Sony takes back their Spiderman from Disney

>sony takes back their Spiderman from Disney

>First Jumanji 2 trailer has 50 Million views in a month, first Rise of Skywalker trailer has 35 million views in FOUR MONTHS, both come out at the same time

>D23 is happening and trying to convince people to sign up to Disney+, Sony gives Netflix rights to the Breaking Bad Movie and release the trailer the SAME DAY

Holy shit. Who would have thought it wasn't WB to stand up to Disney, but Sony. Who are you rooting for in this war? You will be on the right side of history right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>standing up to anything
I wish the Mouse burned, but not if it meant handing the throne over to California.

>whoever wins, we lose

Reddit Letter Media were always wrong about them.

I'm glad you guys magically forgot how terrible Sony movies are.

>/r/ asianmasculinity

Formerly Chock

how about i don't give a single cent to either, and only torrent or buy second hand locally from now on?

Disney vs Sony is just a small fight, the big war is between Disney and Warner Bros.

As opposed to Disney hollywood located in Missouri?

The Mouse Must Die. i seriously hope WB, Sony and Universial team up to take Disney down.

You can tell by how successful DCEU has been.

Reddit Letter Media are wrong about nearly everything. They’re ugly dumbfucks endlessly shilling Disney capeshit, I have no idea why they were ever tolerated on this board. Glad 4channel wised up

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what we need to do, is convince one of trumps celebrity friends to tell him he needs to trust bust hollywood and silicon valley. thats the only way out of this.

LUL, You know WB produces other movies that are not from DCEU. Matter of fact they produce more regular movies than DCEU movies.

>The studio behind Ghostbusters 2016, The Dark Tower, Men in Black International, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and the Resident Evil series

>The CEO responsible for Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Dead set against making Deadpool.

It's nice to see Disney face some resistance, but don't act like Spider-Man will be in better hands with Sony

its always gonna be a lose lose. the only positive are the alt future where feige and pearlmutter leave marvel, and marvel leaves disney, then reaquiring spider-man after all the fox assets are fully absorbed.

Venom was better than any MCU turd.

Spiderman 2 and Spiderverse kill MCU.

spider-man 2 was great because they let sam raimi do what he wanted, spider-verse was just ok. the only genuinely good thing in the mcu is daredevil

For as much as I think Disney are being a bunch of greedy fucks, let's not forget that the last good Sony live action movie was back in 2004, not to mention Venom was one of the worst marvel movies period. How that movie made so much fucking money is beyond me.

>Venom was one of the worst marvel movies period.
ok retard

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>calling people retarded when he thinks Venom is a good one

China loved Venom so this makes no sense.

Iron Man is good. It works as its own movie outside the MCU.

And that was made by paramount. Disney made 2 and 3.

in hindisight, i don't like it as much. daredevil works on its own much more to me.

>Who are you rooting for in this war?
shut up cracker

Seething Marvelfag

Attached: Sony vs The Mouse.png (1049x896, 980K)

Why is Sony so based?

Attached: based.jpg (1455x2220, 917K)

Post this image as a new thread on Yea Forums

They aren't gonna do any avengers movies for another 5 to 10 years so sony might as well take full ownership in the meantime and make a shitton of spin offs with spidey


It’s a retarded Yea Forums meme.

Wouldn't Soi-ny be a better word?
Snoy just sounds like Snee oi

shit even TASM2 looks better than MCU spiderman
why is disney's CGI so flat looking

Name a WB movie that grossed over a billion in the past couple years. Go ahead, we'll wait...

Nice racist image fag incel

Spider-verse came out last year. It's still the best capeshit out there.


>they call decent, inoffensive movies decent and inoffensive
Yea Forums is the most contrarian tier shithole I have ever seen. Hilariously, the people with the best opinions on any given topic are on boards that don't pertain to that subject.

If you think Sony can compete with the MCU you’re delusional

Yeah and that's the only one you can list, meanwhile Disney has multiple films that grossed over a billion recently.

That's what people said about Jumanji and TLJ

this is you right

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I don't think you understand the difference between a fight and a war.

>Can't prove someone wrong so insult them instead.
You have no further argument.

argumenting about market/movie production and distribution with a fanatic, LUL

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MCU mad cuck

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Seething MCUck

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>Sony brings us Spider-Man 1 + 2 and Spider-Verse (all masterpieces)
>Disney brought us Homecoming (Iron Man 4) and Far From Home (better than Homecoming but a 6/10 at best)

I genuinely don't care that Sony pulled out. In fact, I'm glad.

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