Order finished it
>"I will finish what you started."

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In the old EU, the war continued 19 years after ANH until based Paellon decided enough is enough and brokered a treaty where both side didn't surrender shit, opened free trade and every system could align with whatever faction they wanted.
Just ignore the 6 sided Imperial Civil War and the New Republic getting its shit kicked in and Admiral Keikaku running circles around everyone.

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Well he invented the regional governors to have power concentrated in a few people under his control

I want a full series of this so bad, bros

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>grey jedi

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Yeah but that was more the French state realizing Napoleon 3 was not needed or wanted
The Imperial structure was absolutely unyielding in its devotion to at least military rule

Find a mention of a light side in any of the films made by Lucas. There is not one.
The Jedi followed the Force, the light side was a video game rpg tier invention

>You're both wrong and I without explaining how am right
You are the biggest faggot

Every Moff trying to become the new emperor creating a huge amount of civil wars was one of the most believable parts of the Civil War

Why did the poointheloo force the whale to rape the blue guy?

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It's canon in rebels which makes it canon to star wars, even if it's nuwars.

>balance the force
>by removing an entire side

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why didn't they just evacuate Home One and fly it into the deathstar? they were already willing to risk losing it in a battle...

this is dumb as fuck they wouldnt be lined up like that space is 3 dimensional

And so is hyperspace ramming and light saber copters.

Its near that black hole thing in Solo.

poor writing

Because your mother is a whore and fuck you that's why

Nucanon isn't real canon

>Star Destroyer in ANH is perfectly introduced, shows the massive scale of the Empire relative to the small rebel cruiser
>Super Star Destroyer in ESB is even more massive and shows how much more evil the Empire has grown since ANH
>All this scaling up used sparingly and perfectly
>Lol there's like a thousand lmao

>We're gonna break through that fleet

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Shut the fuck up faggot. Don't ask questions - just consume, consume, consume. Be a good goy and consume.

Looks like little hands flying in space

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Why didn't a lot of things user.

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If only Fantasy was still around. Age of Shitmar, amirite?

>Evil 3CPO is real
Oh no no no

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>stop having an army, things turn out awful since the bad guys diddn't stop making weapons and kill millions
>we should all stop having a military and invest the money into other areas, the rest of the world will follow suite and we'll live in unity and peace

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Is Rose even in this movie?

It's amazing that in the Battlestar Galactica miniseries, which aired fucking 16 years ago, they knew enough to have their fighters be in a vertical formation so they could all fire at once. Now in le current year, in that dumb as fuck formation, only the first row of star destroyers can even engage the enemy.

A shipyard in a time fault where time flows 10 times faster compared to the real world

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Yes indeed and even then the New republic struggled and got it' shit pushed in hard

Only room temperature iq guys think battles on LOGH are 2D

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Even with uncountable rose's filling the landfill it must feel kind of good to go from shitty college humor skits to be in a major motion block buster. She was right to be pissed at the military industrial complex helping terrorists but wrong to stop Finn from trying to destroy the laser.

If JJ has to use time bullshit this would be most acceptable

Front and center my man.

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They all flood a planet with star destroyers to increase its density until it turns into a sun.

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A poison isn't a "side", rather you balance out when you remove the poison's effects.

Why didn't they put her in the trailers? Or any of the promotional shots?

how retarded would you have to be to make a shipyard in an area that would mean it takes X10 longer for you to produce ships?
Is this what the japanese actually believe?

the movie will probably be shit but the shot of rows upon rows of star destroyers wreathed in clouds is pretty kino

Probably helps with hyperspace spacing so they don't smash into each other.

When they fight at sublight, that's when you use specific formations and so on.

I think they fudged up the plot to The Last Jedi,
they were supposed to disable the shield
and instead, we got the hyperspace tracking subplot
the Death Star is like an onion, too many hulls to do significant damage.
for example, look at the SSD crashing into the Death Star II.

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That was never in question.

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An entire fleet of Star Destroyers goes missing in the series finale of Rebels.

they used cheats to give themselves 9999 wood, stone, gold, silver, and food then turned on fastbuild.

Because you haven't seen all the promotional shots. She was in one in April.

>I think they fudged up the plot to The Last Jedi,
>they were supposed to disable the shield
>and instead, we got the hyperspace tracking

That would fix the hyperspace ramming shit in one go.

Is that Sheev second from the left?

Thrawn's fleet, specifically.

>unironically stealing WH40k plot points

How things should have turned out.
>empire turns into insurgency
>new republic is unable to properly govern millions of worlds.
>the common people yearn for the return of stability brought by the empire.
>Kyle Ren starts this weird religious cult worshiping the sith.
>He’s a stupid kid, an underdog like Rey, but his hunger for power push him forward.
>his followers, knights of Ren undermine the very legitimacy of the republic.
>the series explores themes such as what it means to be a state, the legitimacy of government, addressing historical wrongs and white male extremism

Star Wars 9 involves time travel.
>Darth sidious back from the dead after getting tossed in the death star's reactor
>tons of shit coming out of nowhere after the first order was annihilated in the last movie
>"no one's ever really gone"
They're not hiding it, episode 9 is going to be a soft reboot.

There's a lost fleet in Zahn's trilogy from the early '90s, dummy.

That part actually makes sense since the death star would take up over 100% of the galactic empire's GDP under optimistic scenarios.

No. C-3PO.

Take your pick

can someone tell me what the story of the nuwars trilogy is?

like I have no idea what the motivation of any character is other than simply existing, other than kylo who wants to be vader 2.0 (I guess?)

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>laughing stock
Bittenfeld was the Dmiral with more named kills under his belt. He defeated Bucock TWICE, killed Fischer breaking Yang´s back and then killed Merkatz, winning the battle for Reinhard

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He also killed Fahrenheit lmao


Light and dark
Good and evil
Hot and cold
Heavy and light
I could go on
If you remove one you unbalance it.
You literally cannot attain balance with only one since the force is a dichotomy.

Fahrenheit was a cuck that backed down from a fight and probably deserved it

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that thread is good

They don't have to follow that axiom

The force itself can be an even seesaw, and if you put the dark on either side, it's not balanced.

>Rey and Kylo have a big fight on the desert planet of Pasaana. From what I know they search the wayfinder device which unlocks Vader's legacy. The scene is like in the trailer, Rey is in the desert and Kylo is in his TIE Fighter, he flies to her and she jumps and cuts his TIE Fighters wings in half, the ship crashes and Kylo gets out of it. He ignites his lightsaber and attacks Rey. Then something happens, its called force flash fight, The background changes as they fight like the bond they had in TLJ. They end up in different place from all the saga films including:Naboo, Corusscant, Mustafar, Yavin IV, Hoth and Tatooine(they fight in Lars's home). They end up back on Pasaana and then stop because the Sith Fleet arrived. That's all I saw from this fight. There is another one to the end. This fight was around 8-9 minute long, the background changed like it changed in Rey's vision from TFA.
>The last fight is on the ruins of the second death star,there they fight the Knights of Ren and The Dark Acolyte played by Matt Smith, Matt Smith's character is not a Knight of Ren.
>He opens a chest that frees Palpatine's spirit which posseses him. He puts his cloak and we get Ian Mcdiarmed voice. He sends the KoR to Take care of Rey and Kylo as he rebuilds the second Death Star.
>The Sith Fleet also fights outside with star destroyers and all against the rebels. First Order aparently joins the fight too. We get a chase in the death star and it start rising from water all by Palpatine's command.
>Btw, he explain that all Rey, Snoke, etc. were orchestrated by him from the force realm to ressurect himself.
>In the end Rey and Kylo kill all the KoR and they fight Palpatine. Kylo kills the host but Palpatine posseses him and they get outside as Death Star 2 rises from water, posseses Kylo fights Rey but he has moment where he gets control back and begs Rey to kill him. Kylo dies and Palpatine too. Ben is dying but Luke force ghost appears and he saves his life.

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the dark side (of the force) is still part of the force, hence why it's called the dark SIDE.
yea? get it?