He doesn't eat his girl out

>he doesn't eat his girl out

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shut up rich vos

I was fortune to eat a Virgin girl out recently. The taste was incredible. Very pure and delicious. Really a treat desu.


How does virgin pussy differ from non-virgin one?

what are you a fanook?

Don't be a hypocrite, everyone does it or at least should.

fucking blabbermouth CUNT

Uncle June wasn’t in the wrong here, clearly he had a close and long running relationship with his goomar

Zoomers nowadays eat fat shitty diet rank ass pussy of women they don’t really care about. That’s when issues arise

I've heard a lot of broads bitch that dudes don't know what to do down there, but from my personal experience, there's nothing better than making her squirm as you're eating her out, only to pound her later and make her cum twice. Besides, if you know your shit, you won't be down there long enough at all.

shes was a 60 year old white lady still fucking mobsters, theres nothing clean about that old snatch

Was that hairdresser woman hairy down there? What do you guys think?

The women that bitch about that are fatties that men would only sleep with and never actually date. It’s not that they don’t know how to please you it’s just they don’t give a shit

Well it’s cleaner for one bc not every dude has shoved his gross cock in her vagina. Also if you look up some biochemistry you’d see that every guy a girl has sex with stores his dna in her so essentially you’re putting your mouth on another man’s dna. Guys have cum inside that hole before and it gets absorbed into the ecosystem of the vagina and changes the PH

First time I ever ate out snatch was a drunk chick from a bar. Before we got to her place she kept telling me how she was going to teach me a lot, then after making her cum a few times she said "I didn't need to teach you anything." Huge ego booster all these years later, but the whisky dick I had all night kind of ruins it.

I was unironically mocked for enjoying eating my girl's ass the other day by my mates. WTF?!?! I thought being a booty lover was incredibly common nowadays


chinese guy goes to the eye doctor. the doctor tells him he needs cataracts. chinese guy says "no, i drive a rincoln"

Have sex

It’s not about cleanliness, it’s about love

sup shitmouth

>He actaully believed it when she told him she was a virgin.

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Fucking this

I get it, he drives a lincoln

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unironically what's wrong with eating a girl out?

whats that smell? did some eat at a sushi restaurant? uncle june whattya doin eatin sushi i thought you were a baccala man

Its gross
Theres a high chance of it smelling bad
It puts you in a submissive, extremely beta position
It can lead to oral and mouth cancers

The first time I knocked it out of the park filled my ego nicely, too. My girl started to please me more and more and was open to go even kinkier, so it was fucking great.

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Isn't that DNA stuff just bullshit? Either way, I don't really care so whatever.

You shit eating retard.


nothing unless she's gross

the logic the mobsters used to denigrate the act was that if you were willing to pleasure someone instead of BEING pleasured by someone then you were probably gay

Because it's literally a vile maw to hell.

>shit particles due to vicinity to asshole

Utter fucking disgusting. Anyone who genuinely enjoys doing this, is a faggot and cuck of the highest order.

back to plebbit you low-test soibois

>he fell for the ass meme

Get your shit breath out of here, shitty.

>eating an open wound

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the only thing more beta than giving a girl oral sex is thinking about it

you cant back to pleddit out of a proud poopmouth declaration

I want it

My dog was a shit eater for a while. Had to smack his nose whenever he started sniffing it to make him stop.

Imagine being this triggered from someone enjoying his sexuality. Pretty revealing 2bh

Based, I love getting my head squeezed in between thighs when I'm eating box

>being a proud shit eating fag is an acceptable sexuality

because you're eating shit


Imagine being this sensitive about your coprophagia.
Stop eating shit. You're going to give some poor girl halitosis of the ass.

I told my mom this joke last week, she laughed really hard and is a super lib, told me not to tell anyone that joke in public.

if you're in a loving relationship and you know she's clean, then fine
but some random whooah? a one night stand from a bar? then consider the following:
-you owe her nothing, get your pleasure then get out
-throat cancer
-she could have terrible hygiene and you wont know until your face is down there
-its an inch from her shitter
-it could be a petri dish of disease you're sticking your tongue into (imagine literally licking all the little crabs)
-she might have already fucked 50 guys. she might have fucked a guy that morning who came inside her - you're basically sucking multiple guys' dicks and eating their cum
-it's a subservient act. she subconsciously thinks of you as a submissive bitch for eating her out, even if she enjoys it

just some food for thought

>he wants a virgin wife
>he also wants to have sex with a virgin girl immediately

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>my mouth is an open wound!
>my nostril is an open wound!
>my earhole is an open wound!
>my asshole is an open wound
kys my dude

Stop letting guys fuck you in your mouth, nostrils, ears and ass and the wounds might close up, kiddo.

I always thought you were a baccala man uncle june, what you doing eating sushi?

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> TFW I had a chick suck my dick all night, but I remembered this scene and refused to go down south of the border to reciprocate.

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I don't care what you do, I think it's kind of gross, can you live with that?

>an open wound that bleeds once a month

This user is actually right. This thread reeks of virgins that have never touched a woman


It’s not an open wound you fucking retard. You realize that meme comes from transginas, right?

i wonder if women also think sucking dick is gross

>t. incel who fell for le ebin conservative values meme

You will never be a woman.

Look mom, I posted it again!

The difference is the vagina, is where other dudes shove their cocks. Eating pussy is half a fag shit and you can't convince me otherwise

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Lol the absolute cope

Why would it be?

>only tiny hole used as exit for urine and sperm
>not a gaping hole that leaks like a flesh wound
>only leaks when ejaculating or needing to piss

Cocks are infinitely superior and more aesthetic.

>implying being in a "loving" relationship spares you from all that

Him and his wife are the two most unfunny faggots to have ever lived.

Everyone LARPs about eating ass, face sitting and feets but it's just not true.

>Be me, 31.
>Having sex with a 21 year old thot I met on MeetMe.
>Ask her what she's into.
>"Do you eat ass?"
>Eww, fucking nasty.
>"Of course I do but ladies first."
>She happily ate my ass.

Zoomers were a mistake.

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You have cataracts, you don't need them.