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/MHG/ Mind Hunter General: BSU Edition
First for the autist to retarded to reverse image search a picture.
Redpill me!
I think we need to do some Mindhunting and figure out what his deal is
>Well yes, I do think KKK did the Atlanta child killings. Police covered it up to avoid racial tension in the city
I thought this was a Monster Hunter General and got excited.
Playing 3U right now. Did most of 4U but I want to play 3U before I start Generations because I know I'll have a hard time getting back to the 3DS.
Look at the old thread. I dont spoon feed people. But he tried finding an image by a thumbnail so that should tell you what kind of retard he is.
What's going on?
Haven't been in MH threads today.
Extremely big brained high IQ post right here
>So i was sitting there being yelled at what looked to me like a shaved Gorilla, when i realized that the KKK was right about them
>The very next day i joined the Klan and never looked back
>I am now the Klokard of the Georgia KKK
The racist holden meme is paint level shit
Some one post the BTK ice cream meme!
Here friendo
Thanks ^^
Just a dumb zoomer.
Hey if any fuckers from MH are lurking right now, we want more Ed and less lesbo shit!
This show is slow and boring as fuck.
This anger that you feeling agent Tench tis just anger that you've got for you. Find someone else to put your self on, I'm tired of being your goat. I'm tired of being your reflection
>You're not my reflection
I'm always been yours.. I've been in your cells since I was 8 years old. I don't even have a name I'm B-3392O.. A bell rings I get up. A bell rings I go out... A bell rings I do what that bells says... I'm Pavlov's dog man, I'm anything you want me to be... But what you want is a fiend... 'cause that's what you are.
See I never had a say in your world, you created it. How do you feel about those murders, that's what counts. Happened in your world, not in mine.
>What counts, is that you ordered the death of seven people. Eight if you count an unborn baby!
And now you can reflect it back on me! And you can lock me up in your penitenciary, and you can say that your world is better. The prison's a frame of thought. We're in our own prison, with each our own warden, we do our own time.. Prison's in your mind.. Can't you see I'm free?
>You don't look so free to me Charlie
You don't look free to me! You look like a composite of what someone told you you are! You live for other people's opinion, you got pain on your face and you wonder if you look ok...
I want a friend as based as ed
I want a _____bf___ like ed
Me too or like BTK, actor is very cute.
I hope you aren't a woman. That would be a short relationship.
YES, How did they make it suck so fucking bad
Are there any good movies about Manson and his cult?
Helter Skelter
reminder that holden ford is a gay homo who gets bottomed out by Spock every night.
They broke up in 2013 hun.
t.Fag user