People that tend to praise the films of Kurosawa and Welles are pretending to be infatuated with them to give off the...

>people that tend to praise the films of Kurosawa and Welles are pretending to be infatuated with them to give off the look that they're cinephiles
Is he right?

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Adam is always right. Yea Forums literally cant refute a single one of his points, the collective IQ of this board is too low to even attempt to debate Adam.

YourMovieSucksDogCock dot com

Japan makes my favorite movies but even I know Kurosawa is overrated. So is Welles. Adam may be a faggot dogfucker but other than that, I tend to agree with him on almost anything.

People that praise only Directors like that (Also Kubrick, Tarantino) want people to think they're cinephiles, but there's nothing wrong with praising such directors if you genuinely like them

>Kurosawa is overrated. So is Welles.
how so?

After watching just a couple of his videos you can tell he doesn't actually know what he's talking about, and that he just parrots the opinions of actual critics. His only original criticisms are >dude muh plot holes xD lmao


pretty sure you're thinking of ralphthemoviemaker

>talk about yms
>everyone brings up hid dog obsession
He was just trying to make a point. He doesn't literally fuck dogs. I can't believe I still have to remind you brain dead retards this.

He's projecting, he knows he spews bullshit and tries to pretend he's better than everyone else.

Wow dude you will sure feel stupid 30 years from now when it gets legalized and becomes a popular social movement.

yes and everyone seething from it proves it

>Metropolis is shit so my point stands that Citizen Kane invented structure.
He's a living example of this.

Honestly; probably the right answer.

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>so I just watched popular movie
>it's good but not THAT good, like calm down people!
Every time

I just like chanbara movies and Kurosawa made a few of the best ones...

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People who say Kurosawa isn't godtier are pseudointellectuals.

anons that tend to defend dog fucker are pretending not to be adum himself. prove me wrong

i can't, damn that's based

>Dude, this movie made me feel things, but I a, too smart, also movie is old: 2/10
>Dude, this movie has a foreign language! That means I am smart: 10/10
Proceeds to fuck your dog”

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His “criticisms” for Once Upon a Time in Holliwood were dogdick bullshit. I know women will never understand that movie; but I didn’t know effeminate gay furrys have the same comprehension.
Its not even that its a masterpiece; its just that his negatives were either suoer subjective (boohoo movie go fast sumtime) or just straight up pretentious bullshit (that shot confused me who’s perspective is it waaaah)

He's a literal faggot. Daily reminder.