
Brightburn is the ultimate yeet boi. He yeets the lawn mower, he yeets his enemies into nothingness, nothing can stop him. Thots fear him.
The movie was mostly meh (it's full of shitty scare jumps), but the ending was great, especially when the Youtuber talks about a Lovecraftesque Justice League.
I don't see how there could be a sequel, but it would be fun.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the best part was when he btfo the little girl for trying to ruin his rep and ostracize him

Part 2 when?

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Heh. Back on Yea Forums before it came out, there were some very obvious shills who kept derailing threads about it who specifically kept insulting everyone and denying that Gunn was trying to make a cinematic universe or sequels, often in threads where nobody was suggesting anything of the sort, even remotely.

Then we get the ending/after credits, and well, ha! Stupid shills gave away their own secret just by denying it.

It was shit.

The moral of the story was so completely different to every other superhero movie.

Everything else:

>teamwork and diversity is great
>Goodies coming together to defeat the baddy
>Great power, great responsibility


>Love can blind you to the truth
>Raising another species as your own is a terrible decision
>Don't trust aliens. Kill them on sight.

fucking kill your self

Sorry, I could not find a better term.

Anyone else notice that every time the the kid does something horrific and the parents find out, the next scene is just them going to bed/waking up the next day?

The only messages I got from Brightburn are that writing a movie must be super hard, but getting one released commercially must be pretty easy even if you stuff the cast with a bunch of half famous clowns.

>studio makes superhero movie
>leaves themselves the option to milk it for more $$$ later
Fucking duh? The entire point of superheroes is to show off a recognizable character doing cool shit so that in the future tasteless goobers will watch every sequel featuring their new favorite action figure.

>scare jumps

What is this zoomer shit?

What a stupid goddamn word.

The sequel could be about him getting BTFO by an evil genius who's only good in contrast allying himself with a paranoid lunatic vampire. It could pick up years later, where the genius has worked his way into the boy's servive, having talked him out of killing all humanity because he can instead live among us as our king.

The first half would detail Brendan and his fellow superhumans defeating Brendan's species who've come to earth to take charge from him for failing to wipe us out so they can colonize.

Those parents were retarded. Liked the movie though.

Honestly an Earth 2 horror series sounds neat. Evil JLA vs good guy Legion of Doom

All those clickbait ''dumb decisions in horror movies'' videos have no right to exist unless they include the parents from now on.

evil, just type evil you retard

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I have a feeling that's on purpose. It's to highlight that they're sleeping on this monster they've helped create. It's probably a metaphor for denial

shit was mad gay glad I didnt give any money to it. would watch evil justice league tho

Who /SaiyanSquad/ here?

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that was only funny when he apologized

r8 my brightburn review

be nice

wtf why is vegeta 3 feet tall?

Super is one of the heroes in the evil Justice League during the youtube credits so does that make him the shitty retarded version of Batman?

I don't care if you're being ironic, you still have to go back.

I honestly re-watched this only so I could see that scene at the end with his father again. It's supremely morbid and interesting to watch in a weird way.

how about Lynchian?

Vegeta's shorter than Goku, but Raditz and Nappa are fucking massive.

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show sexI pusI pls :3

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Would the kid have turned out normal if he wasn't exposed to the ship and got reminded of his mission?


By the logic of the pacing, yeah. They tried to allude to bullying having something to do with it, but the bullying was so lankily handled that it really can't be blamed considering he goes from 0 to evil so quick.

I find it weird nobody pointed out that Crimson Bolt was one of the evil justice league pictured.

*I mean, no. The ship had everything to do with it.

I hope Boltie comes back as a ghost in the sequel

In the commentary they talk about how Brightburn was built as a ghost movie more than a slasher so continuing that concept having a super ghost vs super ghost fight would be pretty rad

E-V-I-L it's fucking four letters goddanmit fuck you

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fix ur lisp nigga

>be normalfag
>bump unglies with some slut
>invetibaly have some kid
>fantasize about killing the little hell spawn
>rationalize away by making yourself believe you'd never do that haha
Why do people suck at visualizing long-term.

>I'll take care of your mom

why didnt she stop him lads

stop slurping

was it autism or is she memeing?

Just watched. Goddamn this is 6/10 at best. Interesting concept, horrible execution

What is this garbage, where's rhe superior version?

Liked the movie, but it really suffered from small budged, most of the scenes of him destroying/killing shit we already saw in the trailer, really hope they make a sequel with higher budget and more supe villains

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I would pay to see a movie where Superman beats the fuck out of him. I hate to be such a sucker for stories where the good guy wins, and I know the humans in Brightburn were to blame for ultimately failing to prevent things, but I would like to see that little asswipe get his shit kicked in by Supes.

Spot the normalfag.

see u

>he doesn't know vegita was always the king of the manlets

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and a baldlet too

'Tractor-esque' would have made as much sense.

deep bro

I hope my body can take it

Is this shit on any of the streaming services

>A Lovecraftian Justice League?
Thats so retarded it might just work

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It felt like an alternate Homelander origin story

I'm with you on that.

Or seeing the 'good' version of Lex Luthor go up against him.

good movie