So they used CGI after all

So they used CGI after all.

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WTF, they didn't raise her from the dead? Dinsey are fucking hacks

what if they did and we are just supposed to think it's CGI

Imagine even watching it for free. Spending time on this shit for faggots.

This movie will make more than Endgame

cap this shit

God, that neckline in the upper pic is terrible. Something that works as a design study but not in real life.


I'm a fag and I can't help feeling I would miss out on some good shitposting

What are you, the expert on space couture, faggot?

>Imagine even watching it for free
I couldn't get past the first scene in TLJ.


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Remember when Carrie Fischer was alive?

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They did say that they were going to use footage that was discarded from TFA, but that's ridiculous.

>just keep using the same scenes over and over again, no one will notice
Why do these look so bad?

dead? she is kill???

As if wasting time on Yea Forums is any better.

Imagine if this went on to be her career defining role, and she became the first post-life movie star. CGI Carrie Fischer as James Bond. CGI Carrie Fischer as Batman.

She's definitely CGI here, they might have used old footage as a reference for her acting, but I don't believe it's a real human being.

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>CGI Carrie Fischer as Batman.
I want to see that.

naw man. disney is known for their animatronics

>kill off every OG character except the one played by the actor who died
bravo disney

No, it's just that those pointy cutouts will not stay in place on a real person. It's sloppy design. Dunno why I'm triggered so much kek

I think the point is they copy/pasted her face in the top shot to the bottom shot

I remember some video of George checking up on costumes for The Phantom Menace and telling the designer that the material they have chosen is not stiff enough to look good on an actor that moves around.

Good times.

Maybe it's a deepfake on a stand-in. They probably didn't make laserscans of her corpse.

No ones ever really gone.

her scenes were painfully bad even when alive

Actors being alive is such a hassle when you think about it. They can turn down a job, act a scene poorly, demand creative input. An actor should just be an IP really. One day, all of the dead actors will be owned by companies who will cast them in endless remakes. I hear John Wayne's playing a transexual teen next year. His greatest role yet!

different shot her face was just stuck like that

It has so many CGI "enhancements" that it could as well be a fully CGI face, look at the wrinkles, the whole face is remodeled to look older.

This was a meme a few years ago when holographic concerts started to become a thing but now with neural networks (see: notjordanpeterson) and deepfake technology I think it's unironically not far off

Remember after han died, princess leia decided to comfort a chick she didn't even know over han's closest friend?

good times

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This looks so bad. like a cartoon compared to the original films

Just ignore the fact that Darth Vader sacrificed himself to kill palpatine to save his son allowing for his redemption. Bringing back palpatine is totally not shit writing. Give your money to the fucking mouse who now owns like 50% of all IP rights you onions guzzling retards.

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Old bags face so fucked up dont even know which one CGI lol

Top shot looks normal to me, bottom shot looks touched-up and unnatural.

What if it's retconned that Leia saved Rey (who is a clone) from Emperor?

Top is from TFA, bottom is from TROS after Carrie's death.

I mean they already brought Walts head back to life why not Leah?

I heard of someone whose job it was to gray her hair every single frame, because she aged so much between TFA and TLJ. And add wrinkles. That was literally their only job for months.

It was probably a soulless poo so i don't feel bad for him

It's a shame that their work looks like 100% cgi if they actually put so much effort into it.


Bringing back Palpatine doesn't necessarily devalue the ending of RotJ. Vader still ultimately chose his son over the dark side, and saved his own soul. George had a rule for EU writers that they couldn't bring back Vader, but he was fine with Palpatine coming back.
It will still be shit though.

Remember when Carrie Fischer died a 60 years old woman and she had cocaine, morphine and ecstasy in her system?

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>Star Wars - Last Jedi news: Disney will not digitalise Carrie Fisher's image in new film
>The next Star Wars film will not be changed following the death of actress Carrie Fisher, the boss of Disney has said.
>Fri, Mar 24, 2017

>Bob Iger, the film studio's chief executive, said Fisher appears "throughout" Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi and her image would not be recreated using special effects.

>"We're not changing 'Eight' to deal with her passing," he told a University of Southern California conference.

>"Her performance, which we're really pleased with, remains as it was."

>Mr Iger said last year's spin-off movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story featured characters which were "digitally created" including one - Peter Cushing - who had died.

>"We're not doing that with Carrie," Mr Iger added.

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She died from a vein clog that likely has formed because she was giving up drugs, common side effect. Let's at least appreciate her effort to become clean.

That's their entire career, fuck the cgi farms.

>trusting (((them)))
That was your first mistake

Define clean.

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Okay so who voices her, or did they do all of her roles first and they just got lucky?

At least that dumb retart JJ even admitted that this wasn't thought through well at all.

Ethics aside, this looks pretty bad. It's going to be RO all over again won't it?

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>This movie will make more than Endgame
I would bet every cent I had that that was not going to happen. It's a fact that China does not care for Star Wars.

They did it with Peter Cushing, as well

Bet she doesn't look like that now

That scene in TLJ where Luke talks to Leia and they both have awful, gravelly smoker's voice

Remind me to Plan 9 from Outer Space, except this isn't a very cheap B movie that nobody is going to watch outside a crazy evangelical cult but a major Hollywood production made by the world's biggest studio that's going to run in every theather around the world thanks to Disney's monopolistic practices.

If Jar Jar Abrams had any integrity left, he'd ask to be credited as Alan Smithee

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It does devalue it because it means that Vader's choice to betray Palpatine ultimately meant nothing to the galaxy. Same thing with Luke not giving into his hatred or killing his father. All of that is made pointless when Totally Not Empire gains control of the galaxy overnight and he attempts to kill a kid.


this movie is going to be a total mess

So they used CGI after all.

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well Carrie Fisher IS a dead soulless husk cloned many a time before. it would surprise me not if the demon controllers did it again. plus shes a tranny

Leia is a well-established racist against Wookies

This. Watched about 3,5 minutes of TLJ for free and already was angry about my time wasted.

Bela Lugosi was a national treasure.

Leia's didn't even know who Chewbacca was the whole time she knew Han.

Definitely, way better than Carrie Fischer. He was white so he was still a national theasure despite not being born in America

her face is not cgi, just the clothes and background.

Fully agree.

The sequel trilogy made Vader right by hindsight. The rebels weren't capable of ruling the galaaxy and the only way to maintain stability was the empire. If Luke joined his dad and end this destructive conflict, by now the galaxy would be at peace and the average Joe would be having what people always want, a stable life

They just rattle a tray full of gravel.

He was hungarian, you fucking idiot, he wasn't white... he was A Fucking Turkic Magyar..... you actual retarded peice of shit.

please kill yourself :)

Not them, but Lugosi was white, chinkerfagbot.

He looked white and that's enough for burger standards. Also he was viewed as European rather than Magyar or something and it's all about the image. The mutt meme is actually a thing but burgers are still obsessed over racial purity

oh now what the fuck i burst out laughing at this joke and its real

Shut up, Hungarians are white.

Is Star Wars supposed to just kill off its character because Carrie Fisher couldn't stop doing cocaine?

If they don't kill her character off then it's another slap to the face of the formally strong male presence in SW. They had no problems killing Han and Luke, but can't seem to do it for their "lead actress" that died THREE YEARS AGO.

the only reason to cap it would be to remind you how wrong you were

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He at least set the Empire back and scored a major victory for the Rebels.

>actually cgi
>cgi leia

Tons of cocaine will do that to you.

could've been worse

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>60 years old
>used cocaine, ecstasy and heroin three days before she died
Geez, I wonder why!

Stay mad Radu

I refuse to believe that, the bottom picture looks like 100% cgi.

Jesus Christ Favreau, it's just a space opera.

Also known as an unstable coke addict who refused to work out and get in shape before they even started shooting. They still went with the plan because WAMEN. Meanwhile they fucked Mark Hamill in the worst way despite his enthsiasm and getting in shape

Dude, she sent that nobody chick to meet Luke before anyone else afetr looking for him for a decade! And the actors had to pretend they kenw somthing we dont. But it was just JJ's empty muystery box

goddamn that's lazy
but who wouldn't do that? she's fucking dead

If they hadn't cremated her, they could have employed the ol' Yoda effects with Leia.


He is the only one I would have faith in to make a good SW movie anymore. It’d have to a be a one-off completely unrelated to the NuWars though

Actually they could have easily edited TLJ and make her die in the explosion. But they thought carrie poppins was too good to remove. Now they have a movie witha dead body.

she served her purpose in ep 7. just let her die mouse

If there wasn't a scene with her and Luke people would be more mad than they are with Leia Poppins.

I hope I go out like that

I bet they make another movie with her in it somehow, like in Rogue One. They won't let her rest in peace because SMASHTHEPATRIARCHY

he made the Mandalorian

so they used cgi after all

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She was already dead in real life, people would be mad about everything else in the movie but not this.

She was an important part of the plot. It would have been better to edit out Luke's death and have him in the next movie then kill off Leia early.

>Leia is supposed to be a great general
>Allows her entire army to be cornered into a handful of freighter ships
>tries calling off her ace pilot from destroying a "fleet killer" because she's sad about the other X-wing pilots who've just died

No one's ever really gone.
I bet you Leia will fight Sheev and do a 720° spin attack from a prone position while screeching.

I just googled "The Senate" and no Sheev pics pop up


I doubt it will reach the billion

To me, heroes is just bad people.

it's all about the shitposting bro

I cant wait to see the empty cinema pics