You have 10 seconds to pitch me the next box office success that doesn't rely on an existing licence

You have 10 seconds to pitch me the next box office success that doesn't rely on an existing licence.
Come on quick, I don't have all day.

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uh goonies but with um old people!

What if it were like the Matrix but you entered a world where humans has butts on they’re hands


capeshit with a black woman lead

Uh it's set in the 80s with a lot of neon and pop culture references

All of my hate

Straight guy gets sent to conversion therapy by mistake, discovers the joys of boypussy.

Starring Timothée Chalamet and John Boyega

What if bob dylan never existed and springsteen took all his shit

Comic adaption. 0nions boys love this trash.

Prolapsed buttholes that talk with a vaguely middle eastern accent

Big robot fight against supper power man but they friend to fight evil alien monster in spaceship that go pew pew big alien go boooommmm

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So, Catwoman?

An evil white male president that oppresses POC is destroyed by a muslim transgender girl, a gay jewish male and a white female with a black gf

fairly sure catwoman is white

Kino, i can already feel the memes

Don't forget to cast The Stranger Things kids!!!

A sci-fi film where we don't learn to live with other aliens, but we go out of our way to eradicate them because mankind manifest destiny. There is no racism or sexism or inequality in mankind (sorry, humankind :^)) but we're hell bent on clearing the galaxy out of all non-human alien life or enslaving them. It isn't played as satire. It isn't played to show the evils of it. It is 100% played straight.

Then, when the inevitable hatred comes online about it, you accuse them of not wanting to eradicate sexism, racism, homophobia and transphobia and all that jazz.

jews can't be gay and white women should only have relationship with black bulls
you're fired

>You have 10 seconds to pitch me the next box office success that doesn't rely on an existing licence.

The film, mate. Catwoman film. It had a black lead. Or do you mean a black superhero who is a woman in the comic books getting a film? In which case... didn't Black Panther do that with that bald lady?

BDH sitting on my face for 4 straight hours

Horror film that we could make for dirt cheap and make a massive profit. It's about teens investigating a satanic cult or something like that.

read the op faggot

Sean Bean gets put into a maze full of dangerous obstacles and when he dies he respawns in the beginning of the maze and has to try again.

the op said it should not rely on an existing ip. what it didn't say is that it had to be original. just come out with a new superhero and it is going to work as long as the marketing emphazises the diversity of the cast

>Jewish male that descends from holocaust survivors
Licensed in whiteness studies (which actually exists)
>gives speeches against racism (whites)
Meets the other characters this way

>bisexual female with a black bf
>he left her racist and abusive white ex for the comprehensive and heroic black dude
>at the end it's revealed that she's pregnant

So Superman?

Oh right. Well hasn't that been done many times, especially Blacksploitation stuff?

Nice try, but you're not stealing my box office success of an idea you fat piece of shit.

This whole thread shows how much Yea Forums lacks imagination

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A group of man children who are regulars at their friends comic book store learn that it is either dying OR being bought out by a soulless corporate store. To save their store, they plan to rob the world's largest comic book convention, hosted by said soulless corporation, in a nearby city. They plan to steal whatever they need. They succeed and save their store. The films name?

Comic Con.

A political spy thriller in which long nosed merchants pull the strings all over the world to sway powerful leaders to do their bidding.

blacksploitation is old and niche
capeshit is mainstream and the hot thing right now

we are operating withing the standards set by hollywood

nazi werewolves commanding a submarine

no we're talking


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The modern ocean.

2 words: full penetration


Trench and the Reaper in Hitler Must Die

Sean"Trenh"O'Hoolihan(Nicolas Cage), a down on his luck WWI veteran must team with Death himself(Javier Bardem) to infiltrate Nazi Germany a couple years prior to the outbreak of WWII to finish what Death(and Trench) failed to do in the last war thanks to a fluke misfire. Along the way, they face off against several occult Nazi forces like a harem of sexy vampire women and a legion of Frankensteins led by a sorceror.
Two sequels are also planned: Return of the Ripper and In Space.

Naked wrestling between Bryce Howard and Christina Hendricks

So, it's that American Dad episode? Great.

Go on, you have interest

i have actually potentially multibillion dollar superhero franchise idea. it would also have potential to some really cool video games. it would be actually funny and a lot of that badass kick the superhero genre desperately needs. not going to reveal more about it though.

should i learn to draw comics and first trademarking it then waiting for my 10 billion dollars when someone buys the distribution rights to it for their network?

>Tyler Perry directs
>Oscar bait movie about the holocaust, we'll just call it "Noah's Shoah"
>Stars Edward Furlong as Noah Goldstein in his comeback role
>250 million for budget
>50 million goes into making it
>50 million toward advertising it, paying CNN/Huff Post/Vice to politicize the release
>150 million for paying off the academy to give the move Oscar wins

Here's the gimmick:
>We make Edward Furlong relapse over the course of filming
>This will culminate in him overdosing on fentanyl just before release
>We market it at Eddie Furlong's last film, there will even be scenes with dialogue that will sound like his swan song
>We get Edward a posthumous Oscar for best actor

Never post such a comment without your very own pitch.
Friendly advice, use of avatars wii get you b&.

lick my hairy balls, faggot

cinema is dead. we need a world war two style period drama like mad men in the 40s


He’s right, you know.

What if you woke up and your dad was naruto

Okay Mr Feinstein, here it is...
>Low budget
>Rural setting
>"white" main lead
>single mother is dating
>brings home 5 black guys
>says she is gonna marry them all
>shenanigans ensue

a lonely NASA technician is tasked with selecting which parts of earth culture to show to the frozen embryos we launched into space decades ago once they get automatically bred and birthed.
he alone is responsible with defining the environment the settlers of a distant star grow up under, and has free reign since the ship has been underway for hundreds of years and interest from the authorities has dwindled. since he will have to choose everything they get exposed to he is stuck between a rock and a hard place when he has the coice between either letting them know everything always remembering what media has made of him a jaded, tired man who know that he is not special. or only telling them good things, essentially setting up a slave colony of people who think they're going to be serving the greatest good there is. we change back and forth between life on earth with our protagonist who is so lost in his mandatory media and news consumption that he has no social life anymore and life on the ship decades in the future since the light and data takes this long to get there. life on the ship will be very sheltered and organised since everyone had been raised by robots/computers and our protagonist is in a position to either change that or keep it that way. it will end with protagonist choosing to feed them all the information that he can in an attempt to make them into criticially thinking individuals.

I already did last thread

like Brokeback Mountain but on the moon

Lunar Exploration

Could call it 'Mooning'

>we're poofters on the moon
>we jab with our harpoons
>but there are no slags
>so we fuck like fags
>we're poofters on the moon

Maybe people here do have ideas but are paranoid that some agent may stumble upon this board and steal them?

young male doesn't have sex

Space Dogs.

Practically writes itself.

Spongebob Moves to Deadwood.

That’s surprisingly not shit, well done.

>white male hand turns off the conditioning radio before striking out into the unknown
What did Groening mean by this

>that zero g rape scene

Man puts benis in bagina

maybe you should kill yourself you fucking pleb.

A team of angry lesbians plans a heist and then on the way to the mark, a riot erupts and they get caught in the melee. One of them gets raped and murdered by a Dindu and the angry dykes, armed to the fucking teeth, spend 45 minutes gunning down rioters while occasionally making out with nipslips and such.

A "The Twilight Of The Gods" inspired space opera set in a dying galaxy. Half Wagner, Half Wolfe.

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>period piece spy thriller
>1970s East Berlin
>set during one night like Die Hard
>Protagonist is new and is stuck there
>Main antagonist is a russian female spy with dominatrix elements
>she falls in love with him giving him the opportunity for him to fulfil his goal
>he kills her anyway because he's so devoted to his mission and his country

Have em succeed but end up in jail for the sequel Comic Cons, the trilogy ends with Comic Ex-Cons with them doing another heist after they get out of prison

lazy movie exec uses Yea Forums to do his/her/xir/ze work

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

The Turner Diaries directed by Craig Zahler

Nuclear war happened in the 70's and decades later, some kid must learn how to boogie for a disco dance off to become his mad max style tribe's leader

This, but unironically. Give Hollywood another 5-10 years and traps will be as mainstream as gays.

Tangerine and Euphoria are testing the waters already.

Children who form a team with the mission to fuck a sexy studio executive

What's the purpose of these threads anyways. Nobody replies to nobody unless its shitty bait posts like 'haha tranny lead and super heroes'.
There's no discussion going. Everyone posts their take and sods off.
There should be a rule added where to make a pitch you must review another one's too.