/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Cool People Edition


>Countdown to the Liberty Marina GP:

>Previous thread:
>Thread Theme:

>/f1/ Essentials:

>WDC Standings:
LEC: 86 (+8)
VER : 59 (+26)
PER: 54 (+18)
RUS: 49 (+12)
SAI: 38 (+5)

>WCC Standings:
Ferrari: 124 (+8)
Red Bull: 113 (+44)
Mercedes: 77 (+12)
McLaren: 46 (+15)
Alfa Romeo: 25 (+10)

>WEC Standings:
HAM: 263.14 (+95.13)
RIC: 208.27 (+68.73)
LAT: 175.44 (+25.81)

Quali results: LEC SAI VER
Rain possible
‘I was a proper fanboy’ – Jeremy Clarkson on his racing hero Gilles Villeneuve
Ocon says that's unacceptable that he suffered a 51g crash because Floridans cannot into proper barriers

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Other urls found in this thread:


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New thread, new OC

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forgot to remove thread theme, excuse me for this error

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How Gimi energy dring tastes like ?

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lamo kek saved

Singlehandedly won the W-Exposure series yesterday.

how many bongs till W Series?


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ɐipui ǝɔɹoɟ

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i want to impregnate juju so bad, it's unreal

Has anyone ever been as KWAB'd as the czech before?

too late cause they aren't doing anymore upgrades this year

Yep, it's happened again, another binning at turn 13

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It burns as it goes down, boldly challenging the precept that an energy beverage should be pleasant to drink

Can I have a stream for the W Series?

this is next OP image


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Rip to this snowmobile racing legend Gilles Villeneuve who died in a stupid car crash

Finnish-Mongol girls are sooo hot

It's literally on Twitch user

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Forgot pic

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why is he flying through clowd? doesn't he know VFR?

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Lescholars, what are we reading?

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Not in Germany, it's Sky exclusive here.

Its Race Day bbs

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max's driving face looked like autism

>Wolff likens W13 to ‘kangaroo’, drivers ‘not happy’

Mercedes boss Toto Wolff says the W13 is still bouncing away like a “kangaroo”, leaving Lewis Hamilton and George Russell unimpressed.

Asked by Sky F1 if the car is handling better now, Wolff replied: “No, not at all.

“I think we have seen a performant car yesterday in FP2 that was real, we were able to put it in the sweet spot and today in FP3 we were completely off with the experiments we did.

“Creeped a little bit back, but the car is still bouncing like a kangaroo, the drivers are not happy with it, and you can see that is the reason why we are off.”

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Is that a cooking show, user?


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he is using IFR and HUD as visual aid

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

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>wake up from a nap
>panic for a split second that i missed the race
>remember its miami
fuck america and fuck american people

>Shell Gimi-Power

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do you watch w series because you are bored or because you want to laugh at the shitters or because you unironically simp some drivers?

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Serbia is still angry that I fucked over his thread baking attempts, I see.


Same here swebro.

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Predictions on how many people will bin it in the wall under the viaduct tonight?

>"panic for a split second"
>blood presure rises
>aneurysm creates
>aneurysm brust
>blood entering your brain
>"i feel dizzy"
>brain lacks blood

sorry swede-user


For me, it's like arriving early to watch a jester's act to have a bit of a laugh before the main event begins.

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reddit bulls how we feelin?

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simping , always simping

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Perezbros how are we feeling?

Quick jiggy to pass some time



very happy sir

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parched & overheated
le P3 man

crashing into wall is boring I want drivers crash into each other so /f1/ can relentlessly debate who was in the wrong

Remember my digits last night claim Botafogo wins over flamengo in about a bong and that later Checo wins the race.

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Jack Newhouse and Mike Shoemaker

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Just to simp for Marta Garcia and Jamie Chadwick though I dont understand the competition:

How is W Series supposed provide competition for w*men when theyre literally segregated against the real competition which is the F3 and F2 boys?

Anyone here had sex?

You'll never catch me watching any womeme's sport.

I like the track, it looks fun on a game and will end up being fun to watch
Why is everyone so negative? For every 2 miami hype shills there is atleast 1 doom poster about it

Now that Mercedes has given up the season is over...

i only watch it because of their very young drivers

for me, it's rich energy

I miss him bros

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What would happen if they mix woman and man in f1 ?

I would never watch that shit, I cannot get that bored.

I just realised. Lando is named after Lando Calrissian from star wars.

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Woman and man = Albon

i did a few times, but with a condom on so it barely felt like anything.

when does the race start?

I really didn't expect the new cars to be this sexy. They're easily the best looking cars of the past decade. I wish they'd shrink them down a bit, put in a nice V10 and they'd be perfect.

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Yes. it's pretty cool when you like the other person

Is that why he gets raped so hard by Hamilton on a consistent basis?

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>not watching olympic figure skating

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he isn't, his airhead mother just liked the name

aren't they embarrassed at this point?

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where do I have to apply to get mixed with a woman?

oh no no bros

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I'm watching replay of W series race from yesterday and holy shit it is a disaster. This is hilarious to watch. Can't wait for next race this morning.

Is the FIgey mafia looking to move headquarters to miami? That's why they're trying to generate more hype?
The future seems american in their eyes, and the token people reside just north of miami
I hope they stay away from indycar.

>glory runs
>in quali. . .

>Have the time to go to Sunday dinner and watch F1
Wtf I love America now

Can you imagine if fabi gets to race alonside legreg or max ... they sure would have fun after the race

Was anyone ever named Lando before Lando Calrissian

Give me a minute

I am afraid to inform you but today Sergio Perez will pass away in a violent crash

Women drive faster with penises

>Thai chad mogs white manlet with small feet

Why did Lewis do it?

it was pretty kino

never seen one before - what stood out was if there was a car close behind, the car in front took such a poor line into the corners, wasn't even a defensive one

w series the broads aren't even in good shape, they're all kinda fat. makes no sense.

big if true

at least they now know what quali is unlike a couple of weeks ago

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Because black lives matter, but mexican lives don't

Just 1h20min till the women drive again :D

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