ITT: 1st movie you ever saw in theaters (that you remember)

ITT: 1st movie you ever saw in theaters (that you remember)

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pls don't judge

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>paying to see animal torture

Beethoven's 2nd

Sleeping Beauty


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Children instinctively knew something was off, which is why the whole theater was constantly on the verge of tears and loud bawling.

Home Alone 3


What did that do to those animals!?

Jurassic Park. I was 7 years old, and I remember my mom being against it and thought it would be "too scary" for me, but my dad insisted and he took me. It was an awesome experience.

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Jurassic Park (1993)

For real

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I didn't see a lot of movies in theaters as a kid. For some reason my dad took my brother and I to see this despite him not really liking movies and not knowing a thing about star wars.

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Toy Story

Likewise. Was 5 or 6. I remember walking to the car and my mom making t-rex noises, asking if I was scared. I wasn't, I was mesmerized. Was addicted to dinos like a lot of kids after that day. Thanks for reading.

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Back to the Future Part II 30 years ago. Yes. I know. I'm fucking old.

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Earliest I can recall well was Spider-Man when I was seven.

When I was four we were all supposed to go see the Emperor's New Groove, but when we got to the AMC I ended up slamming my finger in the car door. Got taken to the hospital, had a metal brace put on it, and we all stayed at home to watch Yellow Submarine instead.

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Pure kino

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For me it was Shrek

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Disney's Tarzan. Was 6 years old.


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A Bug's Life

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I think anyone who was a kid at the time loved Dinosaurs. I remember even seeing 4-5-year-olds in there who loved it. Definitely was the best summer blockbuster that summer in '93

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A Bug's Life

my dad leaving the theater:
>that wasn't star wars..

It's the most vivid memory I have.
I remember going with my grandma.
I wonder what she thought while seeing it.

Harry Potter, loved every minute of it.

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Either The Sting or 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, at a drive in with my family.

>When the film was first released, several Australian animal rights organizations raised allegations of animal cruelty during filming and called for a boycott. The Sunday Mail reported at the time that Animal Liberation Queensland founder Jacqui Kent alleged the killing of more than 20 kittens during production and added that she was disturbed by reports from Europe which alleged other animals had been injured, as in one case where a producer allegedly had broken a cat's paw to make it appear unsteady on its feet. Other scenes that were the source of controversy were the scene of a kitten falling off a cliff and a scene of a pug fighting a bear. Kent said her organization had a number of complaints from people who had seen the film and were concerned that it could not have been made without cruelty.[11] The Tasmanian and Victorian branches of the RSPCA also alleged abuses.

TL;DR asians proving they dont give a fuck about animals

holy fuck based parents

I was 8 and liked it a lot.
Good experience.

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George of the jungle

The Japanese don't have animal cruelty laws, or didn't at the time they produced Milo and Otis. So the crew just had boxes and boxes of puppies and kittens on hand when filming. Any scene where Milo and Otis are in danger, the director when literally have the kittens and puppies thrown off cliffs or over waterfalls and film it. Then they edited the takes together so it seems like the animals make it out of each peril unscathed.

The Japanese aren't really any better than the Chinese or Vietnamese when it comes to how they treat animals.

digimon: the movie
my mom fell asleep. i was entertained

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Seeing Species in theater was a weird experience, no idea why I was brought along for that.

wtf anime told me that nippon is pure and perfect


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That drawing is adorable. My parents keep stuff like that I did as a kid in a box. But yes, I was 5 that summer and had the Jurassic Park figures. I remember dinosaurs were popular designs on back to school supplies. I had a few folders that had dinos on them. Power Rangers cashed in on the craze too.