Why is nuwars so fucking bad

like wouldn't it have made more sense to make it good? wouldn't it have been EASIER to make it good? or at least middling...

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>why is nuwars so fucking good!

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If it's so easy, pitch me a better Star Wars sequel

>watch this first time
>"that's kinda neat"
>watch it more times, focusing on a single guard each time
>"wow, this is shit, they're running away from them swinging their weapons, stabbing weapons into the floor and generally waving weapons several metres away from the people they're apparently trying to kill"

Fuck off Rian, and do your own work

>Enjoy something
>Analyze it until you don't enjoy it anymore
This is why kids don't read.

For one, it should respect the setting after the original movies. Start with Nu Republic, there are still Imperial remnants in charge of certain planets, new dark side users who bring about the main threat of the story (no death star 3), have them burn down Luke's temple and massacre the students, have Ben/Jacen turn evil within the trilogy and good again by the end. The nuSith can rally the imperials by force, attack the republic in more terrorist type attacks. You can fill in most of the blanks.

>The Empire is on it's knees, they have one last base
>The New Republic send most of its fleet to crush them once and for all
>The Empire fleet looks hopelessly outmatched
>suddenly a new type of super star destroyer jumps in, flooding the battle field with thousands of tie fighters
>Cut to a mysterious figure on its bridge, the Republic's flagship is on screen
>you see the figure put out his hand, and start straining
>The republic flagship starts to buckle, eventually imploding
>the figure collapses into his chair and lets out an exhausted laughter
>With the chain of command in disarray, the republic fleet is wiped out.
>in the Republic's capital, the senate watch the disaster unfold, Leia is among them as the leader
>Leia gets a strange feeling from the guards, goes wide eyed, tells everyone to evacuate
>Several of the guards pull out sabers and start slaughtering the senate
>Leia escapes in a ship but the computer is damaged so she jumps to a random planet
>Ship crash lands, she requests the help from an orphan that finds her, asking if they can help her find Luke
>The sith lord sends an assassin to find Leia
>Leia notices the orphan is force sensitive and trains her as they try to get past a blockade of the planet
>They find a band of retired X-wing pilots, repair their old ships and fly out to take on the Star destroyer blockading the planet
>Assassin shows up, Leia and Orphan stay behind to fight
>space battle goes on during this duel and isn't going well
>Orphan is hopelessly outmatched with a lightsaber, Leia steps in and fights using just force powers
>Leia is on the verge of losing
>Green lightsaber is thrust through the sith's chest
>Luke steps forward
>"but how?"
>"I got a lift from a friend who told me you could do with some help"
>Goes back to the space battle
>Han flies in, regroups the x-wings, destroys the destroyer.
>film ends on them all reunited and a shot of the sith lord in his throne room laughing at finding them all.

Thrawn trilogy.

My pitch - ten years from fall of the empire Mara jade or similar female assassin being chased out of coruscunt after being recognised in hiding. She gets hurt by republic forces and taken in by street kid male who is force sensitive. Bounty on her head by old empire forces, who are in hiding and rebuilding. street kid learns she isn't all evil and discovers she has information of hidden empire forces. Third act is street kid contacting han solo to negotiate saving jade for her information during the meet solo is killed by an empire bounty hunter, han dies in the arms of his daughter who thinks the street kid killed him. Film ends with street kid and jade escape off world and solos daughter vowing revenge and hinting at the dark side in her.

Not really. See a good movie requires some kind of artistic vision and usually a good deal of cash. Why waste time with that when Disney knows they can slap together some cheap, lazy garbage that people will still pay to see anyway?

because the people behind it are talentless, unimaginative and can only live off reflected glory of past success or make pants on head retarded decisions just to say they had a meaningful contribution to the franchise.
they just dont understand starwars and what sets it aside from any 2cent generic sci-fi movie.

>star WARS
>no memorable battle sequence with the exception of solo stormtrooper scene (3mins) or rogue one's space battle, neither from the new trilogy

>old movies had fantastic epic soundtracks that made it look like the action on screen was dancing to its tune, you can probably still remember some of them
>nuwars is almost entirely deprived of music, its just forgettable background noise

>OT characters are deeply misunderstood

>incoherent narration
>ex: stormtroopers are given humanity through the very first scenes of TFA, finn is a broken man scarred by the death of his friends in battle, with whom he presumably had a deep connection
>10mins later he's betraying them all, cheering as he vaporizes them with a giant laser cannon (according to the geneva convention, if that happened on earth it would be a warcrime btw)
>later on they are once again dehumanized as the heroes kill them without mercy and they treat it as borderline comedic relief (han solo blasting them with chewie's bowcaster)

>no identity of its own
>stormtroopers look the same as OT ones
>same old tie fighters
>same old xwings with cut engine gimmick
>same old awings
>aliens all look bland and samey humanoids, now they all speak 'common language' rather than some weird native tongue
>EVIL EMPEROR that looks like an old man's ballsack


wow 10/10 please buy star wars franchise and make it happen

this was a cool shot

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Empire 2 has given up controlling people through technology and fear, opting instead to control people through manipulation and an information war. The New Republic is weak, like the old it finds itself with constant border wars with technounionists and traders who use the lack of a functional clone army to rebuild a droid drone army. Kylo operates the same angle Count Dooku did, worshipping him as a god (an obvious nod to SW fanboyism in general) and building the Knights Of Ren around his idol. The remaining few Jedi are unable to affect the situation, and the whole movie becomes about Luke having to train a completely new generation of knights to uphold chivalry, honor, and justice throughout the galaxy.

This would play upon several themes including the whole russiagate/hacking shit over the past few years, which writers would lap up and be annoying about but it would work and be celebrated as totally #woke by the blue checkmark brigade.

Too late, I'm going to buy out that franchise you really like instead.

No way theyd be able to keep their footing

No focus was put into making a good movie, just rebranding every part of Star Wars without paying Lucas any more money for his IP.
>Rebellion = #Resistance
>Empire = First Order
>Sith = Knights of Ren
The SJW bullshit made the movies worse, sure. But it also insulated the movies from criticism and made it easier for access media to attack the fans because now they're fighting nazis, not fans who are disappointed in the films. Pretty sure these political zealots Kathleen Kennedy hired work a fuck of a lot cheaper than real writers.
Which leads to the last reason they suck which it they done on the cheap.

even though that outfit is shitty looking shes so much hotter as an evil girl wtf

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Not without THE FORCEā„¢ IS FEMALE

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Most really memorable shows and movies have all the little details thought out, you can watch it more than once and you don't realize there were major loopholes or characters were situationally incompetent. In fact watching them again often gives you a greater appreciation for the media because of the details you didn't notice before. If you want to take an existing IP and put even more ephasis on the fight scenes BE PREPARED TO ACTUALLY GET A GOOD CHOREOGRAPHER JOHNSON YOU FUCKING HACK

This is suspiciously well done in the time since the trailer was released...

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The Last Jedi is better than most of the prequels.

It feels like you can be more forgiving to the prequels as their problem was aiming high but failing.

TLJ was just a mean spirited film with half baked themes that don't go anywhere except to the toilet to shit on better films in the series.

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That actually matches up with the behind-the-scenes shit where somebody else on the production team thought a Space Casio wasn't 'Star Wars enough'. So it was clear what happened was Johnson had an idea for a plot and the corporation plants and then Kennedy herself stepped in and went 'no, fuck off' and after the firing of Miller Brothers from Solo after Kasden flipped out at his 'totally serious drama' being 'ruined' by making it humorous (which would have been different and enjoyable) and ran to Kennedy to have them fired, you ended up with a film that didn't even have basic lightning done.

Where have I heard of this studio interference before fucking up films? Not Marvel, no, that is unbelievably successful... not the live action Disney things... no, another capeshit producer. Hmm. Slipped my mind. Can't be relevant if it did.

Why does nobody learn? Let a director produce what they want, do they not see that messing with something 98% done causes a mess nobody cares about?

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And then he let a Star Trek fan write a Star Trek film and it was the best one of the lot but nobody saw it because nobody cared any more.

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Why DID they need to bring back the Emperor. Tell me!

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and then Mike suggested JJ direct Star Wars

The Force Awakens was competent though. It wasn't a colossal mess of a film like TLJ nor a complete failure of basic film technique like Solo.

Because it's (((star))) wars now

yeah but not write it

its JJ that's his thing the only explanation is Mike wanted it all to burn

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>It wasn't (((Star))) Wars back then
Retard. He didn't make the film for the sake of his love of film, he did it to make money and he did fuck loads of deals for toys and shit.

Don't directors approve scripts?

Mike wanted JJ to direct it but not write it. A JJ directed Simon Pegg script (with possibly a better character writer) would be pretty good. See the 3rd Star Trek film.

It's obvious Mike was bitter about Trek being ruined and wanted to make others suffer like he did

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this looks sooo bad lol. Just cringey

>t. tastelet

This has always been the divide between America and Europe. Traditionally Europe has produced ideologies, philosophies and concepts while America has sought to realize them practically in the material world... A film has the option of going either route but space is still just a metaphor for the mind itself. Star Wars and Star Trek are just examples of America-in-Europe

Because they turned it into a "cool and badass" princess movie for girls

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Those are convention spaces of course, not the ideological space of the classic films.

yeah but they don't have to cowrite it like JJ did with TFA

>Queen voted by her people
Not quite sure George understands monarchism.

>Queen voted by her people
>Not quite sure George understands monarchism.
It's not traditional monarchism. They basically vote for a dictator every few years, with the expectation that the dictator will step down at the end of his term.

source on this? please.

Cartoons don't count

And what did he win?

Is it just me, or are they not fighting as aggressively as they usually do when facing each other?

It's cause it's slippery

>Not quite sure George understands monarchism.

There have been elective monarchies before. Medieval Germany and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th-18th century. They elected their kings which served until they died.

>dood politics, trade federations and tax policies
go back to bed lucas

How was TLJ mean spirited? Tell me how.

I'm 40 years old and watched the OT so many times on VHS I was wearing the tapes out (learned to be real good with the tracking dials), and if I had my way would've been Luke Skywalker every Halloween in my childhood. I don't understand what is about TLJ that gets so many people so buttblasted.

Is it because Luke is an onery hermit who stopped giving a shit? Why wouldn't he be like that? A backwater farmboy thrust into a Galactic Conflict then crowned Messiah and expected to rebuild an ancient religion back from the dust, the efforts of which come crashing down around him, well past the age of youthful idealism? Why wouldn't he become disillusioned and seek solitude? Especially since the only Jedi Mentors he had, Obi-Wan and Yoda, became isolated hermits after their world crashed and burned, how could it not be the only option to him? OH, but they fucked over Luke and killed him off after not doing anything! Oh, well except for performing the most powerful feats of the Force ever seen on the films as yet and making the powerful antagonist look like a joke from the other side of the Galaxy.

I guess the next issue I always see bitched about was Holdo and her character. Usually when there is a catastrophic loss of command, the next one up is usually a Literally Who? Staff Officer. These types are generally either likeable leaders not competant enough to advance, or autistic nerds extremely capable at their jobs but lack the Charisma for full-time leadershit. Holdo is the latter, and it made a great foil for the character Poe, who is a poster-child of a charismatic but impulsive hothead. That was a great arc because those two types of people fit well and were pefect for tension in the situation that they were in.

Not saying the TLJ is perfect, it had wonky pacing (especially the side-arc with Finn), but why the constant hate? Especially after the objective mediocrity at best TFA was?

shut up

All the prequels, and I don't even like them, are massively better than the sequels. The very fact that George at least tried to make something new is more than you can say for the sequels. There's no debate here. Only a retard would disagree.

I foung every fucking plot hole in Back to the Future, and the movies have tons each one, but i still enjoy them

I am actually pretty sure that in a few years TLJ will be considered the best of the SW movies.

>but why the constant hate?
because lonely kids need attention

>If it's so easy, pitch me a better Star Wars sequel

Luke and his young, big titted, Jedi disciples go to a Mad Max planet because a Sith temple fill of young, big titted Sith apprentices have popped up, lead by the mysterious blond Darth Luscious.

The child jedis ditch lightsabers and exclusively suck cock. For 3 hours

Yeah, you would think that. But a certain political ideology kind of prevents movies and shows from being good these days.

Literally sheer incompetence.
Now we're in the damn MCU era. When I go see a movie about magical guys with laser swords and robots, I expect quality comparable to Marvel movies or at last DC.
Aquaman is the best Star Wars movie and it doesn't even have it in the title; you get cool powers and weapon fights and big scale wars with aliens and ships.

But as I said, they're actively trying to not make them cool.
The fights in a Star Wars movie should be similar to Thanos vs Ironman with tons of gadgets and lasers and martial arts moves being used.
These damn directors could learn something from Infinity War, actually not just the Thanos fights were good, his Children also provided some good shit with that fight at the beginning against a big dude & the telekinetic guy against Ironman & Dr Strange.
Those kind of fast-paced fights with great effects are what Star Wars should be but they're running away from fun. I really see no reason to believe Rei and Kylo are all that great, they look like normal people with powerful sticks.

Rei is captured and enslaved by the Hutts and for 3 hours is subjected to graphic sexual humiliation

>suddenly a new type of super star destroyer jumps in, flooding the battle field with thousands of tie fighters

stopped right there

Nah, Revenge of the Sith at least had a coherent story with character motivations that made sense.

And the prequels kinda got it right. They still refused to use better technology like the slow-mo from Matrix, but the characters did feel superhuman running across the field taking down armies of robots & clones. The beginning scene of Revenge of the Sith shits all over the Sequels.

Ok this is actually even worse than what we got

AotC is trash except for the Detective Obi-Wan arc. RotS has some decent arcs but the dialogue of the entire third act nosedives it into the shitter.
Until the third act when the whole movie turns to straight shit.

2 words. Female protagonist.