Why end the game 10 seconds early when that's enough time for Allison to kick a long ball towards the goal and have one...

Why end the game 10 seconds early when that's enough time for Allison to kick a long ball towards the goal and have one last chance? I was rooting for Real btw but I don't understand this one.

Attached: 10 seconds hmmm.png (1150x573, 818K)

Because it's corrupt. They added 3 minutes when Militao alone was on the ground for 5 minutes in extra time. The only reason Real Madrid are where they are is luck and refs favouring them.

Because madrid are corrupt cheats and always have been.

love br*ts seething

Spaniards dont understand fairness, everyone knows it. 0 honour.

while I agree that madrid's journey towards final was mostly because of luck people coping about game ending 10 seconds early is still insufferable

It's not just the fact it ended 10 seconds early, madrid got many many favourable and dodgy decisions throughout the entire match. And knowing their history of refball it's not surprise

>my team that could only manage to score 1 (one) goal in 120 mins would have definitely scored one in the last 10 seconds

Its football, anything can happen. You play till the end of the added time.

City was completely demoralized and finished. Also, 3 minutes added time in a 15 minute half is pretty fucking extreme in the first place.

Except no one is talking about just that you third world simpleton, but everything. Added time is MINIMUM, it is literally a rule of the game. The ref ignored the rules there.

>My team that managed to score 0 (zero) goals in 89 minutes would have definitely scored 2 in the last 5

no it's not, there were 4 substitutions, meaning 2 minutes, 30 seconds for each, which is mandated. then real madrid wasted literally minutes on top of that. most sus game since ovrebo to be honest. the penalty decision was one of the only good decisions the referee made all game.

learn what added time is

remember this one
referees shouldn't be allowed to exist

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I know exactly what it is and I also know that only 3 minutes was an absolute joke, never mind the fact the ref didnt even play those 3 measly minutes

the referee doesn't owe you any extra time just because you deluded yourself into thinking that this time for realsies you will surely score a goal. City had 120 (!) minutes to not shit the bed but they shat anyway

Not when the Madrid players spend 5+ minutes on the floor

What do you mean the ref doesnt owe city and extra time? Hes not doing anyone a favour, hes getting paid handsomely to make sure they game is fair and that the rules are followed.

time wasting is part of the sport
man city had 210 minutes to win the tie and they weren't good enough to do so

>time wasting is part of the sport
Why is it against the rules then and is normally penalised?

>time wasting is part of the sport
So is adding on time to compensate

and where exactly is the rule stating that there has to be an extra time and that if an extra time is given its duration is in any way regulated?

>the refs were bad and here's what they did wrong

Can't have a conversation with double digit IQ people.

it's not though
have you never watched a football match before?

>people coping about game ending 10 seconds early is still insufferable

>Allowance is made by the referee in each half for all playing time lost in that half through:
>assessment and/or removal of injured players
>wasting time
>disciplinary sanctions
>medical stoppages permitted by competition rules e.g. ‘drinks’ breaks (which should not exceed one minute) and ‘cooling’ breaks (ninety seconds to three minutes)
>delays relating to VAR 'checks' and 'reviews'
>any other cause, including any significant delay to a restart (e.g. goal celebrations)
>The fourth official indicates the minimum additional time decided by the referee at the end of the final minute of each half. The additional time may be increased by the referee but not reduced.

You can be given yellow cards for time wasting and the purpose of added time is to compensate for the time spent not playing football. You clearly have never watched a football game if you dont know this

who cares fuck city

It is by a good fair referee. This one was not that, he was favouring Madrid.

added time never adds up to the time that has been "wasted"
it is an unwritten rule that time wasting is an allowed and enjoyable part of the sport
i suggest you might like rigid entertainment like auditing or trainspotting


>it is an unwritten rule that time wasting is an allowed and enjoyable part of the sport

*directs you towards every game of football that has ever been played*

Oh yeah.

>Cityfags will sue the ref for 10 (ten) seconds
lmao, anything to cope with your shit coach

Yeah I never said time wasting didnt happen I'm just confused on how you find people lying on the floor pretending to be injured, goal keepers holding the ball for 20 seconds and passing side to side is enjoyable

I'm not even a City fan, it was just asking if adding time was a rule was gigatarded

gamesmanship is great fun
making your opposition and the referee look like mugs is awesome

the whole stadium was whistling at the ref to end the game, the nerves got to him

hands off our monkeys!

Attached: 1624997418282.jpg (2655x2917, 902.2K)

guardioloids were wasting time since minute 10


Ok? That's why there were 6 added minutes

just pointing that out, people act like city didn't behave like cunts during the whole game
6 minutes was long enough to score 5 at shitty, was kinda pissed the game went into the extra time

I can't believe it took 31 replies until this was pointed it

Allison. Ederson. Who cares they're exactly the same


saw that on the main catalog image and thought
>allison... but that was city not liverpool. maybe allison did something similar in the last few seconds of a game that benefitted liverpool that im not remembering and op created the thread to point this out
but no, its the usual post, reply circle of
>u a dik
>no, u a dik
>im not a dik, ur a dik, shut up dik
>seethe dik KEK!
and so on

One thing I agree with with american posters is the fact that injury time is a mistake. They should stop the clock when the ball is not in play (and reduce the time accordingly), this would take away a lot of the subjectivity.


modern technology can show if the ball has crossed the line
modern technology can show if a player is a millimetre offside
dont even need modern technology for this,
could just have a bloke with a stopwatch stopping the clock when the ball is not in play but no, thats not in the spirit of the game

who wants to watch a football match go on for three hours? not me

games changing grandad
get with the times

Kyle Walker wasted a lot more time when City were leading. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

No 10 seconds isn't long enough for Alisson to take a plane over from liverpool, sign a contract to play for shitty, get subbed in and then take a long kick.

>3 extra minutes in a 15 minutes half

Literally the same as giving a 9+ minutes in regular time

City lost because they're complete retards. Imagine conceding two goals in 2 minutes. Literally all they had to do was a professional foul, time waste, feign an injury, hoof the ball, bitch to the ref. Anything to prevent the game to be restarted right away and allow the match to flow. Just like they'd been doing professional fouls for 40 minutes leading up to the goal but they forgot how to right after.

ending a game early is weird its basically admitting that the ref fucked up with the extra time. The other way around is no problem

brits when guardiols waste 10 minutes and the ref adds 5:
>its okay, they had to do it
brits when militao wastes 5 and ref adds 3, only stopping the match 10s before the 3min:

True. At least in injury time