The Clone Wars is back

>The Clone Wars is back
>The Mandalorian looks great
>Episode 9 is going full course correction
>Jedi Fallen Order has huge potential
>Obi Wan Kenobi is getting his interquel finally
>Knights of the Old Republic is getting a movie
>Garbage like the cartoon Resistance and (likely, still unconfirmed) Ryan's trilogy is canceled

Why the complete 180? Did Kennedy get ghost-replaced or some shit? I'm absolutely shocked.

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how do i get paid to post on Yea Forums?

Disney decided to give us what we want instead of what it feels we need. Meme magic, bois

>thinking anything is good before it comes out
You fell for this last time. Trailers mean nothing

Op here. Let me know when you find out because I think I'd be pretty good at it

gotta give it up for boba fett

That's some low quality shilling there.

Not to mention that EVERYTHING you listed stars a white male for the first time since the buyout. It's almost jarring

Fuck off shill and take your mouse with you. This franchise is beyond fucked.

None of this is good. It's just more stumbles into trying to win back fans.

who else /not gonna watch any of this trash/?

What are you so upset about?

>>The Clone Wars is back
>>The Mandalorian looks great
>>Episode 9 is going full course correction
And will still be shit.
>>Jedi Fallen Order has huge potential
It's a brainless, linear farce with zero gameplay.
>>Obi Wan Kenobi is getting his interquel finally
MIGHT have potential.
>>Knights of the Old Republic is getting a movie
Yeah man, I can't wait for the Mouse to ruin my favorite Star Wars era like they've ruined everything else they touch.
>>Garbage like the cartoon Resistance and (likely, still unconfirmed) Ryan's trilogy is canceled
Good riddance. Maybe they can shitcan everything else while they're at it.

What about Solo? Also we don't know who is playing the Mandalorian.

Pedro Pascal is playing the Mandalorian. Not "white" but at least hes not black or a woman

Nothing wrong with winning back fans

I can't wrap my head around the people who think Disney trying is somehow a bad thing.

Sure thing Mickey

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It's probably because it doesn't feel genuine. Disney comes across as a soulless corporation that just manufactures products for the masses and only exists to consume money. Frankly it's too little too late. The damage is done and I don't care enough to spend money on Star Wars ever again. I'm sure my case isn't very rare.

Found a pic of OP

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Wtf I did NOT give you permission to post me online and I am reporting this post.

>KOTOR movie

I guess I could see the logic of it not feeling genuine, but at the end of the day what difference does it make? I just want good content

A trilogy even, based on a story treatment by Dumb and Dumber who will also write the first movie. You may have heard of them, of Game of Thrones fame.

>OP rn

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welp, there goes my interest

People are conveniently forgetting how good the early seasons were

if they don't rush the story and don't change too much from the original source, it might be good

t.easily impressed

Good content doesn't come from a committee of soulless profiteers constantly forcing social ideas down the consumers throats, period. TCW was a labor of love from George Lucas. KOTOR was a video game written and directed by a team that gave a shit. Even if the mouse decides to do a 180 on Star Wars and try giving the fans what they want, that sincerity is made the originals what they are. Without it, you're just getting the same shit with a different wrapper.

It absolutely can. Just look at marvel movies.

>original source
They will have as much in common with the TotJ comics and KotOR games as the sequel trilogy had in common with the post-Episode VI EU.
They might re-use some locations and themes, but it's going to be a completely new story and characters.

so no darth revan...

>Episode 9 is going full course correction
>>Jedi Fallen Order has huge potential
>>Obi Wan Kenobi is getting his interquel finally
>>Knights of the Old Republic is getting a movie
none of these are good things

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TCW was a mediocrity most of the time full of stupid decission making choices regarding lore. I hope it finally crashes and burns with this last season.